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Tahm Kench Build Guide by VenomCake

Middle 14.21 Tahm Kench Mid Guide

Middle 14.21 Tahm Kench Mid Guide

Updated on October 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VenomCake Build Guide By VenomCake 5,739 Views 0 Comments
5,739 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VenomCake Tahm Kench Build Guide By VenomCake Updated on October 28, 2024
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Runes: Always (Also for ADC)

Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

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+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

14.21 Tahm Kench Mid Guide

By VenomCake

While in ult, press Q in the direction of your movement when the timer(bar) is right underneath the tip of the anchor.
This allows for a guarenteed Q to land. This is useful against enemies spamming flash/zhonya or a dash/blink(fizz, kassadin).
How to land W's

Hitting the W by itself is difficult. Use these ways to increase the chances of hitting W.

1. As in the picture, use W when the enemy "cc's themself," this can occur when they auto for cs/towers (burns so many flashes from lane opponent).
2. Q -> slows them. Helps set up for W.
3. Wait for allies to cc -> synergize with your W (blitz hook, senna root, lillia ult)
Thinking about Q

Find angles to use Q. The width of the Q is larger than the indicator. This can be used to "wrap around" caster minions and hit the mage behind. Feel out your opponent and predict movement (S keying helps to fake them out).

SPAM Q. It has a very low Mana cost so you are able to miss a a few times without punishment. It also heals for A LOT (% missing HP + flat). Use this to sustain in lane longer.

Easiest time to Q is when you clear a full wave. This allows for an open shot at hitting Q.

NOTE: The Q does A LOT of damage. In early game, landing even 3 of these will make squishy mages below half HP.
Using E
- Only press it if you will die without it
- Minions can reset the regen timer. ANY damage taken resets it.
- Be near at least 2 people in teamfights to get bonus

NOTE: This should not be a confusing ability.
Laning Phase
- into a good matchup, you are always going to win if you land a couple Q's
- use Q twice, once to entry then again AFTER they use their burst. "after" is due to the Q's % missing HP healing
- USE GRASP. this does so much damage, you are able to tank a couple hits to get in close and auto with grasp. It heals aswell, so the damage you took on the way there is mitigated a bit.
- Q -> W -> grasp auto, if you know enemy jungler is not near. This is highest damage early
General Playstyle (Early)
1. Get lane prio.
2. Poke laner as much as possible
3. Stack grasp
5. Wait for a fight to start. Tahm's early game is SO STRONG. The enemy jungler does not respect how strong you are, even pre-6. They will start random fight so often, you should always be there and winning them.
6. HOLD W in 2v2 fights. Wait to use it when you KNOW it will land. Q stun or jungler cc setup.
After Laning Phase
- TP to fights you are confident you will win

NOTE: You will probably have a big bounty out of laning phase. Being a frontline tank, you need to only take smart fights in order to not give away bounty (Dont ego with bounty, you are frontline).
Additional Notes
- Enemy team will not respect your tankiness/damage
- Your own team will not respect your tankiness/damage. Spam ping to give them confidence in you

- Autos do so much damage due to passive. Spam autos
- Riftmaker allows you to 1 shot caster minions with W
- Cosmic Drive is ego item. Only build if confident that you will not die (enemy team has NO tank killers).
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