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Orianna Build Guide by Janitsu

AP Carry Orianna - Playing With Balls

AP Carry Orianna - Playing With Balls

Updated on June 11, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Janitsu Build Guide By Janitsu 14 2 144,957 Views 48 Comments
14 2 144,957 Views 48 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Janitsu Orianna Build Guide By Janitsu Updated on June 11, 2014
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Deepweed (1) | May 31, 2014 12:12am
Before you skim through my re-review on this guide instead of reading it because TL;DR rocks, please consider that it makes your reply incredibly off.

Okay, I see your reasoning for all your counterpoints. I also do believe that I did not correctly put out some points there, and the meta between our servers must be different. An example would be how Akali, Yasuo, and Ziggs are one of the few common mid picks.

First of all, I meant Morellonomicon can replace Athene's Unholy Grail in some AP matchups. I specifically said "some matchups" thus I don't understand why you think I would take Athene's Unholy Grail AND Morellonomicon (which, simply put, is preposterous). We aren't even in disagreement: I also believe that Morellonomicon is a counter-healers item! It's just that you SHOULD mention that in the guide, as you only mentioned it as "anti-AD".

Second, I think I screwed the part of my review about the matchups a bit. But why do you reply to me with tips? I believe these tips you are telling should be in your guide, not in your post (hence the concern). I was not even asking for tips. I am trying to let you consider some options when you do intend to make a write-up on those matchups.

Here are my corrections for that part as I did not write it properly:
a. Do get Chalice of Harmony versus Ziggs. Haunting Guise on first back is non-existent in real play. But, don't go right into AUG, and consider getting Haunting Guise BEFORE completing AUG.
b. I stand by harassing and zoning Akali as much as possible early game. And also, Chalice of Harmony -> Haunting Guise works very well here, because you don't need the CDR from AUG but rather the AP and health (burst and anti-burst) from Haunting Guise. I also mentioned getting a pink ward.
c. Versus Yasuo I stated getting Haunting Guise first, but I myself do believe that's not always optimal. If the Yasuo you're facing is aggressive, go Haunting Guise. If not, go Athene's.

Other notes:
a. Okay, it's your choice to use Mark of Hybrid Penetration. Maybe the way you play Orianna is such that you get in more damage with the physical damage from autoattacks mid-late, but I stand by the fact that those marks fall off late game in comparison to magic penetration.

b. I don't retract my statement on Command: Dissonance. When I say sparingly I mean use Command: Dissonance pre-6 if the slow can help you land 2-3 more autoattacks.

c. With the Syndra match up, I am trying to tell you that Syndra has a significant advantage over Orianna with equal skill. I don't think it's relevant that you make Syndra an easy match up based on the indecent plays of random platinum people on your server. The difficulty of a match-up AS WRITTEN IN A GUIDE should depend on the opponent mid's skill set and jungler synergy. If you stick to the idea that you can call an Orianna vs Syndra match up easy then I stick to the idea that I can call an Orianna vs Syndra match up difficult because every time I play Syndra versus Orianna, the enemy has no hope. Syndra is more like 8 or 9/10.

Finally, here's how I think I could help. Honestly help.

Versus AD. Your versus AD build item guide section doesn't really look that nice. To be frank, it's quite funny how you get Tear and Morello's as consecutive core items. For the most part, rushing Seeker's Armguard is a good idea versus burst AD casters because you can quickly get a Zhonya's Hourglass (especially against Zed, to make his ultimate useless against you for the rest of the game).

Cheat Sheet Problems. A note in your cheat sheet under core states that you get Sorcerer's Shoes -> Haunting Guise -> Athene's Unholy Grail (which by itself is agreeable) BUT it contradicts what's written in your item section. Another concern is how Liandry's Torment is listed as the first after-core when it should be the last.

Haunting Guise replacement. It's more than worth mentioning that Haunting Guise could be traded in for a better item late game.

