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Runes: grasp (safe)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order max W every game
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
u are ur own biggest threat, if u miss ur ult, u'll probably die and be embarrassed. if u Q on minion my accident, u just died, if u missplay or think for a moment that u are Rambo, u are dead, u cant 1v3+, any cc on u is lethal, thats why u have W, to give u speed so u can dodge, if u dont have a clear way for ult, dont ult they adc, someone will take that ult for him, and u'll die, if u dont have mana, go back, kill gromp, or eat a plant, a 1v1 fight usually takes 75% of ur mana. there are a lot of things u gotta watch out for, and things u shouldn't do, but a general rule is to play safe while 1v1, dont dive, dont trade under turret, dont push too much without vision.
If THEY have kha in jg, and he ganks u, u can 1v2
If THEY have kha in jg, and he ganks u, u can 1v2
Champion Build Guide
play aggressively, farm as much as possible early (use Q on cannons if u have to).
as a broken champ u can 1v1 90% of the game under 6th level, ur powerspikes are: -Level 3
-Boots + scepter
-Fisrt Mythic + botrk
ur job is to farm, 1v1 ur laner, kill gromp once in a while to refill urself, gank mid and help ur jg kill herald, fight for crab, invade.
if ur jg refuses to kill herald, just solo him.
-u can do a lot with ur Q;
-follow flash, teleport, dash, blink, etc.
-"dodge" lillia's R, dodge zoe' sleep, etc.
-Q has delayed damage and heal, so dont be suprised if u died but ur Q is on cooldown ("WHY DIDN'T I HEAL?!?!?!?!").
-ur R is stupid, no matter where u aim ur ult, if an enemy is right behind u, that counts as "inside your ult "hitbox"", so u will ult the guy behind u, thats important in teamfights.
u can fear while ur in Q, so u can hold Q, and while flying towards crab, fear it so it loses its shield, and do damage on exit with Q.
-W can glich, you can sudenly lose your speed at any momnet, even tho ur enemy is low. this is important when u want to ult, activate W just in case.
for the champs i didnt mention, go grasp, thats ur safe rune, while dinive is ur standard build, u should go sunfire if u want to go tank.
im not good at this game, this is just my experience from 400k points. u may not like some part of it. Sveti Petar eune, thats my acc, u might see some embarrassing games :D, but go to of league of graphs, and select ranked history, a bit less embarrassing.
do i encourage to play ww? -no, learn other champs, dog wont give u a clue about this game.
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