This champ always has an out to you. She will human E you, if that misses she will spider E you. Her range forces you to make a move which sucks. She has better 3 camp gank potential. Play for cross mapping and teamfights.
This matchup is playable if you position well and get full charged E combos. You have the damage to 1 shot her but if she has E, you canβt play. She can E herself if you ult, you will get stunned then Wβd
Same thing for if you random W-Q her, she can stand on the rocks and wait for your spells.
Although you can W sideways then try to walk throw the rocks but she will probably just W your linear pathing.
He can break your fully charged E stun and heal to full from it.
He can move around your E super fast from empowered spells movement speed
Does good enough damage to force your E
But if you do live from his combo you win after
You roll this guy unless you troll. The idea is to ult as he goes in on your team. Basically just trading big ults but you should be killing his adc whereas yours is just ccβd.
You can steal his camps super fast and he has no real burst to finish killing you.
Generally speaking, BelβVeth is just better Briar. Briar actually has counter play and BelβVeth does not, when sheβs ahead. You should look to E her E because sheβs standing still it could be a stun, if you canβt do that then just insta Q her E.
Better player wins
If you post up and catch him, it should be a 1 shot, he canβt run from you because your second W will catch up to him after he Qβs. Care for Fiddle ult because you will die.
You have free reign on the early game so get ACTIVE on your cc lanes! Once she gets 6 try to ward her camps and entrances to your jungle. Try to Q her when she wants to ult and combo your Ult into her engage!
A good gragas shouldnβt really die to you unless you are counter ganking. If you ever try to ignore him he will bomba you under turret. If you W his E tho it can be big. Kill his team
You canβt farm as fast as him but you gank way better. Farm VERY efficiently and don't over force to kill him once.
Good invades and stack dragons
Dodge his Q with your W, be prepared to E when his team tries to dash to his Q if you do get hit. Smiting daisy isn't very good anymore but WQing and bursting her can be good. Serpents Fang is huge
Graves favored because of his range. Look to counter his engage if he E's forward. Try not to just W towards him for free. You need W+Q and teammate to kill him for free.
You both farm evenly so it'll come down to whoever plays around the team better. Her teamfight is technically more consistent but yours have higher top end. You should alwyas win 1v1 and if you think she will E you then E backwards to put her into the wall.
Jarvan IV
The biggest problem is that he kites you easily.
But if he ults you, just buffer E and slam him into wall or W-E out
Punish him EQing too far in with your WQ
If he full clears into omega itβs rough, Generally speaking you want to Q him when heβs in walls to force him into a bad spot
Good E damage reduction matters
W to dodge his W
Pretty fair match up, either you get kited or slam
E her out of her R into a wall is a kill. You force her to R if you have enough damage on the initial burst
You can R her R and itβs always huge. Just donβt get dogged super early
If he jumps in, immediately WQ him. Free counter gank. E his isolated Qs. Real struggle is when he gets R and breaks your frenzy, but if you hit your R you have true sight on him so that doesnβt matter
Master Yi
Q to break his W OR E when heβs charging W
Better player wins, if you get caught out tho, he will just Q your E and you die for free
If he plays perfectly, he will run at you and auto. Force you to use E then you will lose.
Lee Sin
Early 2v2s feel slightly Lee favored
He can R you away if heβs caught. When he jumps walls your champ will walk a weird route so you canβt chase well
He doesnβt scale that well and if you get ahead, you destroy him
Nocturne kinda bodies you from even or behind.
His R can make you drop frenzy, if your 1v1ing his E is a timer for him to destroy you
He can W your W2>E>R and chases well with his Q
A good Nid will not let you farm early and then translate to ganking from denying you.
If you catch her tho itβs a 1 shot
Just need to get a little crazy for this one
Try to burst her out with WQ when she gets too close. She will then try to Q R you. Right before her R hits you always E to live through it. She will outfarm you so farm efficiently and gank without overforcing or wasting too much time. It's never worth
ALWAYS E his engage on you and you should be fine. WQ after his W ends or punish by killing his team. He is a better champion when you're both broke so try and take early kills to snowball.
Try to let her Engage on your team then you counter that when she is unburrowed. If you're going to get unburrowed on try to time W to dodge it if you want to fight. OR you can Q away to dodge. E the full combo or E behind you when Rek'Sai r's you.
Better player wins. Focus on Q'ing Udyr when he oversteps. They all overstep but we punish it well with a point and click stun. If he's AD Udyr then E the empowered Q and pray.
