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Teemo Build Guide by LastLee

Top [11.9] Teemo Top Lane greatest enemy ATTACK SPEED AP !!!!!!

Top [11.9] Teemo Top Lane greatest enemy ATTACK SPEED AP !!!!!!

Updated on May 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Build Guide By LastLee 153 12 424,414 Views 9 Comments
153 12 424,414 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Teemo Build Guide By LastLee Updated on May 3, 2021
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Runes: Aery Top- Speed

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Ravenous Hunter
Cheap Shot

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
Teemo top
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[11.9] Teemo Top Lane greatest enemy ATTACK SPEED AP !!!!!!

By LastLee
Hey everyone I am LastLee ,and i am playing league of legend since the first season and now that i have more free time i would love to make more guides. Playing always ranked games and streaming .
I hope you will enjoy my guides and that they will be helpfull for you .
My english are not perfect but i will do my best so you will understand my way of thinking about Teemo .
This is my first guide in mobafire about Teemo i wish you guys love it and will help you to play tahm in an other style .
Greeting LastLee
Summoner Spells
Flash I think Flash its a must summoner spell voor Teemo ,teemo has no rush no flash from him self to escape from his enemys so Flash gives him the oportunity to make this amazing escapes on the game and outplay his opponents .

Ignite I love Igniteits one of the best combination for Teemo.With his poison and ignite your opponent has no chance of escaping from you ,that true damage and you magic damage will not people escape .
I also love Ignite becouse you can get that first blood so fast ,this is one of my strategies with Teemo getting first blood or the first kill on lane as fast as possible .

Teleport Helps you be on time for many fights , it also gives you the upper hand on the top lane becouse you can be always there and if you are playing Teemo a little bit aggressive i think that your opponents will always go back to full their lifes . Teemo can also push much so you can also use your Teleport pushing lanes when everyone is busy.
About Teemo
Teemo is one of my favorite top lane champions on League of Legends.There is actually no standar way to play Teemo ,teemo can be on everylane on the game most of the times on the top lane .
Teemo is the most irritating champion on the game i love the burst damage that he does you can keep your opponents busy for a long time and you always a head on farming creeps and lvl on lane .
He is really squishy so you have to be carefull on lane and try just to give on hit to your opponents every time so you will keep them low health and than there is no possibility to engage you .
Teemo is amazing on late game with all this Noxious Trap everywhere on the map you will get all this extra kills that you want on the game couse is slows them poisons them and does tons of damage to your opponents .
Personaly i play Teemo from the Second Season it has been my Main champ for a while and still enjoy playing with Teemo.
Items Analytics
Liandry's Torment Its my favorite item on Teemo ,cause it does en extra burning damage to your opponent when use a skill shot . So every time teemo uses his
Blinding Dart your opponent gets that passive damage ,and your damage on champions is increased by 2% per second .

Guinsoo's Rageblade This item give the upper hand on Teemo . You get extra attack damage and extra magic damage , with everyhit you get 6 stucks so your attack and magic damage is also increased .Give you extra attack speed and deals an additional 15 magic damage on-hit.Ideal item for Teemo if you want to kill your opponents fast and in combination with Toxic Shot it makes Teemo an deadly monster.

Wit's EndI am always building Wit' End when i am against an abbility power champion ,it gives you extra attack speed ,magic ressist and deals 42 bonus magic damaage on hit.An amazing combination with the rest of the items .

Nashor's ToothAmazing items for Teemo on of the standar choises from every player out there,extra attack speed,20% Cool-down reduction and your basic attacks deal 15 +15% of your ability power as bonus magic damage on hit . Imagine all this extra magic damage with the rest of the items makes Teemo a hard burst champion when the fight comes to 1vs1 you cant kill Teemo , With all this attack speed your opponents have no chance to leave the lane .
Blinding DartLets Talk about this skill, the awesome way to out play your opponents obscures an enemy vision with a powerful venom ,dealing magic damage to the target and causing all their attacks to miss for some seconds. That's an awesome way to out play ADC's that they use only auto hits ,so you have that extra time to kill them.Also doing tons of damage if you go with an AP build .
Move QuickAn awesome spell that allows you passively to increase your movement speed until struck by a champion . And you can also activate this ability so you will get even faster in a team fight ,allows Teemo to chase champions and also leave from difficult situations .
One of the most important things that you need to know about Teemo is that is one of the most squishy players League of Legends and that you can
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee
LastLee Teemo Guide
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[11.9] Teemo Top Lane greatest enemy ATTACK SPEED AP !!!!!!

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