Aatrox is a very difficult champion to deal with due to him being a drain tank who can out-heal your damage if he hits one spell. Take Phase Rush because you do not want to be going for extended trades versus this guy. Bring Flash + Ignite to combat his healing early if you do find yourself unlucky enough to be in an extended trade with him. You can also W his third Q if you are going to get sweet spotted and there is no escape because it will quite literally kill you at like 25% HP
Treat Akali as a ranged champion and use the Q max ability order. Take Phase Rush into this matchup as it is going to be extremely hard to all in her with her 4 dashes and shroud. If you feel comfortable enough to bring Flash + Ignite go for it as you do have some kill pressure on her but Flash + TP isn't a bad idea either.
Extremely overloaded champion. Use the Q max ability order. Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory. You will have 0 kill pressure on this guy so do not try to fight him in lane, staying even in XP in this lane matters more than gold but never try to fall behind 20+ CS.
Pretty weak tank. You can take Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you should win just about any post-3 all in.
There are creatures out there who play Aphelios top. Use the Q max ability order, take Phase Rush and Flash + TP since you will have 0 kill pressure on him.
Camille is extremely difficult to deal with due to her extremely high true damage output later on into the game. Pre-6 she's not that bad to fight but after her level 6 and first item powerspikes it becomes a nightmare to fight her. Take Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite and try to stay as even in CS and XP as possible.
Very easy matchup. Bring Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you should win any all in after level 3.
Darius is tricky to deal with since he forces you to stay in a fight with him for long periods of time. Phase Rush is mandatory here and you will need to proc it with your standard trading pattern and leave a lot faster than you would have to versus other champions due to his E pulls range. Bring Flash + Ignite because at level 6 you do have decent kill pressure into Darius, especially if you are good at kiting out his passive stacks with Phase Rush. Staying even in XP and CS is extremely important because if you let this guy get even 1 kill or snowball you in XP/CS he will make your game a nightmare.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo heals just about as much as you do. His ultimate makes him basically unkillable and he is a tank so its best to bring Conqueror into this matchup with Flash + Ignite to combat his healing in all ins. You don't have much kill pressure on him but the good news is he doesn't have any kill pressure on you. Staying even in this lane basically means you've gotten a lead as you are better at side laning and more useful in team fights.
Whether or not you can do anything in this lane depends on how good the Fiora player is. If they are a Fiora OTP you are just kinda fucked since she can kill you at any point in the game, is a stronger side laner than you and much better in team fights. The best way to play this matchup is to gauge how good the Fiora player is and what you can get away with. If they actually know what they are doing they will just fight you at all times and if you survive longer enough to get her close to death and ult she will press her W and block it. If the Fiora player is unexperienced you can bait out her W and then you can probably win the fight with ignite if played right. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory into this lane. The margin of error into Fiora is very thin and if you want the safest bet its best to just stay even in XP and be happy if you are 10-20 CS down and she hasnt zoned you off 50+ CS.
Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP and just stay even in XP. That is literally your only job. Fall behind this guy in XP and it will haunt you.
Use the Q max ability order since Graves is ranged. Phase Rush + Flash and TP are mandatory into this lane since you can't kill Graves, ever. You shouldn't have a problem staying even in CS and XP and you are a better side laner/team fighter than him. Watch out for his wave clear though, its deceptively good.
Gwen isn't too bad. Her pre-6 is very strong due to how much she heals and her true damage. At level 6 with Conqueror and Flash + Ignite you should win the all in as long as you remember to W her first Q. Make sure to fight in her W as if you dont pay attention a good gwen player can e + w away right when you ult and block it.
Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP or you have automatically lost. I'm not exaggerating teleport is mandatory into Heimerdinger. You will have no kill pressure on him ever and you will just have to sit under tower and farm until you can roam and make plays with your team as you are a better team fighter than him.
