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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Daredevil Impulse (PASSIVE)
Samira Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello everyone! I'm Urason, a Masters ADC & Samira main! I've written a full indepth Samira guide that you can find here here as well as a list of my accounts
If you're looking for a more in-depth breakdown for Samira, be sure the check out that guide instead! This guide focuses primarily on my Inspiration Samira Build.
If you're looking for a more in-depth breakdown for Samira, be sure the check out that guide instead! This guide focuses primarily on my Inspiration Samira Build.
Why this rune page?
The reasoning behind this rune page is that I really disliked conqueror and ESPECIALLY Ravenous hunter. I used to practice Omnistone Samira all the time for fun on my alt accounts but after repeated nerfs to her primary and secondary runes, I decided it was time to invest in my Spellbook shenanigans. With Ravenous and Conqueror getting gutted nonstop, I decided to turn my attention elsewhere. Continue reading for a full breakdown of the rune page with explanations!
The way you play with this build is extremely aggressive and fast paced. Your entire goal is to use your summoner spell advantage to kill the enemy and gain a lead that you can snowball! That being said, this means you have to be very careful with how you play since you're so dependent on that lead now. TLDR: This build gives you a free Yuumi in terms of summoner spells so you have big lane pressure.
Early game:
You're going to play pretty normal until you have/get near your first spellbook swap. Take short trades, farm, play off missteps, who knows, maybe get a kill. Once you get your spell swap, you can play aggressive with the extra sums. If the enemy has exhaust, you can take cleanse to get rid of it then you can use your heal/exhaust on them. One of my favorites is to bait out Exhaust versus enchanters early on (even if I have to use my cleanse/heal), then I swap it out for something more aggressive in the 2v2. Usually it tends to be exhaust for the enemy ADC. Feel free to take Teleport as your first swap if you really need to get to lane and can't miss a big wave (or if your team is fighting a big skirmish).
Mid Game:
Mid game your spells will center around the enemy team. Teleport will let you catch side waves when possible, smite gives some faster objective clearing, exhaust lets you duel/survive, ghost is great for kiting, etc. Just test out the spells and eventually you'll learn the best situations for each! Remember, the strongest part of this rune is the early-mid game so be sure to keep that in mind!!
Early game:
You're going to play pretty normal until you have/get near your first spellbook swap. Take short trades, farm, play off missteps, who knows, maybe get a kill. Once you get your spell swap, you can play aggressive with the extra sums. If the enemy has exhaust, you can take cleanse to get rid of it then you can use your heal/exhaust on them. One of my favorites is to bait out Exhaust versus enchanters early on (even if I have to use my cleanse/heal), then I swap it out for something more aggressive in the 2v2. Usually it tends to be exhaust for the enemy ADC. Feel free to take Teleport as your first swap if you really need to get to lane and can't miss a big wave (or if your team is fighting a big skirmish).
Mid Game:
Mid game your spells will center around the enemy team. Teleport will let you catch side waves when possible, smite gives some faster objective clearing, exhaust lets you duel/survive, ghost is great for kiting, etc. Just test out the spells and eventually you'll learn the best situations for each! Remember, the strongest part of this rune is the early-mid game so be sure to keep that in mind!!
Overall, this build isn't for everyone. But it's slowly becoming one of my favorite things to run! I play it nearly every game on my D3 smurf (with D1/Masters MMR)! Feel free to check the account here!: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=pls+buff+samira
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