Only Tip: Play around your e to last hit minions stay under the turret with you minions and try to buy the executioner sword and after this or a bit later have you a tiny % chance to fight against him. Concqueror and ignite teleport is needed
Is for many People a Must Ban but for me it isn't that bad or unplayable like against a good Renek because she will come to you and kill all your kids with <4 Q's and thats it if you position yourself good and have a bit wave controll this might be more playable than the rennek match up.
Conqueror, Ignite and teleport
Can eat your Maiden in Mid Game or Early depends if you buy some health items or not.
but still easy to kill with your ghould and cage.
Poke him down with the HP stacker build and Conqueror, flash + teleport
Kills your Minions in a instant with his W. I would say it's a skill match up but if you get gold advantage and play good around his you should be able to win this lane. Conqueror, flash and teleport
You will be caged in his R and have no kids or a Wife but if you build the HP stacker build and poke him down with your e you should be easily able to kill him just try not to get near his R range. Conqueror, flash + teleport
Is a annoying b*tch with his e + q Combo but just try to stay near your turret range and poke him with your e until your jungler comes.
Grasp or Conqueror both are solid, Flash and Teleport but ignite should be viable too
Is a disgusting pig try Grasp and poke him in the early with your Q.
Serylda's must Item to slow this Brain rotted maniac down.
Flash or Ghost + Teleport
Depends if he's good or not if he is than just try to poke him with the HP stacker build + e.
Conqueror or Comet viable, flash + teleport
If you are a beginner this match up might be hard if she's not completly running it down.
Just try to poke her like b*tch and spam emotes to break his mental
jokes aside just try to play around your e and extremly important your W= cage because she CAN'T dash out of your cage.
Conqueror, Ignite+teleport
To lazy for that, write in the comments if you need some tips for counters of match ups I will add it in the threats
To lazy for that, write in the comments if you need some tips for counters of match ups I will add it in the threats
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