Dodge her Q with your W then you win the 1v1 every time. If she R's you just buffer E. Early game and mid game you win but she punishes with her team way better than you do.
E his E everytime or Dodge with W. This champion kinda bodies us unless he misses spells. If he misses E and Q only then do you win. Build Spirit Visage and you're living the dream
Be careful of his W. This spells destroys us. Either he will hit W when you W1 and then you're hitting the wrong target or he will W your R before it hits. His double ult combo also bodies us. Overall just let him waste spells on someone else and PUNISH HARD.
You do clear better and skirmish better in the jungle if he uses W for damage
Caitlyn can camp her traps vs you and it's tough to win. She can frame 1 cc you from ult if place trap correctly. Hard to counterplay unless you 1 tap her fast, focus her support more times than not if possible. Always E if you're going to get double / triple headshot.
Champ can outspace you, her W is the most broken spell in the game and unless you do turn around E's you will get Cass ult'd, tough one
You body him a ton, you can E important parts of his combo and heal up from his burst BUT if he ignores you and goes for your team, not much you can do but prayge
If you jump in, you will just flat out die. 100% he cc's you and destroys you
Champ cc's you a ton, can outrun you by sending her clone out in the opposite direction
Use your movement to dodge his spells, he can't out heal vs you / If you're stride build with bork it is a free win
Champion can make you run in weird directions when she R's over a wall and her E basically can't miss unless you dodge with your spells
Akali W straight counters you because it breaks frenzy, if you Q her in shroud she still gets hidden and has mobility to get away, annoying champion
If you can get close enough for her E's then Q after it starts he is a free kill, although it's hard to get a free E on him
This guy just simply won't let you play unless you're hitting him, look for ult angles onto someone to force perma frenzy
Annie players show what they're going to do with movement, just hit E at a good time and you won't die then kill after
This champ is mad BORING to play against, her wall makes your champion spaz out and her Q stun is real against you. After egg it's free
This champion can kite you pretty well mid game with ghost and ultimate. If you come from fog of war or ultimate she should be dead. Don't get baited by her movement speed slow and you're fine
Aurelion Sol
Be careful WQ'ing him during lane because he will wall you into his turret. He's also a tough gank because he will insta WE away to his turret so it's best to focus his team early game. Late game if ult him he will ult but you can W over his wall.
His stun setup is annoying and he can R you pretty free during your R, but it's a chomp tbh
You're a free grab unless you save your spells, Be smart player yes
How r u in blind pick
Champ will R your fully charged E and bursts you and runs in a way that you cant heal well but sometimes is a chomp
Dodge his Q with your WQ if possible, charge E on his combo if possible. Sometimes he's too tanky and just body blocks everything. That's when the matchup sucks
Pokes you out but Chomp mostly
This champ kites you with Ghost well, stacks 5 then ults. Q his Q everytime, early to mid game you should just chomp him
Mostly just a chomp, prayge he uses E when your ult is travelling and it's free. Feel free to use your W when he tries to E you. If you dodge it, matchup is over
Champ kind of kites you with good E over walls. Mostly just a chomp tho
Champ can W your fully charged E which is basically a free death for you. You can play mindgames with her W on your Q, play smart and wait her out
Not much so that this champion kills you because you will E his full combo with ult. But it's super hard for you to kill him unless he lets you with his E dropping your frenzy
Galio is like most other tanks, sucks when he body blocks everything on you. During lane phase if he goes forward is almost 100% a kill for you. Either dodge his spells with WQ or charge E on his combo
Your linear walking makes for big barrel combos, but you do straight one shot him so better player wins when even. This champ ulting you is a big problem though during ganks
Buffer your E when he goes to Q you. If he takes phase rush it's pretty impossible to kill him unless he played bad. Save secondW for before he ults to try and not get executed
Don't let this little guy jump on your head to get away and you should be fine. Mega Gnar just throws you into walls and it's not as fun. Try to buffer E on his combos
Late game monster champ, sometimes just ignores your damage and kills you through it. Her W drops your regular frenzy also which sucks. Should be a free kill early and mid game though
Mostly you E his E/R towards you or just damage check him because you damage faster but he does ramp up. Sometimes it's good to reset the fight when he was no stacks
This champ will bang you out with your linear movement. Use your W to dodge his stun, he still might one shot you tho. Ganking from behind is good after your teammate starts the gank
It's Illaoi, either you're super fed from her bot lane and kill her or she destroys both you and your laner
