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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Please Fix and Balance The Matchmaking System...kkthx

This is probably already heavily covered but I don't understand why the matchmaking system has a hard time balancing matches, especially blind pick.

It would seem to me that when it matches a team together it would use the average summoner level, the overall wins/losses of the combined team, and probably more but that would seem a good start. I don't know if they use that type of filter in the match making system or the system is just busted but there should rarely be any games that require a 20 minute surrender.

I've played about 200 games since I started playing like a month ago and if I had to guess less than 5% of these games were fairly matched and competitive. Almost always it's either a blow out on either side (seems mostly against my team). The blowouts are so bad that you find yourself wishing you could just reach for the reset button like they had on the old Nintendo System to start over because you know you're about to waste at least 20 minutes of your life.

The least …

Series to Bronze IV - Nordensgaard

Okay, so since i started doing this blog thing, i only won my games. so currently, im in my Series to Bronze 4.

The winning game that made me get to the promotion was a Maokai game, as top.. i usually never play maokai as top, but oh well, had to give it a shot.

I was against a nasus, it was actually a pretty hard lane in the beginning, but thanks to my jungle (Xin Xhao) i managed to get a first blood on Nasus. i did do ALOT of mistakes tho, i didnt check hes summoner spells, and it turned out he had Teleport. and he killed me.

i started out with Crystaline Flask, 1 ward and 1 mana potion, since Maokai is a very mana hungry champion, also i know Nasus has alot of sustain, so i tried to outsustain him with my build and my passive.

At my first B i bought Wardens Mail, and Sapphire Crystal, to get a bit more sustain against nasus. <-- totally forgot to buy boots, which was kinda bad because he could just chase me down, this only happend one time tho, after that i bought my boots.

I r…

Starting Day, Climbing Ladder from Bronze V -...

Hello everyone out there! i actually just got this idea, to blog my climbing from Bronze V. and i'm pretty sure that theres already some blogs out there, about this. but oh well, i just thought it could be a good idea. specially for myself, to see how things are going.

Now some personal information about me, Well my name is Søren, im danish and im 18 years old. i've started playing league of legends in the pre-season 3. and it was a VERY hard game for me, like REALLY really hard. i know im not the best player out there, ( since im stuck in Bronze..) but i DO KNOW that I have improved MY gameplay, since i started playing league.

i used to be one of those players, just playing any lane, or role. and i used to rage at players if they do mistakes in the game. but i kinda quitted that now, it happens once in a while, eventually having a bad day, and i just go RAAGGEEEEE ingame. but i usually try to stop myself, before reaching this point. i heard plenty of players telling me that, the me…

Coming Soon

Hello its me again, MyBloodisBlack with a important announcement

I am in the process of purchasing a game capture card and when I finally get it I will be using it to broadcast a brand new Youtube channel called Gaming RageQuit where I will be going through each champion trying them out like a complete newbie and commenting on how I feel I did and how much fun the champion is to play as a newcomer to Legend of Legends.

Now I am sure others are already doing this but I am hoping that I can add a bit more to all this by not actually having a real clue how to actually play as the champion and videoing my attempts to get to grips with them, pointing out where I personally feel the champion strength and weaknesses are and to have a good laugh with it all.

hopefully you guys will like it and perhaps see me improve as a summoner whilst I play, Be sure to watch the first episode at least when I get around to it where I will be playing SORAKA since I am already firmular with her so I might a…

Character Insight: Will (WillTheYordle)

WillTheYordle Presents: His Lore

Name: Will (Sometimes Reffered to as Zero by regular bar attenders.)
Species: Yordle
Height: 0.65 meters
Weight: Unknown (Predicted to be a healthy weight.)
Skin Texture: Slightly Furry, Pale skin
Build: Average strength, long tail with cat-like ears. Arms and legs are at an "average" length.
Preferred Outfit: Dark blue/black T-shirts and shorts, with a blue with white stripe jacket during the winter months. Leather shoes and socks that are usually one black and one white. Blue/gold glasses on forehead in case he needs to start fighting.
Occupation: Invention tester at the Yordle Academy of Science & Progress, sole bar tender of the Zero Gravity bar.* (See Outside the lore for additional details.)
Talents/Abilities: Will has a specialty for Ice magic, and affecting others emotions with words alone. Will was given a set of Hextech Hoverwings by his friends Arn and Autumn, who attend the Yordle Academy of Science & Progress.
Personality: Tries to see the…

Fan Art Submission!!!

Hi Everyone!

As my first post, I would like to recognize the fan art that I recently submitted to the Summoner's Showcase gallery! It's always been my dream to combine gaming and art and to be able to submit something and have others see it and recognize the champions to reflect upon their own experience is truly the reward of it all. By simply following this link, and liking my drawn sketch of Kog'Maw, Riven, Draven, and Ashe, you are giving me a chance to be featured in a summoner's showcase episode!

This is the story which I had attached to the picture for my submission!

My three friends, along with myself, played these four champions as our main champions for the first month of our league experience! I, of course playing Battle Bunny Riven (though she is a hybrid of her two skins in the photo) fell in love with a top lane, tanky DPS and progressed to other champions of the same…

Day 1 On The Road To No Where

Let's see...... how to start this blog off. Oh yes!

Day #1

So me and my friends are warming up. We're trying to be serious as can be so we can cooperate on our ranked team.

I go ADC as Miss Fortune and would't ya know it bud "moonveil knight" jungled.
So my last friend "Icewithinfire" goes mid as Anivia
Half way through the match I look as his build.
I had to face palm so bad.

What I said to the other team "/all GG Aniva built Rylai's"

Needless to say mid was lost, but that is why we practice I guess.

He is never allowed to play Anivia again.

Weekly Diamond Jungle Musings - Patch 3.8 Jungle...

Hey guys Lasty back again, sorry for this post coming a day late. My computer was in the shop. I'm experiencing some FPS drops in team fights so I had a Solid State Drive installed blah blah...Anyway this week we are going to look at the upcoming jungle changes and how this will effect the current meta. I'm going to keep this post fairly short because last weeks post was a HUGE wall of text.

For those that haven't seen the changes yet I'll just sum it up. All the camps will now spawn at 1:55. The Blue/Red buffs now give 275 XP up from 220.

So what does this mean for the current Jungle Meta and why the change?

Lets first focus on why they implemented this change. Basically at high levels of play Blue side was getting a huge advantage because their bot lane could do the golems. This wasn't a huge issue in low elo because players didn't know to start golems, or if they did, they didn't know how to capitalize on the advantage. At high elo you literally have to lane swap on purpl…

State of Co-op vs. AI

I've gotten a few friends into LoL recently, and I played some bot games with them to try and teach them the basics in a stress-free environment. Last-hitting, pushing, jungle timers, harassing, building/counterbuilding, teamfighting, global objectives, etc.

Unfortunately, those matches proved to be far less educational than I assumed. In fact, I can conclude that playing bot games inevitably makes you worse at LoL, for a plethora of reasons that I will highlight below:

Lack of proper matchmaking discourages teamwork

Matchmaking for Co-op vs. AI depends not on any form of elo/MMR, only by summoner level. This means that even if you're in Diamond, queueing for Co-op vs. AI may as well match you with a Rumble who starts Mana Manipulator and feeds first blood in 2 minutes. Granted, this barely matters since you can carry 1v5 against bots, but it's not very conducive to establishing a teamwork environment; since you have zero confidence in the abilities of your teammates, every game t…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide