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Runes: Optimal
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Once akali hits 6, she will one shot you incredibly quickly. Try and catch her out pre-6, especially around level 3-5.
Champion Build Guide
+ Delete ADCs with Night Harvester while screaming "Welcome to Season 11 *****"
+ Strong wave clear with your E
+ W Damage Reduction can reach over 90% basically making you immune to AD champs
+ Keep your Sustain with BOTRK
+ Strong Teamfight Potential
- Q doesn't do a lot of damage once mid-game passes as you aren't building AD anymore
- Weak 1v1 Potential
- Squishier than the standard Irelia build (have to play safer)
- Might get reported if you feed

It seems to, however, you MUST win lane. If you don't you will fall behind very quickly and become a cannon minion. Here's an example.

Because of this, AP Irelia is very volatile and very difficult to use. However, when it works it is far more fun than standard Irelia, especially when you casually delete 3 people on their team with your Ult.
Thanks to BORK, lane is not as difficult as you'd think as BORK works really well on Irelia and is basically a core item for her at all times.
Hope you enjoyed this guide! I will be updating it frequently along with my other one. Good luck on the rift.
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