Your gameplay section is bad. If you want your guide to rise again, then fix this section. Bad coding here and there, redundant sentences, wall of text, etc. etc. Honestly, the bulk of a GREAT guide should be gameplay. Here are some really helpful tips that worked wonders for me:
a. In early game, place the ball on the opposite side of the lane where your jungler is going to gank. This will make people generally move to the other side, and closer to your jungler for easier follow-up.
b. Spam Command: Dissonance on the way back to lane from the shop, or any time you're travelling great distances. It helps, and I personally have made amazing plays by simply being able to be in time for a fight when the enemy had thought I had just gone back.
c. In teamfights, it is a good idea to be behind a wall or cliff when the major part of the teamfight breaks out. This superior positioning can make you land really great Command: Shockwaves and maximize your damage output.
d. In early game again, using the Yoyo combo (Q + E) works well if the enemy has decent counter-trade. This also allows you to get an extra (Q + W) if the enemy decides to prolong the trade.
e. Take an extra point or two in Command: Protect earlier on when against bursty compositions.
f. Using Command: Attack in conjunction with counter-hitting is very strong.
Janitsu (569) | May 24, 2014 7:38am
Deepweed wrote:

Decent guide. Here's my evaluation:


1. Mana Regeneration Seals. This is just... yes. Correct. Even if you are constantly given the blue buff this is still important.

2. Morellonomicon. How wise of you to mention this item as a viable pick! Though, you should consider that in some match-ups Morellonomicon is core even versus AP mids. For example, if the enemy team has a Dr. Mundo, this item is absolutely as important as core for the sustained fights (CDR works here), extended farming (MRegen works here), and Grievous Wounds application.

3. In-depth Matchup Description. You covered majority of Orianna's opponents mid-lane. I just have a few words on this. Versus Yasuo, Ziggs, and Akali (the ones you haven't added yet) Haunting Guise would be the first core item. Playing against Ziggs is a bit tricky but it can be rated (3/10) in easiness if you understand the properties of Ziggs' zone. Versus Ziggs, you can either play defensively at long-range (further behind your own ranged creeps) or very offensively near your creep line. Dodge his skillshots and it's a guaranteed won lane. Versus Yasuo, you must play very proactively and determine the playsstyle of your opponent. Chances are you will not win the lane by force, so try to outfarm and outgank him. Versus Akali, take an early pink ward and be as aggressive as possible pre-6. Remember, whoever gets the first kill in this lane is guaranteed to win the lane. When she has her ultimate, outgank her (you will obviously outfarm her).


1. Hybrid Penetration Marks. Not to be condescending, but this is a mistake mathematically (which is done even by Diamond-rated Orianna players). Think of it this way: Lux and Orianna when played well will both utilize their autoattacks as frequently as possible. Why don't you get Hybrid Penetration Marks for Lux? You might say: " Orianna has her passive, and Hybrid Penertation Marks help her autoattack damage." But getting Hybrid Penetration Marks would only increase the damage output of Orianna's autoattacks equally with Lux. Her deals magic damage. All her abilites deal magic damage. So why trade better-scaling more overall damage from Magic Penetration marks for a wee little bit of extra damage on autoattacks that disgracefully falls off late? You shouldn't.

2. Don't suggest using Command: Dissonance early on. Before getting Chalice of Harmony you must use Command: Dissonance sparingly, especially because your damage from Command: Dissonance is insignificant due to it being only level 1 at the time. Pre-6, only use it on all-ins. Only starting at level 8, when Command: Dissonance would have reached level 2, I recommend to spam Q+W harass. Otherwise, Q harass works fine.

3. Kassadin is a very easy match-up now. Orianna is no longer countered by Kassadin due to the removal of silence. In fact, Orianna is a great counter to Kassadin now because you can just use Command: Protect when he uses Null Sphere and reply with autoattacks and maybe a Command: Attack when the shield wears off.

