I give her EXTREME-Threat because If she buy a BOTRK she can guarantee to kill you
Trick - When we trade or try to killing her you must dodge her E and R this is a important when we fight with irelia
I give him EXTREME-Threat because This guy is skill play matchup if their yasuo was master of it his movement is hard to Sleep him but we can hold the E and bait his windwall before punish him
I give her EXTREME-Threat because Leblanc she got buffed AP Scaling. In previous patch She can one shot us if we lost our focus
I give him Easy Threat but meanwhile this guy got a EXTREME-Threat because Kassadin is very easy matchup in early game this might be every champion but we will lose he when late game by unbalance Scaling damage
I give her MAJOR-Threat beacuse Her HP regen is really insane and
Akali can't punish you if we holding our E ( Sleep ) when she running to you with her E this is easy to hit our E ( Sleep )
I give her MAJOR-Threat because Her W can move to blook your paddle star ( Q ) even she was sleep and she strong in the lane can wave clear easier than zoe
I give her MAJOR-Threat because around season 13 she got buffed every skill but we can still kill her if we hit our sleep ( E )
I give her MAJOR-Threat because She was like a Orianna we can still kill her if we hit our sleep ( E )
I give her MAJOR-Threat because In early game before 6 only way to win her is bait her W and don't give her reset and that way we can punish her
I give him EVEN-Threat because he is not strong like a past when he use E we need to keep Sleep ( E ) wait Ekko hit us and use E to him even he using R he still sleep at his clone
If we using Sleep ( E ) before he hit us the Sleep will floating past him
*** Ward the bush maybe he will hide and using W to kill you
I give him MAJOR-Threat because he is not danger if he alone but his R will confirm kill you if he took his jungler to stomp your lane
I give her MAJOR-Threat because she is like malzahar she is not danger if she alone but her R will confirm kill you if he took his jungler to stomp your lane
I give her MAJOR-Threat because we can dodge her skill not a lock-on skill and with our rocket belt we can follow up her R when we slept
I give him MAJOR-Threat because we can dodge his R by using our rocket belt but we must focusing on his movement he has a secret move Q minion and R if we hit by his R that might be killed
I give her MAJOR-Threat because I think this is easy matchup Just do not stay in her knife and remember if she use her E she will teleport to your behind
I give him MAJOR-Threat because
I give him MAJOR-Threat because in early game talon play style will just try to clear wave he can't solo kill you if we didn't get his W 2 time and Q combo just carefully to walk in bush and send ping to other lane when he missing
I give him MAJOR-Threat because in lane phase only damage he can make is only W E Q combo if you can dodge his shuriken and use this cd time to trade back is easy to win lane and his R is guarantee teleport to your behind like katarina but easier to sleep him
I give her MAJOR-Threat because in lane phase she is stronger than you by her E the range is insanely she can poke you and when she 6 carefully to get her Q E R combo you might killed by her but don't worry if she get our sleep she is dead too
I don't think yone is hard matchup because his E have a weakness.
If he got our Sleep bubble after he pressing his E or we can land Sleep bubble on clone spot
Not too hard while trading but late game he will really strong by insanely scaling
Not too hard in early game but if he got kill or assist fast this might make him strong fastly by his Evolve E
his pool can't dodge a sleep if he got hit
in early game we can easy hit E by baiting his Q ( cannon form ) he will win you when he get maw
her ranged is shorter than our zoe we can out ranged just ward and carefully gank by jungler you can take cleanse if you not sure can survive
qiyana in lane is really weak but when her get 2-3 item she can one shot you in lane you can rush seeker's arm guard for safely
insanely wave clear and out scaling hp but we still can kill him if he got hit by bubble
Twisted Fate
no threat if he don't come with jungler and ping to your team if he level 6 for protect his unbalanced ganking other lane
not too hard to win but need to dodge her skill shot and punish her
like a vex we just need to dodge skill shot and punish him
easy lane I ever seen only thing we should careful is she surprise W E combo in the bush or dark fog
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with Lux too because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with AP junglers because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Zoe has a good synergy well with Lux too because her E ability (Paddle Star) has been buffed to reduce the magic resistance of the enemy champion while sleep. This makes Zoe particularly effective against AP burst champions, as they become more vulnerable when hit by her Sleepy Trouble Bubble
This Guide not complete yet if i have time i will come back and do finish it
Introduce myself
Hi, I'm zoe main challenger in TH server this is my first guide and i don't have a english so much. I use translataer from Thai to Eng maybe some word or paragraph might be weird for you my apologize to that.
This guide not finish yet if I have time I promise I will finish this in one day...
PS. I have twitch channel if you guy want to see my gameplay you can come and watch in my Channel -Twitch
This is my zoe stat last season ( this season my performance and my build was drop )
This season
I am still rank 1 TH ( Thailand ) but in world leader board was drop a lot
Why I use Rocket belt
Rocketbelt and Luden is 2 same Mythic effect ( Magic Penetration ) but big different is Mana if we using Rocketbelt we have less mana but you will got a HP and Movement from rocketbelt combo like you have flash every 40 second you can use rocketbelt to dodge skill shot from enemy such as Fizz's R , Lux's R
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