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I would recommend banning him as he is played a lot and one wrong step can lead to your death. He punishes hard.
Staple Teemo enemy. His entire kit counters Teemo the biggest one being his shield as it blocks Teemos first shot. Ban this champ if you are an early pick and if you are picking later ban someone else and hope they don't random pick panth. (Not many people do)
Garen is the easiest champ to verse if you do it right. Your Q blinds him so hit him with it right before his Q (Running Sword Silence Ability) hits you. This will completely block it if timed. Your W will speed you up so you get away from his W (Spinning Damage)
Cho is actually really annoying as his Q has a pretty long range. If he hits it then you get knocked up and he has enough time to combo you and you're dead before you know it. His W cancels you're W. Not played much so don't worry about the ban.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty annoying with his healing and his cleaver is easily dodged but if you're hit as a squishy champion you can easily be killed.
Dont let her dash to you and get close just zone and poke her out. Squishy champ so mid to late game shrooms with ruin her day.
Gangplank is easy to deal with just be aware and run out of his barrels and poke him out. Beware as the barrels will do a lot of damage so don't let him snowball early.
Ok champ to verse you can easily poke him out and beat him just watch out for his energy as once he goes mega he can kill you so always back up before he goes mega.
Heimer is a counter as hes ranged and his turrets do a lot of damage to you even early. His turrets can also CS for him and he scales bad.
Pretty annoying with her tentacles but she is super squishy early so you need to win the early game. Be careful and prioritize dodging her tentacles as they will hurt and make sure she doesnt hit her skillshot as she makes a clone of you and can damage it until you leave the circle
Pretty annoying champ played on a good player but if you are lower elo you wont see her much due to her nerfs and her high skill cap. Barley ever played but can destroy you if they know what they're doing.
Pretty easy to play against just dont give him kills as this champ can snowball hard. Since he is AD your Q blocks his auto attacks. Beware as his jump stun combo is deadly if he hits it mid game so play far enough back and CS.
Kayle is pretty easy to beat you just have to be sure not to be caught out of position if he's low as he can ult and quickly turn the fight.
Kennen early relies on hitting his skill shot so hide behind minions and dodge his shot. You scale better and do more damage later with this build and you should be able to kill him early if you poke him and punish when he misses his skillshot.
Kled can be annoying as once you get him low he can resummon his mount and turn the fight or run away. His stun has good range but if you casts it on you and you walk out of the area to cancel you can turn and punish him with a quick q auto or auto q auto if you have enough space and time.
Malphite isn't played much but when he is played properly it can be dangerous but if you farm and poke safely when you can he wont all in you and you might even be able to kill him. Remember to punish him when he walks up for CS.
Maokai is a rarely seen champ but he is more now then the past few months. Be sure to just outfarm and outscale him because if you get caught too close he can combo you and easily dominate lane if you dont stay back.
Morde can be hard to deal with as he can get pretty beefy so play safe and farm so you can beat the squishy targets mid game and full build he can be beaten with your magic pen.
You have to zone nasus or at least be a threat in the lane because if you let nasus farm then he will gain stacks and easily be a dominate player in the mid to late game.
Ornn can be beaten in the early game and he is a utility toplane late game and early he can be still dangerous if you mess up so still play cautious.
Poppy can kill you early but you should dominate this lane through the poke and you can dodge her abilities pretty easy. Make sure to punish her for farm and you should win the trades.
Quinn is a champ that can out trade you early but around after second item you should start winning trades. Late game you can destroy quinn if you played the early and mid game right.
Renekton is kind of a broken champ in my opinion if he's played right. He has a dash, healing, damage and he is a tank as well.
Riven is extremely annoying as she can just jump onto you and stun as you are super squishy she can easily kill you in a combo mid game. Be sure to play safe and not to overextend.
You can out trade rumble if you make the trades short. Be sure to q auto and then back off or else he wins the trade. Even if it looks like you didn't win the trade with a maxed E your poison will win it for you once you back off.
Shen is a pretty good champ because he is a tank but also does a decent amount of damage early. In this matchup just farm and then later on you can carry your team with the AP late game. Don't try to trade shen too often as he can hurt.
Singed is easy. Be sure to poke at max range and you can easily kill him. He is super squishy and really hard to do well with against ranged. If you are against him be sure to zone and poke but if he runs towards you quickly backup as he can kill you once he sprays the sticky spray and throws you back into his poison. So just remember to max range poke and farm = easy.
Sion does a lot of damage early and if he goes either full AD, AP or tank he can still kill you until late game. His Q can stun you and will easily do half your health. Stay super back and safe farming until either lane is over or you're sure that he wont be able to punish you hard in a trade. Most of the time you wont be able to trade him unless somehow you get fed early or he just sucks.
Tahm Kench
Kench is sometimes played top but you can easily win this matchup if you punish him early. Be sure not to walk up far as his slow from his lick is annoying. You win trades early but he gets way too tanky in the later game and also starts to do more damage as he scales AD off of his max health.
You can punish trynd for CS but be sure to be far enough back as he can spin through the minions and use his slow to easily kill you. Watch his fury level as he will attempt to trade/all in once the fury gets full. Don't put your self into risky kills as his ult can easily turn the fight. Never try to tower dive because again, his ult will ruin you. Be sure to remember he can be invincible so even when you think he's going to die he wont.
When you are against a yas top it is bad for you. If he's half decent he will be able to wind wall in time to block your poke and can dash through the minions easily to hit you. Be sure if you are against him not to stand in or beside the minions as he will kill you for it.
God this champ is annoying. He isn't played that much be he is being seen more recently. Make sure that you stay back as he can win trades and win late game. He will try and split push so beware of that.
The quick damage with ult while you throw a shroom in leads to huge wins on team fights.
Dr. Mundo
The slow from mundo helps you dish out huge damage.
If veig throws down a cage throw a shroom on whoever gets caught this leads to a huge amount of damage as veigar can dish out crazy Ap damage.
The E from jax is huge as it stuns for a good amount of time for you to spam auto attacks.
Illaoi ult plus your shrooms is so much damage.
If she roots an enemy with a max level Q throw a shroom and auto away
His ult in and his fear combo allows you so much time to spam autos and Q's for an easy
The quick damage with ult while you throw a shroom in leads to huge wins on team fights.
Dr. Mundo
The slow from mundo helps you dish out huge damage.
If veig throws down a cage throw a shroom on whoever gets caught this leads to a huge amount of damage as veigar can dish out crazy Ap damage.
The E from jax is huge as it stuns for a good amount of time for you to spam auto attacks.
Illaoi ult plus your shrooms is so much damage.
If she roots an enemy with a max level Q throw a shroom and auto away
His ult in and his fear combo allows you so much time to spam autos and Q's for an easy
In this guide, I will explain Items and the reasoning behind them, The skill sequence and why I think that's the best order. Pros / Cons and finally Teamfights.
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