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Yorick Build Guide by LastLee

Top [11.9]Crazy Yorick Top lane Guide to LastLee

Top [11.9]Crazy Yorick Top lane Guide to LastLee

Updated on May 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Build Guide By LastLee 18 6 74,392 Views 7 Comments
18 6 74,392 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Yorick Build Guide By LastLee Updated on May 3, 2021
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Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[11.9]Crazy Yorick Top lane Guide to LastLee

By LastLee
Hey everyone I am LastLee ,and i am playing league of legend since the first season and now that i have more free time i would love to make more guides. Playing always ranked games and streaming .
I hope you will enjoy my guides and that they will be helpfull for you .
My english are not perfect but i will do my best so you will understand my way of thinking about Yorick .
This is my first guide in mobafire i wish you guys love it and will help you to play tahm in an other style .
Greeting LastLee
Summoner Spells


Flash is one of the most common spells in League of Leagends.Its a summoner Spell that is actualy from the begining of the this game ,most of the players in League will use.Without Flash you cant go far on this game you need it for the most champions that they have no rush or Flash skill to escape fights and to get on fights ,its the on way or an other.It is an extremely popular summoner spell due to the mobility it offers, and is especially vital on champions that entirely lack mobility abilities.
Teleportis mainly used to minimize laning downtime after .Teleport is a targeted summoner spell. It can be cast on a friendly turret, minion or ward anywhere on the map to teleport to them after a small channel. It is not stopped like Recall upon damage, but can still be disrupted by hard crowd control abilities such as stuns,Roots,and silences.An amazing summoner spells since season 2 used from most of the players that go top lane,can farm longer on lane and defend your lane as much as possible .
About Yorick
Yorick is a really strong top lane ,super tanky and also doing allot of damage to the opponent.He kind has everything in one thing like a multi champion, i love the way Yorick can push a lane and also farm all the way . You need always to focus on your push and also farming , it doesn't matter if you doesn't make kills in the beginning of the game , you need to play passive and wait for the opportunity of a kill dont chase them. When yorick activates his ulty he can also push a lane without being there just because his ult is pushing for it self with his minions.
So that makes Yorick on of the best top laners on this season.
Shepherd of SoulsTHE HORDE: Yorick and the Eulogy of the Isles Maiden of the Mist can have four total Mist Walkers under their command.

FINAL SERVICE: Yorick raises a Grave for every enemy champion and 12th / 6th / 2nd (based on level) non-champion enemy that dies near him, as well as for every enemy he kills with Last Rites Last Rites. Yorick can use Awakening Awakening to raise a Mist Walker from a Grave.

One of the most important thing on Yorick you keep summoning them and that will get your game done.

Last Rites Yorick's next basic attack within 6 seconds has Range , deals Attack damage bonus physical damage, and Heal power heals him.Lovely skill to farm but also to keep you on lane so you can activate you passive .If there are at least 3 Graves nearby, Yorick can cast Awakening within Last Rites.

Dark ProcessionAfter a 1-second delay, Yorick summons a circular wall of spirits around the target area that lasts up to 4 seconds, which enemies cannot walk through.

Mourning MistYorick hurls a globule of Black Mist that splashes across an off-centered area, dealing 15% of target's current health Ability power magic damage to all enemies hit, down to a minimum threshold.

Eulogy of the IslesYorick summons the Maiden of the Mist along with Mist Walkers, which remain on the battlefield until she or Yorick dies.While the Maiden of the Mist is alive, Eulogy of the Isles can be reactivated to set the Maiden free, letting her push the nearest lane until she dies.
Grasp of the Undying I love this rune because it does 4% damage from your max health and Yorick has enough health to help you do more damage in late game , on the other hand it also heals you 2% of your max health ideal from lane . So every 4 second you can use your rune so that perfect to keep you in position on top lane .

DemolishYou generate stacks on enemy structures within 600 units, up to 6 after 3 seconds. Your next attack versus a structure with 6 stacks deals bonus damage,grate way to push your lane faster and as Yorick grows its only easier to push and destroy your lane as fast as possible so you can help other lanes.

[[Bone plating] After taking damage from an enemy champion, for 1.5 seconds, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal less damage ,grate rune to protect in fights .

OvergrowthEvery 8 monsters or enemy minions that die near you permanently grants 3 bonus health.Overgrowth only counts unit deaths the champion has direct vision of. The effect radius is reduced when there is terrain or Nearsight blocking direct vision on dying units. Shared vision with other allied units observing the dying units is ignored.

Taste of Blood Damaging an enemy champion heals you for 18 − 35 (based on level)If triggered whenever available, Taste of Blood theoretically restores 0.9 - 1.75 (based on level) (+ 1% bonus AD) (+ 0.5% AP) health each second.Grate way to make you heal your life with combination of Yorick's Q its gonna be a grate rune to keep you full life on lane and keep you farming .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee
LastLee Yorick Guide
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[11.9]Crazy Yorick Top lane Guide to LastLee

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