4. Syndra counters Orianna hard especially in high-ranked play. She outranges you, and she can 100-0 you post-6 as long as she lands a Dark Sphere + Scatter the Weak combo. Look at Faker's Orianna sitting at 0-3 out of early game in the All-Stars Finals Game 1. The only hope here is to rush Haunting Guise, outfarm, and outgank your opponent.


1. Utilization of Orianna's Command: Shockwave at point-blank range. Against an Akali, for example, you can cast your ultimate as soon as she dashes to you when you're just out of your own tower's aggro range to guarantee the hit and make her take a tower hit. This applies also with point-blank skirmishes (such as 1v1'ing a Katarina in mid-lane). The reason why it is better to cast your ultimate at point blank range if possible is because there is no internal cooldown after casting Command: Attack.

2. You haven't mentioned/considered boots enchantments.

That is all. I main Orianna, so I simply must know all of this.

Yours truly,



1. Note that I did not put them as the general recommended runes. Mana is rather easy to manage but health and armor isn't as easy to manage against some certain targets. I count them as viable.

2. Morellonomicon isn't really core vs AP mids because you usually have your Athene's Unholy Grail which already gives you CDR and mana regeneration which are the reasons you would buy Morellonomicon. Morellonomicon is a "replace" item for Athene's Unholy Grail and "counter-healers" item.

3. Against Ziggs I'd much rather go Chalice of Harmony first due to his damage (even autoattacks) being magic damage. It also increases my harassing potential due to the mana regeneration which is Ziggs weak point (mana and harassment are his worries). Against Akali you usually want to pre-6 just farm and harass if she comes to farm. After that I'd advice getting a pink ward to counter her Twilight Shroud. Against Yasuo I'd advice to stay away from your minions and harass him if you can.


1. This depends on the way you play. greater mark of hybrid penetration make your farming easier and increase your damage against your enemy. It depends on how much you attack your enemy and I've listed Greater Mark of Magic Penetration as a good alternative.

2. I do suggest using it early on to harass. Not too often, but if you can afford it.

3. I haven't updated the guide for a while

4. 2 points. 1. it's mostly skill matchup. One mess up from either of you and the other one usually wins. 2. On platinum level people usually don't play Syndra very well. Even if they main her.
Deepweed (1) | May 24, 2014 5:26am
Decent guide. Here's my evaluation:


1. Mana Regeneration Seals. This is just... yes. Correct. Even if you are constantly given the blue buff this is still important.

2. Morellonomicon. How wise of you to mention this item as a viable pick! Though, you should consider that in some match-ups Morellonomicon is core even versus AP mids. For example, if the enemy team has a Dr. Mundo, this item is absolutely as important as core for the sustained fights (CDR works here), extended farming (MRegen works here), and Grievous Wounds application.

3. In-depth Matchup Description. You covered majority of Orianna's opponents mid-lane. I just have a few words on this. Versus Yasuo, Ziggs, and Akali (the ones you haven't added yet) Haunting Guise would be the first core item. Playing against Ziggs is a bit tricky but it can be rated (3/10) in easiness if you understand the properties of Ziggs' zone. Versus Ziggs, you can either play defensively at long-range (further behind your own ranged creeps) or very offensively near your creep line. Dodge his skillshots and it's a guaranteed won lane. Versus Yasuo, you must play very proactively and determine the playsstyle of your opponent. Chances are you will not win the lane by force, so try to outfarm and outgank him. Versus Akali, take an early pink ward and be as aggressive as possible pre-6. Remember, whoever gets the first kill in this lane is guaranteed to win the lane. When she has her ultimate, outgank her (you will obviously outfarm her).