Use your movement to dodge her E, charge your E on her W or combo. Point and click stun is good to cancel her Q's to stack up
Champ is a free kill for you but she will buy like 10 seconds minimum every time which could be the death of you
A good jayce with E buffer your Q which is usually pretty good for him. He will either ranged EQ you and run after that with phase rush and you're gone or he turns the fight and kills you. Usually you can kill him on the second rotation of cooldowns if you didn't 1shot him off the jump
Traps can be a problem, use your spells to try to bypass this. Usually just a free chomp tho
When you're ganking this champion and you break his combos up a bit with Q slowing it down, W for movement and E to delay him it's pretty good. Him with frostfire in a 1v1 beats anyone though so pick your spots
Kai'sa can evade you kind of well with a good timed R and E update for invis dropping your frenzy. If you R her first tho the invis doesn't matter because of true sight and you'll be fast enough to bypass her R. Big chomp
Chomp her then duskblade away from her team, it's free
This champ can kind of kite you if you're even or behind? But mostly just chomp
THIS MAN IS FREE CHOMP BUT when he jumps over walls on you it's kinda cringe, need to do a huge burst with your hail of blades then reset the situation. Never extended chase
You kinda just chomp this champ. She can only do cringe hopping to delay your frenzy buff then you lose damage, should be a chomp tho
Early game and mid game you bang out. Hold E on her R but late game this could be a throw because her R will deny you duskblade kill proc
He will 100% get a stun off on you when you engage on him, but depending on your spell buffers or teammates it will still be free
You kind of always force him to dismount with your damage then kill him with your second set on cooldowns, but he can kite you. Skill match up
This champ is just hard to kill if she doesn't want to be, try and stun her on her W in and just prayge
This champ doesn't kill you, but road blocks
Definitely even to me, if you're strong and snowballing you will one combo her, if you're weak she will kite and destroy you. Use E when she ults you other than that it's a damage race
This champion doesn't everything wrong against you and you still cannot kill her. Your Q stun isn't long enough to stop her from Eing unless perfectly timed vs them. Tons of CC and magic damage
One of the only champions that can kite you if executed well, odds are you will just chomp them
This champion hits the W key when you go in and now the game is unplayable wooo, if she has no spells it's a free win
Only use your W to dodge her Q and it should be a free win. If you ult her she might full combo you on the way in, that feels bad.
His spell shield stops your Q engage, so you need team help unless you're just flat out killing him with damage. His ult will destroy you if you ult too early in teamfights
Chomp this guy perma, ult this guy perma, only is a rough matchup when you over extend and get caught.
Master Yi
Even matchup, first person to mess up loses. Generally speaking you want to stun him when he W or Q's in a bad spot and hold your E when he Q's you. It's just skill matchup tbh play well
Dodge his knock back with your W and it's pretty free. Don't try Q into E combo because he will just cleanse it
Miss Fortune
Bigggggggggg chomp but she can R your R in to try and trade you out, Immediately Q and W2 to make sure you don't die to this
You sometimes stack check him and sometimes he stat checks you tbh, W to dodge his Q and never bite into his shield
Use your W to dodge her Q, and your Q will probably get spell shielded. Try and just physical damage through it and kill her
Idk, like the champ is kinda cringe, up to you
She can bubble your R and engage, use your W if possible to dodge that, then the game is free
Like somethings you destroy him, sometimes he 1v3's your team. He kinda beats assassins unless you're mega ahead
If he cc's you to death, he's extreme threat, if he cc's your teammate, it's free game
Wait out her counter strike and and then try? One of the only adc champs you don't destroy
Nunu & Willump
Dodge his snowball with your W then biggggg chomp energy, only thing that beats you is if he ults and you don't E it
Even, either you damage check him or he damage checks you, save W2 for omega late in the fight if possible
WQ is usually enough to beat this champion. Be careful to not get too chunked from her Q-R-W and you should be okay. Also it's good to think about your ultimate because she will sometimes ult when you land from R so you might have to buffer your E
Sometimes he body blocks all your damage and it sucks, sometimes you hit a big E and he folds
Some parts of this matchup are skilled based. Like you can buffer your E into his WQ combo. He will then E your WQ combo so it usually just turns into a stalemate unless one is more fed than the other. EQ-QE combo is usually good
This champ does insane damage and her W counters your whole kit. glhf
Dodge his E with your W and it should be a free win. Sometimes his invis will drop your frenzy and that sucks. He is a good R target if it hits because he will run away and be a free kill or he will E to his team and it's big.