You beat her pre-6 if you dodge E but its still hard. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite. Post-6 you can't really beat her if she misses E even if you have Executioners Calling and Ignite cause she will just heal way too much and if she hits E when you are going for a trade, proc Phase Rush and leave immediately. You are worse in team fights but most Illaoi players build Hull Breaker so you should be fine in that regard since they will be splitpushing most game. Just look to help your team out more in this matchup vs side laning.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory. Most Irelia players use TP so you should have ok kill pressure on her at level 6 if she doesn't have ignite. Do not fight her if she has 3+ stacks because she can proc her 4th with her E and just all in you. Executioners Calling is mandatory into this matchup.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite because you can semi-force good extended trades with Jax. Don't be afraid of his E just W it and when the stun expires hit him with Q + full E spin and watch his health bar disappear since he doesn't have any spells up except for his W which won't do him much good.
Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP. You are not going to kill him in lane ever if he has 1 braincell due to his E giving him 100% bonus movespeed and making him uncatchable even with Stridebreaker. He's one of the best team fighters in the game so look to put pressure in side lanes.
His damage is deceptively high so beware of it. Bring Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you shouldn't actually have a big problem in a level 6 all in if you play it properly.
Mordekaiser is a very strong champion at the moment and very annoying to fight. Your passive should help with how good he is at poking you in lane. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite is mandatory since you need to kite the fuck out of this guy in his ult and that's the only way you can win the level 6 all in. If he's targeting you in team fights due to you being super ahead, Silvermere Dawn is not a bad buy.
You can bully him early but if the Nasus player knows what they are doing they won't even fight you. You will have to try to generate as big a lead as possible through any means possible before 20 minutes pass since Nasus scales like crazy. Conqueror and Flash + Ignite will definitely help in the post-6 pre 20 minute mark all ins.
Olaf's ultimate is useless into Garen since Garen has no form of hard CC. That being said his damage his still very high and needs to be respected. If you get hit by a stray Q in lane you can cleanse it with your Q and go for. a good trade with Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite.
Extremely overloaded/overtuned tank. You don't have much kill pressure on Ornn but he doesn't have much kill pressure on you even with his high base damage. Conqueror and Flash + Ignite should let you win the level 6 all in as long as you dodge his first ult cast and most of his W. He does outscale you and is a much better team fighter so look to put pressure in side lanes.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite will turn this guy into a walking bag of gold. Just wait out his W and you can W it or his E if necessary and then hit him with your Q + full E spin and just kill him with ignite + ult and level 6.
Be careful of his early trading since its extremely good. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are fine into this matchup since Phase Rush will help you keep up with his strong trades. At level 6 you can just abuse his long cds if he goes for a trade by responding with an all in and you should win. Bramble/Executioners Calling are extremely good into him.
This matchup is just like the Fiora matchup. It all depends on how good the Riven player is. You should be fine just chilling and staying even in CS/XP. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are good to match her trading.
Rumble is a deceptively strong champion. Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite are good into him to match his trading. If you can't dodge his flamethrower W'ing it is mandatory since it will remove half your healthbar.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite are mandatory into this matchup. You have to dodge or W her ult right before it hits you for that extra tenacity at level 6 and you should win the all in with ignite.
Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite. You can't do much to Sett early or in side lane but you are a much better team fighter so put pressure using that. You shouldn't have a hard time staying even in CS/XP with Phase Rush.
Shen is a tank killer. One of Garen's worst matchups. He outscales you and he's much more useful on the map due to his ultimate. Look to put pressure on side lanes, take Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite. You can stay ahead of him in CS. Not really worth fighting him at all during any point in the game.
Shyvana's damage is rather high for a tank. Take Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and if you play it right you can win any post 6 all in, especially if you can bait out her ult.
Sion is just like Shyvana and Ornn, don't underestimate his damage. His team fighting is dogshit so you can easily outpressure him there and you should be able to beat him in any post-6 all in with Conqueror and Flash + Ignite.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. Extremely weak tank. You should be able to beat him easily at all points in the game and perma zone him off CS/XP.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite are good into Swain due to his natural tankiness with his ult. You can usually bait out his ult and then re-engage but you should be able to kill him even in his ult in a level 6 all in with Ignite. Executioners Calling is a good buy.