1. Hybrid Penetration Marks. Not to be condescending, but this is a mistake mathematically (which is done even by Diamond-rated Orianna players). Think of it this way: Lux and Orianna when played well will both utilize their autoattacks as frequently as possible. Why don't you get Hybrid Penetration Marks for Lux? You might say: " Orianna has her passive, and Hybrid Penertation Marks help her autoattack damage." But getting Hybrid Penetration Marks would only increase the damage output of Orianna's autoattacks equally with Lux. Her deals magic damage. All her abilites deal magic damage. So why trade better-scaling more overall damage from Magic Penetration marks for a wee little bit of extra damage on autoattacks that disgracefully falls off late? You shouldn't.

2. Don't suggest using Command: Dissonance early on. Before getting Chalice of Harmony you must use Command: Dissonance sparingly, especially because your damage from Command: Dissonance is insignificant due to it being only level 1 at the time. Pre-6, only use it on all-ins. Only starting at level 8, when Command: Dissonance would have reached level 2, I recommend to spam Q+W harass. Otherwise, Q harass works fine.

3. Kassadin is a very easy match-up now. Orianna is no longer countered by Kassadin due to the removal of silence. In fact, Orianna is a great counter to Kassadin now because you can just use Command: Protect when he uses Null Sphere and reply with autoattacks and maybe a Command: Attack when the shield wears off.

4. Syndra counters Orianna hard especially in high-ranked play. She outranges you, and she can 100-0 you post-6 as long as she lands a Dark Sphere + Scatter the Weak combo. Look at Faker's Orianna sitting at 0-3 out of early game in the All-Stars Finals Game 1. The only hope here is to rush Haunting Guise, outfarm, and outgank your opponent.


1. Utilization of Orianna's Command: Shockwave at point-blank range. Against an Akali, for example, you can cast your ultimate as soon as she dashes to you when you're just out of your own tower's aggro range to guarantee the hit and make her take a tower hit. This applies also with point-blank skirmishes (such as 1v1'ing a Katarina in mid-lane). The reason why it is better to cast your ultimate at point blank range if possible is because there is no internal cooldown after casting Command: Attack.

2. You haven't mentioned/considered boots enchantments.

That is all. I main Orianna, so I simply must know all of this.

Yours truly,

sortkaffe (2) | May 5, 2014 12:53am
Voted +1
Neat guide. Really good habbit with "Item to get" in the match up section!
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | March 19, 2014 11:07am
Voted +1

total score: 90% (18/20)

information accuracy/cheatsheet viability: 10/10
The items in the cheatsheet and skill order look fine to me. Though it should be noted that you can actually max W first in some match-ups.

The offense tree masteries in the cheatsheet don't match the ones shown in the guide.

I personally have never liked Tear of the Goddess on Orianna, even in primarily AD match-ups. It's probably a lot better now, but previously it was a bit hard to stack (due to her fairly long CDs at early levels) and made you easier to burst than if you had just bought double Doran's Rings > Haunting Guise with an eventual Morellonomicon for CDR/mana regen (my personal preference against AD assassins mid). To each their own though. I also feel Deathfire Grasp is worth mentioning.

coding/appearance/readability: 3/5
nicely coded, but there are some really badly phrased sentences and quite a few grammatical errors that make this guide slightly awkward to read. e.g. "She is all about burst in the late game, but her early game damage is just insane, too." (the comma after insane is unnecessary). If you want more examples feel free to ask.

extra credit:
You get 5 extra credit points for your tips. As an Ori player myself, it's nice to see more than one good guide for her for once.
Janitsu (569) | February 6, 2014 9:09pm

you should add the new AD meta champions at matchups , the likes of Kha'zix , Zed , Riven on mid

Kha'Zix and Zed aren't really played that much anymore. Or at least, played as mids. Riven is the only one of them who actually is still played.
GhostMihneaRO (1) | February 6, 2014 5:04pm
you should add the new AD meta champions at matchups , the likes of Kha'zix , Zed , Riven on mid
Janitsu (569) | January 28, 2014 12:10pm
Meiyjhe wrote:

Thy sins
1. I myself don't play Orianna all that much anymore, but I think 1 dorans is enough.
2. "against AD" part in the cheatsheet looks out of place. Create an alternate build path instead.
3. Bring the gameplay section before the matchups section or make a shortcut.

