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(P + Q + R) Hard to deal with, peel your funneler as much as possible while Nautilus is near
(Q + R) Very hard to counter R, ult your funneler after her R is finished
(W + R) His CC is very annoying, get Mikael
(W + R) Get Mikael's for the R
(R) Try to polymorph him after his E since he can simply waste your W if you use it too soon.
(E) Try not to step into her bubble
You can go Exhaust + Heal into this matchup, his damage is way too high if you don't have E / R for yourself or your partner. Polymorph doesn't help much because it doesn't remove Zed's R.
(E) After nerfs she's gone weaker, but still can one shot you if you don't react to her.
(W*) After Patch 9.8 buffs, Shadow Assassin form is going to screw you over harder than before due to extreme E cooldown reduction. Avoid giving him points for transformation.
(E*) Usually one shots, try to react as quick as possible and R when he's almost on you. Requires good reaction time to counter.
(Q) If she knows how to push the lane, she really messes your lane up hard, because of her fast wave clear.
(Q + R + W*) If you are playing with a Twitch, you will have hard time shooting through his windwall. Ask your Twitch to ban this champion.
(E) He can push quite fast, if your funneler doesn't step in his E, you both should be fine as long as you have good reactions to dodge his abilities.
(R) Pretty hard to play against, your funneler and you can't target her while she's in her shroud, her burst also makes it hard to play against, so just try to farm and wait for your partner to come.
(Q + E) Really annoying, since he has a lot of CC. His taunt makes it much harder for your partner to survive too, because of the Grievious Wounds + damage from Thornmail. Get Mikael for the taunt and watch out for his engages.
If he knows how to counter jungle Twitch, you are going to have a bad time. Always make sure your funneler is healthy and has enough HP to survive Kha'Zix's bursts.
(R + W*) Pokes you really hard in laning phase, make sure to always push her in. Make sure your Twitch is good enough to dodge her R.
(Q) Annoying champ if you step into her Q, make sure to not do that.
(E) Can one-shot easily, make sure to peel for your funneler around her.
(Q* + W* + R*) You need extremely good reaction to react to her flash + R, make sure you are prepared when you see that she has 3-4 stacks on her passive.
(W + E + R) Don't step into his E or W and you are fine. He's a melee champion so he's pretty easy to beat.
Pretty easy to beat, just polymorph or R her in fights.
(Q* + R) He can't do much. If he doesn't have flash make sure to kill him as much as possible. His ultimate isn't that bad if you R near him for the knock up effect or if you W to polymorph him.
(E) No escapes, easy target if he doesn't flash. I recommend getting Mikael's for him, since his E stun is very long and can really f*ck your funneler up.
(E) After nerfs, she's pretty useless against auto attack based funnelers, just make sure to constantly shield your partner, because you never know what damage to expect from this champion.
Ideal for Lulu, has everything you need, stealth for ganks, range for safe attacking and good jungle clear when he gets Runaan's. Another thing I have noticed is that the only thing that scales is his E, so building full attack speed with
%DMG + Lulu E + Ardent is very useful on him.
Master Yi
Very good choice too, I don't have much to say about this champion, because I rarely play him to funnel.
Good alternative for Twitch, has a lot of Twitch's features.
Goes very well with Lulu, can be a jungler too, if played correctly.
Flash + R combo can help Yasuo make a 5 man ult.
Ideal for Lulu, has everything you need, stealth for ganks, range for safe attacking and good jungle clear when he gets Runaan's. Another thing I have noticed is that the only thing that scales is his E, so building full attack speed with
%DMG + Lulu E + Ardent is very useful on him.
Master Yi
Very good choice too, I don't have much to say about this champion, because I rarely play him to funnel.
Good alternative for Twitch, has a lot of Twitch's features.
Goes very well with Lulu, can be a jungler too, if played correctly.
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