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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Arrows.
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Qiyana can blow up your health bar at any phase of the game and her being able to E through minions means she can get through your poke if she wants to delete you.
His well fitted kit with plenty of CC pairs with this build perfectly as you'll be getting your cooldowns as low as possible, meaning you can combo cc chain people all the time.
His well fitted kit with plenty of CC pairs with this build perfectly as you'll be getting your cooldowns as low as possible, meaning you can combo cc chain people all the time.
Champion Build Guide
Insane Ability Haste: This build gets you to around 180 ability haste, putting your W at 1.4 seconds, and your R at around 19.5 seconds. Add on Axiom Arc passive for each takedown(about a 5 second reduction) and you can have your R up in as little as 14.5 seconds. That's shorter than some normal abilities.
Iffy Early Mana: One big issue with Ashe as a whole is her mana costs. She suffers pretty greatly from having poor early mana and while I wanted to put a mana item on her I decided it would be better to just full send the ability haste and use pots and runes to band-aid the early problems. It isn't a complete fix but it should make early game more bearable.
No Mobility: Another issue with ashe is that she has no mobility outside of flash. This means assassins and high mobility champions can get to you easily and unless you know how to properly kite, can make your laning experience feel terrible.
Comet is fitting in this build as we can spam W and get consistent hits from comet, and whenever it's on cooldown we can reduce its cooldown every time we hit someone with an ability. It turns us into a huge spam poking machine. -
Manaflow Band gives us permanent mana when we land an abilty on someone and regens a little mana after we hit the max amount of mana gained permanently. -
Transcendence gives us an additional 10 ability haste and at level 11 will reduce our basic ability cooldowns by 20% per takedown we get. -
Gathering storm will help us keep our power in check so we dont fall behind and become irrelavent as the game progresses. -
Since we're going to be doing a TON of slowing and stunning with this build, cheap shot will be one of our most commonly active runes and should help with damage throughout the match. -
Ultimate Hunter gives another boost to our cooldown reduction as her ultimate cooldown decreases for each takedown you get up to a total of 5 times. It's one of the most important runes for this build.

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