Extremely hard to deal with champion for Garen since he kites you like crazy. use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite since you do have decent kill pressure on Teemo and very good kill pressure on Teemo with Stridebreaker. You are better in side lane and in team fights.
A lot of people overrate how OP Trudle's ult is when in reality it isn't that big of a problem. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite should help you win any trade against Trundle since you zoom past his pillar and ice floor. When he is low enough, you can just ult all in him with ignite and kill him. Executioners Calling is mandatory.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory here. The gameplan into Tryndamere is rather easy on paper but harder to execute in game. You should follow the main Phase Rush trade pattern and keep poking him down until you are good enough to all in. When he gets to that sliver of health and pops his ult, in response you pop W and you have to kite the fuck out of him with Q for about 2-3 seconds, ignite him, and then kill him since his ult only lasts 5 seconds and Ignite lasts 5 seconds in total so you have 2 seconds of ignite and a good amount of health to kill him.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. He's going to try to E on you and statcheck you at level 6, you statcheck him harder. Don't be afraid he does no damage just kite out his W and you will be fine.
Best tank-shredder in the game. Extremely overtuned champion. Vayne's damage numbers are way too high so be careful of her poke, never let her get 3 autos off on you no matter what . Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory here. You out-wave clear vayne so you can actually stay ahead of her in CS but staying even in XP is mandatory. You are a better side laner but she is much more useful in team fights.
You have to bully him early as much as possible. His W makes him ungankable so your jungler cant exactly camp you. Just zone him off CS and XP as much as possible early, stop his side laning when he attempts to gain CS and try to prevent him from scaling too hard in general because if this guy hits 300 CS, nothing can stop him.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you should be fine. He does outscale you but you can beat him in almost any post-6 all in before 25 minutes. Divine Sunderer is not bad into him.
Never fight him early. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory to get trades off him without him being able to jump on you instantly and giving you some time to dodge it. Executioners Calling is mandatory. Warwick falls off and your wave clear, team fighting, and side laning is all better than his. You can win a post-6 all in with ignite if you bait his barrier out which most players who play him top take.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite to catch up to him with dashes. Disable his shield and just kill him with ignite. Don't fight him levels 1 and 2, from 3 onward you should be fine to bully him.
Unlike Yasuo, Yone is much better at poking you down. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite is mandatory to dodge his stuns and ult. The major issue in this matchup is you can never get E off on Yone since he just outspaces you so hard. Look to put pressure in sidelane because hes a better team fighter than you are.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. Bully him early and don't let him get too many free Q's off. You can kill his maiden at level 6 pretty easily and then just kill him with ignite.
Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. Zac is a weak tank. You should be able to kill him at any stage of the game. Post 3 you can all in him whenever you want and you just win with ignite. He is a better team fighter than you because of his ridiculous ult but other than that, you should have no problem beating him in side lane, CS, and XP.
He zones you off CS so don't worry about being down around 15-20 CS too much. Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory here to combat his extremely oppressive laning phase. You are better at side laning but not in team fights and you can out wave clear him. Don't W is Q's, try to dodge every barrel but you are bound to get hit by some due to his barrel chaining which is almost impossible to react to so save W for that.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite to keep up with his mobility and you should be fine into Jayce. You can stay even with him in CS and XP and you are a better team fighter and side laner than him.
