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Cassiopeia Build Guide by zuboun159

Middle [13.9] Master Cassiopeia battlemage queen. Tanky approach to cass

Middle [13.9] Master Cassiopeia battlemage queen. Tanky approach to cass

Updated on May 8, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zuboun159 Build Guide By zuboun159 8,636 Views 0 Comments
8,636 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zuboun159 Cassiopeia Build Guide By zuboun159 Updated on May 8, 2023
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Runes: Main rune page

1 2
Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Manaflow Band

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
Best 1 v 9 setup
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.9] Master Cassiopeia battlemage queen. Tanky approach to cass

By zuboun159
Hi im Master tier cassiopeia OTP playing multiple styles of Casio lately specializing in tankier versions of her since i belive theis playstile is superior in most of the games in curent meta. ¨

This build works in all elos up to master, i didnt personaly try it higher since of my weak mental game that afects my ability to climb higher... Anyway for most players this could be usefull guide and i will be glad for opinions from higher rated cassio players.
Laning tips
1. Conserve your mana. Cassiopeia early on cant do much without her mana pool being close to full if enemy has full HP.

2. utilize your AA this way you can not only get enemy to low enough to have mana for kills but also you gain mana from presence of mind. Autos are important also to hel stack conqueror

3. LvL 3 all ins are way superior to Lvl 2 ones sine you have 2 points in E alredy and thus your mana to dmg ratio is better.

in losing matchups especially range ones (syndra, xerath, velkoz, lux) build catalist of aeon's first to get durability and sustain. Vs easy matchups you can go AP istead to try to nuke oponent faster.

4. R + Flash all ins. In especially losing range matchups you might get kill by this combo when they are turning for minion especially Canon:) after they get out of stun they still need to walk from your W leaving you enough time to score a kill.
Cassiopeia changable identity
cassiopeia in general is medium range champion with extremely high DPS if you land Q, here weakness is low mobility, se and lack of engage. Cassiopeia allwos you to make insane outplays and bail you out of disadvantaged fights, her high dps can be very punishing vs missplaying enemy.

Tanky casiopeia trades bit of DPS for higher durability, this allows you to go deeper for enemy priority target than other mages or ADCs aver could. This playstile especial Gargoyle allows you to get CCed and tank few high dmg abilities and still survive/or deal enough dmg for your team to wipe rest of the fight.

Agecny and roles in teamfights
In some games you may need to even engage for this you have basicly only one tool R+Flash combo, with your durability you can afoard to do this, just be sure you have your team behid you that can follow your play or that you are confident to just kill targets by yourself.

You dont allways have to by te 1 vs 9 hero
Sometimes you might be behind or enemy had itemized well against you or your super late ADC (kogmaw, jinx, aphelios etc.) just got online or fed. you can be there with your W R and slows from items to protect and try to kill any asasin or bruiser harasing your ADC. Your peel is not only in form of CC but also in form of formidable DMG threat.

Ghost your teamfight
If you play with ghost you can dance more around enemy team and hit backline, if you dont play ghost you will most likely need to play front to back more and focus frontlane first. Both is good just be avare if you play ghost or posibly cosmic drive you have ability to go for backlane more often.

Tanky or Tank
Sometimes you just go for bit of durability (stoneplate or just lot of HP). Sometimes you may find that your team is full of dmg but lacks bit of frontlane thats when going for second tank item can be handy to create space for others.
Just dont go more tanky than that remember that you are still cassio you canont become mundo even if you wanted to.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zuboun159
zuboun159 Cassiopeia Guide
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[13.9] Master Cassiopeia battlemage queen. Tanky approach to cass

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