This champ either chooses to run from you and go invis so frenzy drops. Or if you don't buffer E into her combo you just die. Nice!!!!
This champion can do a little bit of out playing on you but usually it's just a free kill. She will E you away, you just keep chasing and wait out blind. Sometimes it's good to buffer E into her E just to deny her any chance of killing you.
This champ can only waste your time, which is his plan. Dodge his W with your W and it's good. He is a great R target because if he E's to his team afterwards, it's a free teamfight win
She is kinda a free kill for you. Only thing you have to do is not omega stack on her combos and it's free. Usually best to just go kill her team before her or burst when aftershock is down
Renata Glasc
She can R your R / Engage and that will be pretty rough. It's on you to dodge her spells which isn't impossible with your W. Better player wins this
This champ either runs away from you after doing his combo or walks forward because you can't trade back damage. Big hitbox for ultimate blocking too. Kinda annoying but if he combos someone else then you can trade big damage back
Another one of the top laners that you can't kill unless they choose to fight you. They can always choose to run away and fight on their terms. Focus the team rather than her
This champion can fight you 1v1 in terms of damage with antiheal and just puts a ton of damage on you if you over extend. But on the same note, if Rumble goes a little too far it's a free kill for you.
Biggggg chomp energy, just accept that he can ultimate away from you but you can shoot your R at his
Save your Q for her ultimate and it's a free win. Other than that be careful trying to ultimate her because her W can negate it
BIGGGGGGG CHOMP use W to dodge her root and keep it pushing. Sometimes her invis will drop your frenzy, that sucks oh well
One of the rare "Even" matchups with ranged people. But she can buffer her R into your R and just get a full combo off of you. If you live the combo then you kill her tho. Can be annoying if your team can't get you any space vs her.
Unless he does the EW 1 tap on you it's a free kill. Buffer your E into his W and you never die from it. You can Q to breakup his autos. The idea is to get him low where he needs to W to win the fight and then you E to make losing impossible
I tend the WQ on top of him then buffer E before he ults that way your E hits both of them. It's usually a free kill from there. Only thing that gets annoying is the AP build when he is posted up in a spot and you take 500 damage per his W
Shen cannot kill you but unless he messes up you cant kill him. He will also ultimate someone around the same time you try to W2 them. So, it can be annoying playing against Shen. But usually he's a nonfactor to you if you dodge his taunt. E him out of his W
This champion will drop her full combo on you when your R someone, sometimes you soak the whole thing and live, sometimes you get one shot. Try to dodge her E with your W if possible and use plants to heal with W2 if nothing else is around
I buffer E upon getting slept just to heal and damage reduce her combo. She can be annoying if she's poking you, but it's a free kill if you ever engage on her
Pretty annoying champ because he will put bombs on your linear walking direction. Use W to dodge one of the two bombs. If someone dies but gets revived try to charge E on his R target and it's a free kill
Annoying runaway poke champ. Get creative with movement to dodge his spells. He will W to get away from you frame one if he gets ulted. Try to buffer a fast Q out of ultimate to give you more damage on him if he wasn't frame perfect
BIGGGG CHOMP, care her jumping over walls tho
This champ will kite you around by hopping to shadows. Generally speaking you just buffer E into his R for a stun and kill him in one rotation tho
This champion is either 10/0 or 0/10 based off of your top laner running it or running him. Get out of his cage with W or Q then take the fight. He does get a lot of movement speed to dodge your E tho so raw hitting an E can be tough
If he tries to combo you with Q3 and R just buffer an E behind you to stun him into a wall / buy time. Other than that it's just a damage race vs him and you usually win it with a good E
Biggggg chomp. Early ganks are good vs him because he will fight your laner and Q beats his whole kit.
Xin Zhao
I like to E his engage just to break up his combo then fight him on my terms. He does have good skirmish early so if his team has first rotate, you're in a bad spot. E buffer his Q3 if you have it.
Shyvana's do almost nothing all early game, so take advantage of this by forcing good ganks early. Try to E her E if she's in dragon AP form. You should win 1v1's at all time if even or ahead.
