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Yorick Build Guide by LoucasTitan

Top [14.16] From Unknown to Challenger: The Art of Mastering Yorick (STORY)

Top [14.16] From Unknown to Challenger: The Art of Mastering Yorick (STORY)

Updated on August 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoucasTitan Build Guide By LoucasTitan 13 2 30,709 Views 0 Comments
13 2 30,709 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LoucasTitan Yorick Build Guide By LoucasTitan Updated on August 27, 2024
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+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


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Champion Build Guide

[14.16] From Unknown to Challenger: The Art of Mastering Yorick (STORY)

By LoucasTitan
A Glimpse into My Story
Hello! I know you're looking for a guide to help you on your adventure in Summoner's Rift. My name is LoucasTitan, and I'm from the Philippines, where League of Legends is just a fun game for some. This is my story of how I reached Challenger—not by following the meta, but by focusing on character development throughout my five-year journey to achieve this rank. In this guide, I share my thoughts on how my mindset evolved through years of grinding and being hardstuck in Grandmaster. I hope I’ve given you a chance to get to know me better. I'm excited to share my journey to Challenger and the lessons I learned about self-improvement along the way.
The Journey to Challenger
Well, this isn’t really a guide, but I want to share my journey with you. My name is Loucas, and for as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of reaching Challenger and being recognized as one of the best. But as the years went by, I realized it wasn't just about that anymore. Achieving a dream you’ve held onto for so long feels like just another step in a much larger journey.

I’ve played a lot of League over the years, and the evolution of Yorick has been a rollercoaster—sometimes receiving buffs, but more often facing nerfs. I've tried to fit Yorick into the meta, but the current trend of building pure damage just isn’t my style. I prefer playing my own way, with my own strategies, focusing on what makes me happy.

Then, one day, it hit me. After two years of being hardstuck in Grandmaster, I found myself feeling depressed, stressed, and even becoming a nuisance to others. I decided to end my journey. I remember crying after I didn’t make Challenger because of a bug last year. I cried and cried, feeling overwhelmed by remorse. I admitted to myself that I wasn’t healthy—I was so focused on this one goal that I nearly failed my classes because of this seemingly impossible dream.

Reality hit me like a truck. I watched my friends go to the gym, become active in their lives, and be constantly sociable. They were becoming the best versions of themselves. That realization struck me hard. So, I quit playing League altogether for five months. I started going to the gym, interacting with others, finding true friends, and discovering myself all over again. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of liberation from League. I developed a better body, a healthier mindset, stronger friendships, and a more fulfilling life.

But still, it haunted me. The fact that I never reached Challenger lingered in my mind. I felt like I would break down again if I didn’t achieve it. It was as if not reaching this goal meant everything was over for me. But then, my determination came back to life. Watching T1, the team I’ve supported, win a world championship fueled me. Seeing Faker lose his title hurt me, but his perseverance inspired me. It felt like my story—a tale of determination and resilience. If I started this journey, I was going to end it on my terms.

And then, it happened—Challenger. I expected to feel elated, but instead, I felt nothing. That’s when I realized something crucial: it wasn’t about the prize or how I performed in the game. It was about having fun, just like in the old days, before I knew about the meta, before I became so obsessed. It was about playing with friends, being myself, and enjoying the journey.

It hit me like a truck—winning wasn't the true achievement. The real victory was the journey itself. After six years of playing, five years of grinding ranks, and countless hours of self-doubt, my journey is finally complete. I am free from the years of pandemic-induced isolation, suffering, and my own inner turmoil. I’ve always controlled my destiny, and in this life, I will continue to do so.
Closing Thoughts
Thank you all for taking the time to read my story. I am very grateful to you. Remember to cherish your family, friends, loved ones, and everyone around you. I hope you can pursue your dreams, knowing they can impact us both positively and negatively. One thing is for sure—never give up. If you find yourself struggling to reach your goals, slow down. Life isn’t a race; it’s just you, battling against yourself.

I also want to express my gratitude to some fellow Yorick mains: Slogdogs, Krykey, Ghoulguy, Kampsycho, SaintBlarney, Kuro Tony, Ninetales, Pokerick and many others. I would also like to thank the Yorick mains subreddit for contributing valuable insights and supporting me through this journey.

And finally, thank you for reading someone’s story without ever meeting them.

Thank you.

—LoucasTitan, signing off.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoucasTitan
LoucasTitan Yorick Guide
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[14.16] From Unknown to Challenger: The Art of Mastering Yorick (STORY)

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