Braum, the Heart of the Freljord


For funsies in case you missed

First look

To me the champion is a combination of Taric and Leona but without the CC. The main problem of this champion seems to be levels 1-5 due lack of initiation. You're like Taric without any CC or sustain to your AD carry. Getting hard pushed against tower is expected which makes me wonder if it's worth to pick him as it's really easy to counter with poke supports.

Level 6 is a turning point. It was ridicilous how much damage you could soak and the CC lock against immobile adc's was so good. I haven't tried going against mobile ad carries yet but I expect them to be farm lanes even after 6. Miused E will however backfire a lot and you end up being ignored and ADC gets destroyed.

Braum + Lucian lane is certainly the best choice as it seems now. No questions asked. You want to have Lucian going in with E when there is a possibility of not getting instalocked. Then use W to jump at him and soak all damages with E while Lucian can proc passive insanely fast and then it's just chase over kill with your Q slow.

Build: Relic Shield --> Doran's Shield --> Sightstone/ Targon's Brace --> Boots --> face of the mountain --> Mercury's Treads --> Locket of the Iron Solari/ Iceborn Gauntlet --> Randuin's Omen

Situational: Mikael's Blessing, Sunfire Aegis, talisman of ascension

Note on Locket: Shields are really strong for Braum so I'd maybe consider it a core propably.

Summoners: Heal/ Exhaust + Flash

Runes: Armor marks, health seals, mres blues, armor quints

Masteries: 0/21/9 or 0/16/14