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Question for you: If Nasus has a Tiamat and manages to kill multiple enemies with Siphoning Strike does he get the +3 bonus for each of them? Or does it only activate for the main target?
No, the stacks will only apply on the minion on which you used the Q
this list is open to debate. :P
For exemple I almost always choose boots of swiftness over merc/tabi, because I like to play a dog who can run (with trinity your lategame movespeed is just awesome, nobody can escape when you pop ghost !).
There is just one point on which I disagree : teemo. I completely wreck teemos with nasus (maybe I never faced a good one but...)yes I agree it's pretty hard ... pre-6 ! I start with doran's shield or null magic mantle, and just hug my tower till I'm 6. As soon as I reach lvl 6, I wait till he plants his first shroom (usually in a bush) and I go all in on him, pop wither/E/R and Q him to death. I always almost end up killing him, and then it's just rinse and repeat (because you can buy an early spectre's cowl with the kill gold).
The teemo's are usually overconfdent against nasus, and as you play the tamed dog leashed to his tower, they usually don't expect you to bite them in the nuts as soon as you're 6.
Anyways it's just my opinion on this matchup, and as I said I certainly never faced really good teemos (I'm pretty low ELO).
Thanks again for your hard work on this guide (and on your other guides as well btw)
Another thing is to think about adding a null-magic mantle as a starting item. While not ideal in most cases but grabbing it early against AP harass champs such as Vlad and Teemo it can be life savors with an aggressive sustain set up. Plus you can build it into a Maw or Malmortius which really isn't bad on Nasus. I know most people only like one offensive item but the magic resist and shield makes Nasus Tankier than you think and can give you the extra teeth you need to shred your opponent quicker. Last thing would be to add some more situational items. Last whisper is always an excellent choice but BotRK, Ravenous Hydra, Blood Thirster and Youmuu's Ghost blade in certain situations are all very strong 5th or 6th items. I know most would yell Tank Nasus only but the fact is he is a melee fighter and AD is pretty damn good on him as well as LS, Armor Pen and Critical Chance in late game phases. Overall I love your guide and would love to see it go back to the top.
Should come to MF more on your own ^^