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Aphelios Build Guide by xMontu

ADC #1 Aphelios ADC In-Depth Build Guide + Weapon Combo's

ADC #1 Aphelios ADC In-Depth Build Guide + Weapon Combo's

Updated on September 17, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xMontu Build Guide By xMontu 126 15 299,112 Views 8 Comments
126 15 299,112 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xMontu Aphelios Build Guide By xMontu Updated on September 17, 2020
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Runes: PTA (Recommended)

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order Abilities


Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Champion Build Guide

#1 Aphelios ADC In-Depth Build Guide + Weapon Combo's

By xMontu
Hey! I'm xMontu, A long time league of legends player. I've hit Platinum as both an ADC and a Mid Laner. I am extremely excited to play Aphelios and become one of if not the best at him. I had a similar goal with Qiyana which i achieved and become top 50 with her ranking up over 250k Points combined between all accounts. But I'm even more interested and devoted to Aphelios. This guide will always be changing because I will put almost all my time into mastering his arsenal.
I will be livestreaming a lot of aphelios as I learn to master his arsenal over on my twitch channel at all support is greatly appreciated!
I will also be making a lot of content mostly about aphelios as I learn to play him and find all the cool/ funny mechanics over on my Youtube channel at all support is greatly appreciated!
Press the Attack: It synergizes extremely well with a variety of different weapons and is extremely broken on a couple of them. Activating PTA makes your ability to 100-0 someone much more reliable. PTA is easiest to activate while using Severum, the Scythe Pistol because Onslaught activates it almost instantly. Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle is the second easiest to activate PTA because all it takes is auto, Q, auto to activate it. Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon also makes it easy to activate PTA since you can auto, Q, auto auto. While using Infernum, the Flamethrower the fastest way to activate PTA is just auto, Q, auto. I don't Recommend using Crescendum, the Chakram to activate PTA as it is the slowest but I believe that Crescendum, the Chakram has the Best PTA combo in using Severum, the Scythe Pistol(Main Hand) Q first to not only activate PTA but also make copies of Crescendum, the Chakram(off hand) to then switch Crescendum, the Chakram to Main hand after activating PTA to dish out a destructive amount of Damage using the multiple copies of Crescendum, the Chakram combined with PTA.
Overheal: Absolutely amazing when put in combination with Legend: Bloodline and Severum, the Scythe Pistol. Especially since you start the game with that weapon it gives you amazing sustain in the early game.
Legend: Alacrity: Gives great sustain when used with the scaling power of the Severum, the Scythe Pistol lifesteal.
Coup de Grace: Best rune in this tree.
Magical Footwear: Getting free boots with extra movement speed is extremely valuable, with the only downside is getting it 12 minutes into the game, but as an adc you shouldnt have to roam much.
Biscuit Delivery: Lane Sustain = OP
Flash is necessary and super useful on almost every champion on the game. Always. Take. Flash.
Heal is the most common combat spell since it allows you to heal up to win a fight or to just survive, and allows you to use to speed for either engage or disengage.
Cleanse is useful in cases where there are champions on the enemy team(especially in bot lane) that have a single or at the very most 2 CC/lockdown abilities. You are extremely vulnerable to them and will almost always lead to a death. Cleanse can be useful in situations where the enemy has those kinds of champions such as Veigar Nami Fiddlesticks Morgana Ashe and Shen
Barrier is really useful when there is an all-in Support with either a pull, or multiple CC abilities such as Leona Thresh Nautilus Blitzcrank and Pyke
Doran's Blade: Extremely gold efficient and gives a lot of good stats including the extra AD, Health, and Life Steal.
Essence Reaver: Great First Item to buy, grants AD, Crit, and most importantly the CDR you need to spam abilities combined with the passive to get mana sustain
Infinity Edge: The amount of Damage that you dish out with this item is crazy, literally enough to 100-0 someone. You will need the Damage because your next 2 core items are Attack Speed Items.
Berserker's Greaves: Good Mobility, and Extra Attack speed which is very valuable on Aphelios.
Runaan's Hurricane: This may be the most broken item on Aphelios, for similar reasons to why its so good on Jinx. While using Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon you can apply the passive to multiple people with one auto, follow it up with Binding Eclipse and you have a aoe root. Similarly with Infernum, the Flamethrower you have multiple Damage cones coming out of every target. The Crescendum, the Chakram copies and just create a Devastating amount of Damage. And those are just the most broken ones, it works great with both Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle and Severum, the Scythe Pistol as well. I would almost always go for this item.
Rapid Firecannon: This will increase your attack range which will just allow you to land your devastating auto attacks more reliably, landing a Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon shot can lead to a root, landing a Crescendum, the Chakram while having a lot of copies can quite literally grant you a kill, landing an Infernum, the Flamethrower can grant you a kill on a extremely distant target, the combinations of Runaan's Hurricane and Rapid Firecannon are actually endless. With these 3 Items you are already a 1v9 Machine.
Bloodthirster: Grants you double the lifesteal as Mercurial Scimitar AND it takes no skill to use, literally right click and you gain lifesteal. In combination with Severum, the Scythe Pistol, you can heal back to full hp in just a few auto attacks.
Mercurial Scimitar: Same reason's as Bloodthirster, while it does have less lifesteal then Bloodthirster it has the added benefit of having that Quicksilver Sash passive that can get you out of a really rough spot. This item is of course a lot more situational then Bloodthirster and will take some getting used to.
Last Whisper: Most games you will need a last whisper item especially now in the tank meta most teams will have 1-2 tanks. Either Mortal Reminder or Lord Dominik's Regards depending on the enemy team comp. Most of the time Mortal Reminder is the best option because of the amount of healing in the game right now. But if the enemy team lacks a lot of healing as has a lot of armor Lord Dominik's Regards will be the better option.
Phantom Dancer OR Statikk Shiv: Either one of these items will bring you up to 100% crit if you absolutely need it. Choosing between the two will come down to either defense or extra damage. Phantom Dancer will offer you the lifeline passive which will give you a defensive shield when you reach a certain health threshold. Meanwhile Statikk Shiv gives you extra aoe damage if you can afford not getting the lifeline passive.
These are all current Combo's / Combination's that i currently know about. They are NOT in any order and DOES NOT display which weapon should be on the main hand and off hand as that is very situational. But it shows you all combos possible with all 10 different combination of weapons. Will be updated regularly.