Thy blessing
1. C2V
2. Build overal looks fine
3. All basics included
4. Good use of coding and structure
5. Bonus: Matchups and synergies

Thy thingies
1. Once I was reading the guide I was thinking: I have seen this before. But then I rememberedinos that I already semi-reviewed it :O

Result: Path of the Successor
Everything seems fine overal. Some more depth within the tactical section is welcome, other than that I am content.


(Do not forget to vote! :D)

accually is plagiarisisism

will fix 2day or 2morow
Meiyjhe (539) | January 28, 2014 12:07pm
Voted +1
Thy sins
1. I myself don't play Orianna all that much anymore, but I think 1 dorans is enough.
2. "against AD" part in the cheatsheet looks out of place. Create an alternate build path instead.
3. Bring the gameplay section before the matchups section or make a shortcut.

Thy blessing
1. C2V
2. Build overal looks fine
3. All basics included
4. Good use of coding and structure
5. Bonus: Matchups and synergies

Thy thingies
1. Once I was reading the guide I was thinking: I have seen this before. But then I rememberedinos that I already semi-reviewed it :O

Result: Path of the Successor
Everything seems fine overal. Some more depth within the tactical section is welcome, other than that I am content.


(Do not forget to vote! :D)
Janitsu (569) | January 26, 2014 1:43am
koksei wrote:


+ Orianna can trade any mid with her autoattacks because they deal huge amounts of damage

I dont like ur wording in the con section.. u always write can while it should be. "Teamfights ARE..."

I am kind of a barrier lover and dont think ignite is all too good on ori.

If u get chalice or mask u really dont need the 2nd d ring.

You can also get this as your 5th or 6th item, if you think you don't need it before.
- get it 4th or 5th 90% of the time 4th.

Why exactly would u get guise rather than chalice vs champs like leblanc?
u can just go ring-chalice-guise...
mistake like dis shouldnt be in a plat guide from a midlane main ~

When you hit lvl 6, try to kill the enemy champion with Ignite + Command: Attack + Command: Shockwave + Command: Dissonance + autoattack combo.

eh.. no u dont wanna waste ur ult which is easy to dodge with stuff like flash the instant u hit 6.
+ u really shouldnt make people think its basically a sure kill on 6.
any1 with brains wont even get rather close to u and if u go to aggressive the jungler ****s u up.

What u should mention is that u can easily use it when their flash is down and not just go herpaderp on level 6.

Otherwise u basically safe it until ur jungler comes around.

With the cooldown reduction you have your ultimate has 60 seconds cooldown, meaning that you can use it twice in a long teamfight.

no, a "teamfight" is over once a team retreats and comes back. theres like no way u can use 2 ults, u cant even do that with lux properly who has 24secs cd.

All in all I feel like you mainly beat around the bush while not mentioning too much important information.
And actually handing out some semioptimal ones. Plus you arent supposed to make orianna sound like the greatest champion in the world, this is a guide it should be neutral and realistic, some scenarios in here kinda assume ur enemies are just ******ed.
Sometimes this whole crawl into your friends a** stuff on mobafire just goes too far.

(I am not saying there is another ori guide thats better, didnt even have a look)
Theres prolly more but I cbf to go even more indepth.
Kudos for the art tho.

1. fix'd

2. edited

3. Well, I do say when Barrier is completely viable option, you can take it most of the time anyways. I just like Ignite because it really adds damage and it's good against these current top/junglers ( Dr. Mundo/ Shyvana etc.)

4. that was a mistake which I didn't delete because I didn't notice it

5. Well, edited that

6. with that I mean that you should get the haunting guise and then go for chalice because health is effective against her and it increases YOUR burst

7. and 8. edited
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