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Try not to get hit by pyke's Hook and Stun. If he gets fed, focus him instead of his adc just cus his ULT will wreck u if ur not careful.
Remember that you can still stun him will his shield is up. Stay out of his W jump range and throw your Q through him to hit his ADC to bait out his E.
Her spell shield will be your biggest enemy. I like to ban her, but if you do run into her. Make sure you don't forget she has that nasty spell shield. Try and just slowly poke her out and switch targets frequently to make her shield the wrong person.
No need to ban her. she's only a high threat because she will try to outpoke you at the beginning and her root will be very annoying. try to bait out her abilities pre-level 3. Let her waste her mana. Then stun and E combo her at level 3 to force her back.
Similar to lux her poke potential is quite high. Just try to bait out her root and you should be fine. If you do get rooted though, make sure to wall off the adc and try to Q, E, seraphine before backing off
If your brain is big, you will try not to fight him before level 6, unless the yasuo is a cocky bastard, he will most likely wind wall your crap. So just stay safe, farm, don't waste your mana. Hit level 6, R when he wind walls, bait him away from the wall, Q + W + E. Boom. Dead.
Easier said than done, stay behind minions until you can confidently say you can one combo him. If you get stuck in a stun loop, you are most likely dead. (even if you have your egg) Remember that you can still Q through the wave while he has to move around the wave to hook.
In most cases, trading early with the ADC would be worth it as the support because you have more pots. Against Jhin though...not the best choice. Try to stun him in his most vulnerable states. When he is farming minions, his attack animation is quite slow. Or when he has forth shot, he will most likely try to chase you for the hit. Stun him then.
You out burn him once you hit level 6. just don't worry about him too much. focus on the adc. If he oversteps his bounds, don't hesitate to stun him and spam ping your adc to finish him off.
With his high mobility he will be hard to hit with your stun. Try to kill his adc to make him have nowhere to dash to.
Thresh is the bread and butter of the support group. Even if your ADC gets hooked, your stun will reach him before he can even do anything. if he jumps to you or your adc, just place a point blank wall in his face, Q, E and fly away.
My personal favourite to play with. If you Q, E, W and Jhin does his E, W, AA combo. You should snag easy early kills
With your high amount of CC, Draven will have the time of his life speeding up and just obliterating enemies with his Chunky Monke Hits
Funnily enough, if they don't have a tanky support. Double mage bot lane works pretty well. The high cc and burst you can dish out is quite the scare.
My personal favourite to play with. If you Q, E, W and Jhin does his E, W, AA combo. You should snag easy early kills
With your high amount of CC, Draven will have the time of his life speeding up and just obliterating enemies with his Chunky Monke Hits
Funnily enough, if they don't have a tanky support. Double mage bot lane works pretty well. The high cc and burst you can dish out is quite the scare.
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