After using Onslaught you can auto from any range with Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Severum if you need the healing.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Calibrum if you need the Raw Damage of Ult, followed by an auto from any range with Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle.

After using Moonshot switch to Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon and auto attack from any range and use Binding Eclipse for root.

Use Binding Eclipse to secure a Moonshot followed by an auto attack from any range.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum to follow with up with a Binding Eclipse to root everyone you hit with Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Calibrum if you need the Raw Damage of Ult Followed by an auto from any range.

Use Moonshot to then fire a aoe auto attack from any range with Infernum, the Flamethrower.

Use Duskwave and if it hits, you can auto with Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle from any range.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Infernum into a group of enemies to create a massive aoe explosion followed by enhanced auto attacks.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Calibrum if you need the Raw Damage of Ult Followed by an auto from any range.

Use Moonshot and auto to create 1 copy of Crescendum, the Chakram.

Use Sentry to place a turret equipped with Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle and auto FROM ANY RANGE every time your Sentry hits an enemy.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Crescendum to generate a large amount of copies of Chakram and just go off in the teamfight.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Calibrum if you need the Raw Damage of Ult Followed by an auto from any range.

Use Onslaught to get an easy root with Binding Eclipse after.

Use Binding Eclipse to secure all hits with Onslaught.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum to follow with up with an AOE root using Binding Eclipse towards everyone you hit with your Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Severum if you need the healing.

Use Onslaught to shoot an AOE auto attack every other attack with Infernum, the Flamethrower.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Infernum into a group of enemies to create a massive aoe explosion followed by enhanced auto attacks.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Severum if you need the healing.

Use Sentry to get long range life steal with Severum, the Scythe Pistol.

Use Onslaught to create copies of Crescendum, the Chakram.

Most of the time you want to use Moonlight Vigil, Crescendum to generate a large amount of copies of Chakram and just go off in the teamfight using Crescendum, the Chakram.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Severum if you need the healing.

Use Duskwave to then after use Binding Eclipse and root ALL enemies hit with the Duskwave.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Infernum to create a damaging AOE effect.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum to follow it up with a aoe root using Binding Eclipse towards everyone you hit with your ult.

Use Duskwave on 4+ enemies (combination of champions and minions) to create copies of Crescendum, the Chakram equal to the amount of enemies hit.

Use Sentry equipped with Infernum, the Flamethrower for it to fire aoe attacks.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Crescendum to create copies of Crescendum, the Chakram and maximize dps.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Infernum to create a damaging AOE effect.

Use Sentry equipped with Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon to then root all enemies hit with your Sentry using Binding Eclipse.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum to follow it up with a aoe root using Binding Eclipse towards everyone you hit with your ult.

Use Moonlight Vigil, Crescendum to create copies of Crescendum, the Chakram and maximize dps.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xMontu
xMontu Aphelios Guide
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#1 Aphelios ADC In-Depth Build Guide + Weapon Combo's

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