The only time you have kill pressure on Kayle is pre-6. You need to generate as big a lead pre-6 as possible. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite will help you do this. Good Kayle players will just save their ult for yours rendering it useless and W away with her heal and movespeed buff. Look to put pressure in side lanes as you are not as good a team fighter as her post-11.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ghost are recommended in this lane. TP is not bad. Lillia is a very fast champion and one of the only champions I take Ghost into. Don't chase her with max prance though because even ghost can't catch her. You should bully Lillia pre-6 as much as possible as post-6 and first item are Lillias damage powerspikes. You have a bit to move right after she ults you, get as close to your tower as possible and press W before you go to sleep because shes probably going to hit you with her full combo and that damage reduction will feel good.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory into Gragas since he runs Phase Rush too. All of Gragas moves have some form of CC and his in-lane sustain is really incredible. A good Gragas player will make laning phase hell for you. Try to bait out his body slam because every time you try to engage him he will get his E + Q guaranteed combo off. If you can bait it out at level 6, you should win the all in with ignite.
Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are good since you aren't going to be catching up to Singed with Conqueror. You beat him at pretty much all stages in the game, proxy farming is annoying but its pretty easy to out-pressure Singed with roams, team fighting, and side laning.
Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory. You can never get on top off Quinn as she will just use her point and click slow to get away. You need to stand in your wave at all times because her blind can't go through waves. The second Quinn leaves lane you have to ping her missing because she can rotate down to mid very quickly to flip roams and ganks and to even gank when possible. The best way to respond to Quinn's constant roaming pressure is to push waves very fast and hard forcing her to give up CS and tower plates. You beat her in side lane but her team fight pressure and roam pressure balance it out.
Hello, my name is kaj. I'm a rather low-ranked Garen OTP (silver) but I've been asking better players about Garen/exploring a lot of Garen related theory and I originally made this guide to test my own knowledge on Garen but now my main goal is for the people who view this guide to switch to Phase Rush for Garen as their main rune page over Conqueror.
Pros and Cons of Garen
Garen's Pros
1: Garen is a good champion to learn the fundamentals of the game due to his leniency and easy to understand kit. 2: Garen is a versatile characte that can teach you proper itemization and rune selection into different comps. 3: Garen is a very good side laner and decent team fighter so you can usually have an impact in many ways. 4: Garen is a very good one-trick/solo q champion due to his low ban rate, pick rate, and overall consistency in a lot of metas. 5: Garen's wave clear is one of the best and is extremely easy. CSing with Garen is a breeze and you can easily hit 8-10 CSPM almost every game.
Garen's Cons
1: Garen is very frequently counterpicked by meta champions. 2: Garen truggles into ranged top laners and ranged comps due to how easy he is to kite with Decisive Strike being the only gap closing tool he has in his kit. 3: Garen's main issue is that he doesn't scale as hard as some of his meta counterpicks and with the current state of top lane it can feel extremely hard to have an impact on the game at certain times.
Why Phase Rush?
As of right now in my opinion Phase Rush is the best rune page to run on Garen into 90% of your matchups. Using Phase Rush on Garen makes him way more versatile, allows him to escape from bad situations easily, makes some matchups like Darius a lot easier for him by improving trade patterns, improving short trade timings, and also gives him more utility in team fights. Phase Rush is also in the Sorcery tree which gives you access to Nimbus Cloak and Celerity for a burst of movespeed after using a summoner spell such as Flash and a flat bonus movespeed equal to 7% of all your other flat movespeed bonuses. The utility of Phase Rush is almost infinite and its entirely up to the creativity of the player on how they use it and in what situations.
Mythic Items:
At the moment, I think Stridebreaker and Trinity Force are the most consistent mythic options on Garen Stridebreaker should be your main mythic that you build almost every game. It gives you 20 ability haste, 50 attack damage, 20% attack speed, 300 health, and empowers all your other mythic items with 2% bonus movespeed. In addition Stridebreaker's active slows nearby enemies by 40% for 3 seconds while its passive gives you 20 bonus movespeed every time you deal damage. There are some situations where into more mobile enemy team comps where you bring Flash + Ghost Trinity Force would be better but for the most part building Stridebreaker almost every game is not a bad idea.
