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Aatrox Build Guide by Larkana_

Top [NEW GUIDE RELEASED DUE TO 13.10] | Aatrox On-Hit Builds & Guide, Season 13

Top [NEW GUIDE RELEASED DUE TO 13.10] | Aatrox On-Hit Builds & Guide, Season 13

Updated on May 16, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Larkana_ Build Guide By Larkana_ 31 7 87,765 Views 0 Comments
31 7 87,765 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Larkana_ Aatrox Build Guide By Larkana_ Updated on May 16, 2023
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Runes: Against Melee Teams

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5
Ghost + Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[NEW GUIDE RELEASED DUE TO 13.10] | Aatrox On-Hit Builds & Guide, Season 13

By Larkana_


Lethal Tempo scales incredibly well into the mid and late game and gives you a massive boost in your dueling once you get Blade of the Ruined King. It has awful early game because you don't auto attack early and can be quite weak if you can't auto attack the enemy team a lot.
Conqueror will provide you with extra AD and healing which benefits us the same way it does the regular Aatrox. If you can't auto attack a lot it is easier to stack than Lethal Tempo and will make singular auto attacks slightly more meaningful which can help if you're getting kited a lot.
No reason to take any other rune in this row honestly. Overheal can be good I guess but Triumph is just so much better.
You are very prone to being cc'd and instantly killed as you cannot draintank, this rune helps quite a bit and having some sort of tenacity on you at all times is mandatory.
Last Stand is good but Blade of the Ruined King is a big part of your damage and the lower their HP is the less damage it deals. For that reason sometimes finishing off targets is hard and this rune helps with that.
This build has no resistances so you could get bursted quite easily while cc'd. Conditioning will make a little tankier in the mid to late game where you're the strongest. If you have a hard matchup you can opt for Bone Plating or Second Wind depending on your matchup.
Adds extra heal and shield power which is always welcome, once you fall below 40% hp the healing bonus goes from 5% to 10% which can come in clutch sometimes.


NOTE: Items with a border are core items, others can be flexed but only if necessary.

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Kraken Slayer's damage output becomes insane with so much AD that you build. A lot of HP to make up for the lack of shield and you got a hard to kill high damage single target bruiser. It is a little harder to play at two items compared to shieldbow but becomes a lot better with more items, also scales the hardest.

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All rounder build of damage and survivability that you can go in almost every game. Shieldbow's huge shield and AD comes in clutch in so many situations and together with barrier or exhaust you become a devastating duelist and skirmisher.

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The ability to annihilate tanks within a few seconds allows you to both heal against and kill armor stackers. You have a lot of snowball potential but you have to be careful of CC chains at all times.

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Added stickiness to your high movement speed makes you near impossible to kite. Lackluster when built against wrong team compositions but very effective against the correct ones.

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High sheen damage against towers allows you to take them much faster than you would with other builds. Sheen however isn't the best at killing enemies as you can't reliably proc it without losing damage.

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Trading some damage for crazy amounts of eHP will make you hard to kill in teamfights and near impossible to duel. This build is lackluster vs tanks so pick it vs high damage squishy comps.


Kraken Slayer will provide you with a bunch of attack speed especially later in the game. The big part of it is it's passive true damage, both Umbral Dash passive and lifesteal will heal you from that true damage. Once you buy this item early armor becomes a lot less effective not just against your damage but also your healing.
You become a lot harder to kill with Immortal Shieldbow both through extra lifesteal and the big shield if you ever get low. You get AD once your shield procs amping up your healing for a bit.
Stacking Armor and Magic resistance to crazy amounts from a single item is perfect. The more stacks on the item you have the higher efficiency of your healing will be as you will be healing more eHP.
If you're against heavy ranged teams this combined with your ult and ghost will make you impossible to kite. The downside is that the damage and durability from the item is lacking compared to other mythics.
I myself don't have a lot of experience with this item but I don't think it's bad by any means. The stacking AD similarly to conqueror will make your autos hurt more and makes you better in extended fights together with Lethal Tempo even though you can't proc sheen off CD all the time. I recommend this if you wanna splitpush 24/7 due to the strong sheen proc against turrets.


An amazing one item power spike that allows you to duel most toplaners solely from its passive damage and healing. You should rush Blade of the Ruined King every single game regardless of your or their team comp.
Every 3rd auto attack you'll proc on-hits and lifesteal twice and the best part is it reduces your Deathbringer Stance cooldown twice. When you buy completed crit items its damage will be boosted by 40.
Armor pen is amazing as it boosts your Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade and Deathbringer Stance damage, healing too.
Similarly to Lord Dominik's Regards the damage boost is amazing. Armor reduction doesn't synergize perfectly with armor penetration but it is still a big damage boost when you have both.
An expensive buy for a bunch of AD and lifesteal. You get a decent shield before fights so it can prevent burst in some cases.
Situational item with a mix of offense and defense. Only viable against magic damage and kite comps.
Preventing burst with this item allows you to stay longer in fights potentially being able to heal just barely enough to survive.
Viable in specific builds it is amazing as it gives you both HP and on-hit damage. More on-hit never hurts and it also applies on turrets helping you with your splitpush.
If you didn't build shieldbow this makes up for it perfectly although you need a bit of HP first to make the shield big. With so much AD that this item provides it synergizes perfectly with Kraken Slayer.
Many tank items can work when you need them. You can choose depending on their teamcomp, items like Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Force of Nature can all work well.

How On-Hit works with Aatrox?

Damaging On-Hit effects such as Kraken Slayer's true damage or Blade of the Ruined King's % current HP damage work with lifesteal as well as Aatrox's Umbral Dash omnivamp passive. During World Ender you get massive amounts of AD, healing increase and Umbral Dash omnivamp passive gets increased. This will make you heal for crazy amounts with every auto. The problem of your autos dealing no damage is easily solved with the amount of On-Hit items that can work well with this. Guinsoo's Rageblade also plays a big part in this by reducing your Deathbringer Stance twice every 3rd auto.

For any advanced questions you may have feel free to ask.

When should you use Q?

In the laning phase you play nearly the same as regular Aatrox with an exception to usually having Lethal Tempo. Your auto attacks are rather weak before Blade of the Ruined King so for trading and all ins you still want to use mainly Q. After your first item your main damage source changes drastically from your Q to auto attacks although your Q is still good for damage at this stage. Later on in the game use your Q strictly for zoning/CC or in some rare situations to get a Trinity Force proc if you have it, otherwise you will have a massive DPS loss.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Larkana_
Larkana_ Aatrox Guide
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[NEW GUIDE RELEASED DUE TO 13.10] | Aatrox On-Hit Builds & Guide, Season 13

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