Sometimes he W-E's and burns you if you try to chase. Sometimes you just 1 combo him with WQ, better player wins this. Usually just kill his team first
Use your W to dodge his Q or Just Q his Q. He shouldnβt really get that damage on you unless you ult him. If he is ulting towards your team you can just charge E and wall slam him and that breaks up his Ult + Q combo so itβs really good. Worst thing that happens is you W and he just body blocks hard
Just W towards her, usually this alone can kill her so donβt feel like you have to Q and get it spell shielded. Itβs all about baiting her shield then punishing. At worst you can just W+ smite + Q to break it
You can practically never kill Skarner unless he decides to fight you when youβre even. If youβre fed you just destroy him and ignore his damage. If heβs ahead or just tanky you have to be careful ulting because he will just counter ult you. Let him make the first mistake
BIGGGG CHOMP, you can E her ultimate if you think it is worth it, usually if she ults you, your next W will be the one that kills her. Try to W1 her ult if possible
Even because of what she does to her team, not in the 1v1. She will silence where you land from ultimate or she will silence after you W + Q. If she silences after either one, you cannot W2 or E which is a huge problem. Most times she will get ulted, E herself then wait for it to root then walk away, Hopefully you have killed her by then
It mostly depends on how fed you are, you guys will drain tank each other for a while but if you see yourself losing you can try to E him away. Use W1 to dodge his E (but make sure nothing else to auto is around) Generally speaking tho you want to bait his ultimate then E him away, let his ultimate drop off then regank him
Sylas can burst you down before your healing matters if heβs strong but usually you will W1 to dodge his E then just tear him apart. Be careful of W1βing towards him and getting everfrost chain ccβd to death
This should be a big chomp by using W1 to dodge her stun but letβs be honest. Syndra E hit box is broken so itβll hit you anyways. Dodge her stun / she uses stun on someone else then you kill her.
Tahm Kench
Similar to Sion, you can E his engage to break it up, sometimes youβll just beat him down sometimes you get ulted into his turret. Pick your spots right and try to kill his team first
Talon is usually an easy matchup, if he tries to combo you, E through it, if you combo him, itβs a one shot. His ultimate dropping you W1 frenzy can be annoying but that also makes him an awesome ultimate target because of the true sight.
Taric by himself isnβt a big deal. Dodge the stun with W1 or tank it and deal damage after. The problem can easily turn into, you ult someone and he ults with them, now your engage isnβt as good BUT they will be clumped so itβs manageable.
Dodge his stun with movement and itβs a pretty free kill. When he ults you get vision of where he is so you can ult his ult and itβs pretty high chance of hitting. When you land from ultimate you can W1 to try and dodge the stun. Hexdrinker makes it unloseable
One of the only ADCs to give you trouble. You can engage on her pre 6 and itβs free after that you have to bait her ult with first WQ then reset the situation. If you frenzy into feathers you probably die. Charging E into her recall of feathers is smart but sometimes you die anyway.
Blind is the only thing that messes you up, usually you just kill him after it but if he damage checks you it's a rough game. Care for teamfights and he blinds you
Tons of little interactions here. If you can buffer E into his ult, he still gets slammed. If you feed your W1 into his E then you lose. Try to bait his E by QE combo then W after wall slam or just out movement him.
Better player wins
You can usually just W1 and beat him up. Try and not let him stack too many W's on you if he's really tanky he will win the fight. Use your E on his EQ combo and you win
He can at anytime break Frenzy with his W which messes you up a ton. Try to gank him after this is down and he's a free kill. Late game he does just burst you or your whole team so you have to punish him hard. If he ever comes out of W you have to full combo.
If you ult him, use your W and Q to try and dodge out of his W. Or just save W till after the stun if he is not near turret. All in all, just one shot him and E his combo when possible
Better player win
This champion practically full counters you. You can only gank her when she uses fear on your team, after that it's a clean one shot. But if her team has priority you get destroyed and your E isn't enough
Save W1 to dodge his E and it's a free kill. Only real problems are if you ult him and he times his E correctly, you will take that combo. If he doesn't just mash W1 to dodge it then kill him
If you get caught in the cage, try to time your E to take the WQ combo. If he cages your team, use everything and just kill him. Have to wait out his E to play the game tho.
Pre 6 you just have to wait for her to E your team. After 6 she makes you drop frenzy by ULT Q'ing. So, your main counter play is killing her support or hitting her with ult for the true sight
Only have to dodge his ultimate being buffered into your ultimate. If you use W1 or flash to dodge his ult it's a free kill. Be careful of his E applying grievous wounds on you.
This matchup is even. If you get flipped into his full combo he destroys you. If you W1 to dodge the E you're in a good spot and can always E to disengage.