Boot options:
Into most balanced comps such as 3 AD and 2 AP or 3 AP and 2 AD, you will be building Berserker's Greaves due to its 35% attack speed buff which is incredibly useful for Garen. Into 4+ AD comps Plated Steelcaps will be a much better buy due to the 20 armor they give you and the 12% damage reduction from all auto attacks. Into 4+ AP comps you should build Mercury's Treads for the 25 magic resist and 30 tenacity.
Additional Items:
Mortal Reminder should be a core item you build almost every game on Garen in my opinion. This item is very cost effective for the stats it gives and its extra movement speed never hurts. Even if you don't need grevious wounds this item is a good buy. Dead Man's Plate and Force of Nature are good items you can build into balanced team comps such as 3 AD 2 AP and 3 AP 2 AD. They give you armor/magic resist and bonus movespeed which is never bad. Depending on if the balanced team comp has more AD or AP Death's Dance for AD would be a good last item and Maw of Malmortius for AP. If you are against heavy AD Randuin's Omen is never a bad buy due to its slow, attack damage and crit damage decrease, and max health damage reducton. Against heavy AP Spirit Visage will increase all healing and shielding sources by 25% and give you additional magic resist. Into a more tanky comp you already have 25% armor shred applied after your 6th spin of Judgment so Black Cleaver will give you and your team an additional 30% armor shred making this item shred tanky comps. Building Black Cleaver in combination with Hullbreaker is also a very powerful sidelane building strategy since it should help with tower diving and winning most 1v1s.
Laning Phase
During laning phase with Garen your goal should be to generate as big as a lead as possible. Garen's very strong early game with an extremely good wave and camp clear thanks to his E Judgment. You can often crash 2 waves under the enemies tower every time they leave lane, get a tower plate, and look to do a jungle camp all before they come back to lane aiding you in getting a sizeable lead that will carry on into mid and late game. Garen heavily benefits from short trades with Phase Rush and his passive Perseverance which regenerates 2-10% of his maximum health every 5 seconds that he has not taken damage. While you have no mana and likely regenerate health much faster than your opponent the more you chunk down you opponents health, the more they have to leave lane which allows you to push waves, get tower plates, and clear jungle camps giving you a CS and XP lead.
Mid/Late Game
During the mid/late game your gameplan with Garen will mostly be the same, you want to look to side lane to push your lead since Garen is a very powerful sidelaner/splitpusher. You can clear waves and jungle camps super fast and take/chunk down towers resuting in the enemy team sending more and more people to stop your sidelaning/splitpushing the closer you get to their base. Usually the enemy team will try to send 3+ people to collapse on you and kill you, the enemy top laner, the jungler/support, and the mid laner. You should be absoloutely fine in this situation with your movement speed bonuses from Dead Man's Plate, Force of Nature, Mortal Reminder, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, and you can even proc Phase Rush, if necessary to escape. There will be times when the enemy team sends 5 people or the entire team to stop you and this is when you have to signal to your team to make plays while you try to waste as much of their time as possible. If you are going to destroy an inhibitor while something like this happens, I'd recommend dying for it as 1 death for an inhibitor while your team makes plays is super worth it. Now what if you lost lane and don't have enough of a lead over your opponent to snowball in the sidelane? What do you do? Well the answer is pretty easy. Garen is a pretty good team fighter and a very mobile champion with all the movement speed bonuses I listed earlier. You can put pressure by team fighting, ganking, flipping roams, playing for objectives, and helping your team have an extra person in fights in general. This can put just as much pressure as sidelaning/splitpushing and sometimes even more pressure and this playstyle has resulted in many wins for me despite me losing laning phase.
Thank you to those of you who read my guide. I really hope I explained myself well enough so that even new Garen players could understand this guide and get something out of it and if you were mainly a Conqueror user got you to switch over to Phase Rush. If you enjoyed this guide an upvote would be appreciated so more people can see it, if you didn't/have any suggestions feel free to message me, comment on this guide, or add me on Discord at kaj#1234 and I will 100% take a look at your criticism/suggestions.
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