You always destroy this champion BIGGGG CHOMP. His Q can drop frenzy if you are too far from him. Ultimate landing is always a free kill
Twisted Fate
If you're getting invaded by him and his JG he will stun card you to force your E then it's up to you to flash away or take the fight. If it's just him buffer your Q into his stuncard and go 1 for 1 then kill him after. Pretty easy
This matchup is Tempo based where if you're ahead you can burst him to force his ultimate then just hold your E till he is about to die. But he will do the same to you sometimes and use his E to dodge yours. You can catch him slipping with a good W2 execute kill. All in all, prioritize his team over him.
Trundle and Briar is another damage race, first one to burst the other and force them to run is going to win. Try and E his Q with sheen proc because that's his highest damage move. Feel free to E him towards his pillar or where he will put it. Don't get caught alone without lane prio or he runs you down by dodging your E
This champion mid lane can try to invade you at your third camp with ignite and jump after you use your spells. In the 1v1 she can buffer jump to get away from you and at worst she will ultimate you away. Best case scenario for you is to engage on her after she W's into your team
Thresh can annoy you with Q'ing or E'ing where your ult will land. But use his lantern as a way to get a multi man ultimate. Always shoot ult at him instead of the teammate. All in all, big chomp
If you W towards him early he will just fear you and walk away. Use your spells to dodge his. Generally speaking it's a free kill if you dodge his cc. E his ultimate and W combo
He can kite you well and do good damage with the Rylais build. His full clear is about 30 seconds faster than yours. But, if you position well and catch him lacking it's almost always a confirmed one shot. Good champion to demon combo
Hi my name is Logan (L0ganJG) Jungle! I have been playing Briar since her release and been one of the highest ranked Briar mains in the world consistently every season. My motivation for learning Briar has given me the peak rank of over 800 LP Challenger. This in depth guide will show you the mind of a Briar Main and all the knowledge to succeed in playing Briar.
If you have any questions join me in my stream on twitch where I answer all questions live!
Briar can be confusing with knowing who you will target in every situation. But just keep in mind that your Head Rush (Q): Q makes Briar prioritize that target.
So, in the circumstance you have to steal a dragon you would Blood Frenzy (Q): W1 over the wall, Q to the dragon, then W2 + Smite for tons of damage!
This can be tough when stealing baron because your Head Rush (Q): Q will make Baron push you off which can delay your Snack Attack (W): Snack Attack W2 + Smite combo but it is still realistic to pull off!
Briar Kit
Head Rush (Q): ACTIVE: Briar Dash leaps to the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals magic damage, applies On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects, Stun icon stuns them for 0.85 seconds, and reduces their Armor penetration icon armor and Magic penetration icon magic resistance for 5 seconds.
Blood Frenzy (W): ACTIVE: Briar Dash dashes to the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gains Blood Frenzy for 5 seconds, during which she can cast Snack Attack Snack Attack.
Briar Blood Frenzy
BLOOD FRENZY: Briar breaks free from her pillory, causing her to become forced to basic attack the nearest enemy. She Reveal icon reveals the target and gains Ghost ghosting, Attack speed icon bonus attack speed and Movement speed icon bonus movement speed, as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal physical damage to enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected by Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers.
Snack Attack
Snack Attack (W): ACTIVE: Briar empowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds during Blood Frenzy Blood Frenzy to take a bite out of the target enemy, having an Relentless Force 2 uncancelable windup, gaining Range icon 50 bonus range, dealing bonus physical damage and Heal power icon healing her for 5% of her maximum health plus a percentage of the post-mitigation damage dealt.
Chilling Scream (E): ACTIVE: Briar Channeling icon charges for up to 1 second, during which she increases Chilling Scream's damage and range, and gains 35% damage reduction and Heal power icon heals herself every 0.25 seconds.
2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 / 3.25% maximum health
Chilling Scream can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Chilling Scream's charge cannot be Silence icon interrupted by Stun icon crowd control.
RECAST: Briar unleashes a scream in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and Slow icon slows them by 80% for 0.5 seconds.
Certain Death (R): ACTIVE: Briar kicks her pillory's hemolith in the target direction, briefly granting Sight icon sight of its surroundings as it travels and marking the first enemy champion hit as her prey. The mark Silence icon disrupts their ongoing Channeling icon channels, and also True Sight icon reveals them until the effects of Certain Death are removed.
If a target is hit, Briar Remove Scurvy cleanses herself from all Stun icon crowd control and destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwards Dash dashing to them with Unstoppable icon displacement immunity. Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals magic damage to them and nearby enemies and Flee icon fears all non-marked targets for 1.5 seconds, during which they are Slow icon slowed by 35%. She then enters a state of Hematomania.
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