RAIIIJOT - one shots you past level 3 from off screen. good luck.
You win levels 1-2 and then he can kill you levels 3 - 5 then you win again at level 6 - 11 ish. Then he mega outscales you so end the game fast :$
This champ is just disgusting rn ill update this when he gets gutted and people dont keep running him down as adc and winning from his crazy scaling.
This champ is just completely disgusting rn. You win pretty hard early 1-6 but when it comes to mid/late game and she starts outscaling you and is able to easily gap close your passive the game is just gg.
Try to kill level 1-3. Once he gets ult he just outpokes and outranges you its too much. Try to ult him off cooldown even if its for poke. Then avoid his passive which cant be slowed by your passive.
Out damages you early and can bloodrush outrun your passive slow. Try not to feed him early but if he does get fed i dont recommend going anywhere near him. Your ult is his kryptonite when he has no flash.
You win hard 1-3 and again when you get ult just watch for her spellshield. She also mega outscales everything and can solo carry late game even when not fed early. Just dont let her farm afk in a side lane and try to farm her early.
Ranged poke similar to your w damage but it can go through minions. Good luck and hope you dodge like faker. You have the range advantage on ult at least.
you win hard before he has first back and buys any ap items. Then you better dodge every ability or he will just one shot you. Make sure not to leave him alone in side lanes as he will execute all your turrets :C
You lose basically every trade depending on support matchup until level 6 when you can just press R and delete her. Just dont feed her before then :)
Miss Fortune
The one champ you dont want to stand behind creeps against :)
xayah players are either boosted af or prime gumayusi on amphetamines. She can R over your R. You win everything else.
Depends on the skill level of the jhin - Just dont take trades from his 4th auto and he does no damage to you before his first back. Try not to get cheesed by traps and his stun in bushes. He outscales you late game cos he does 2000 damage per auto (nice job raijot).
She just does too much damage. Don't walk into bushes and get trapped like a bot. And dodge her Qs through the minion wave. All in her when her E (net) is down and she cant run from you.
Shes just useless until late game when she pentakills 20 times in a row. Dont fight her when she can get her passive cos she will just destroy you (epic monsters and low hp turrets or doomed teammates).
You out damage her early and she can't chase you with passive leaps because of your slow. Just win early and snowball because depending on her support she will just scale and eventually take over the game.
Twitch is just kinda weak rn. Watch out for his cheesy Qs and its a free lane. He may just outscale you late game on a roam though if your team is brainless.
You out trade her early with long range poke and passive. If she gets on you she will out trade you even a level down. Your R counters her R (if you land it lol)
Zeri with a yuumi goes even at best. Until late game if the zeri is really good she can outscale you and carry. But in reality most zeri players are boosted so its a free lane.
If the vayne can get a lead early the game becomes unplayable both for you and your team late game. So just play safe early and dont get cheesed. If you land R she will disintegrate.
Useless in lane early. Will always die if you hit him with R. At around 20 minutes a fed smolder will carry with execute. At 30 minutes an 0/10 smolder will carry with execute. End the game fast.
A really good ezreal will just about go even in this matchup. You are playing the point and click slow champ. Just run him down from behind your wave and he can only trade with flimsy autos. If you hit R when he has no E blink he is guaranteed dead.
Always be wary of lucian with nami or yuumi speed / healing. He will probably win the lane. Use your R as follow up CC with your support/jg engage and he should die even if fed.
She loses hard early and will probably int to try CS so punish and zone her hard. She has to use all abilities as wave clear. Her R is useless till late game when she has damage to oneshot backline. Emphasis on her R late game lets her oneshot backline.
I dont know what this champ does. I also dont think most aphelios players know what he does either so its pretty free. He does scale late with that one weapon and will just oneshot anything but we glance over that.
He goes even with you in lane - maybe slightly corki sided. He will be very strong late game but is weaker than you when you get your two item spike. Will always die from your R.
You win early levels 1-4. When she gets her first back and any AP she will just do half your HP in one E. Don't get bush cheesed by her q aa e aa R combo or you insta die. I swear this champ is balanced on egirls missing every skillshot. Nerf her ratios raiiiijot.
Brand APC is mega nerfed because Tyler1 played it for a bit. He will run out of mana level 3 and will struggle to waveclear. Punish him before his first back and he will probably give you kill opportunity. Then you mega outscale him. If he kills you early he will one shot you for the rest of the game. Good luck!
You can play perma aggro and constantly be full hp. Works extremely well against enemy enchanter supp. You will insta die against double engage such as draven pyke.
Huge poke capability with a competent Xerath. Your passive slow allows him to hit every ability. Enemy laners wont be able to play.
Good to have AP in your lane so enemy supp cant build full armour.
Good CC and easy for seraphine to hit an ashe passive slowed enemy.
Good to have AP in your lane so enemy supp cant build full armour.
Heals you perma and stuns the enemies. And he's pretty tanky. Can't be more perfect.
Pyke can hit every hook on an ashe passive slowed enemy. SURELY?!?
Enemies are slowed. You are speedededed.
Renata Glasc
AP is good in lane so enemies can't build full armour. He can hit his abilities with Ashe passive. Very strong late game with his passive.
Tahm Kench
Tanky. Engage. Easy to hit abilities with Ashe passive. Aggressive AP poke. He's probably the most meta support with Ashe right now.
AP poke + Speed and heals for you. Perfection
AP Poke + Speed + Heals + Immortality Ult for you to play hyper aggressive or save your life.
AP poke, Some mobility for you out of combat. Easy for her to hit her stun on slowed enemies.
Lowkey OP with AP poke burn. Not much synergy with Ashe apart from the CC.
Budget Xerath for noobies who cant hit skillshots. Still good tho lollolol.
Good in lower ELO. Harder to pull off in high MMR lobbies. Very good mid game. Pretty bad very early and very late.
Strong poke in lane. Okay peel with q stun. and easy to hit his W on slowed enemies.
All engage supports are pretty good with Ashe. All skillshots are 2x easier to hit and she has the early damage and attack speed to melt through anyone with her q at level 2.
You can play perma aggro and constantly be full hp. Works extremely well against enemy enchanter supp. You will insta die against double engage such as draven pyke.
Huge poke capability with a competent Xerath. Your passive slow allows him to hit every ability. Enemy laners wont be able to play.
Good to have AP in your lane so enemy supp cant build full armour.
Good CC and easy for seraphine to hit an ashe passive slowed enemy.
Good to have AP in your lane so enemy supp cant build full armour.
Heals you perma and stuns the enemies. And he's pretty tanky. Can't be more perfect.
Pyke can hit every hook on an ashe passive slowed enemy. SURELY?!?
Enemies are slowed. You are speedededed.
Renata Glasc
AP is good in lane so enemies can't build full armour. He can hit his abilities with Ashe passive. Very strong late game with his passive.
Tahm Kench
Tanky. Engage. Easy to hit abilities with Ashe passive. Aggressive AP poke. He's probably the most meta support with Ashe right now.
AP poke + Speed and heals for you. Perfection
AP Poke + Speed + Heals + Immortality Ult for you to play hyper aggressive or save your life.
AP poke, Some mobility for you out of combat. Easy for her to hit her stun on slowed enemies.
Lowkey OP with AP poke burn. Not much synergy with Ashe apart from the CC.
Budget Xerath for noobies who cant hit skillshots. Still good tho lollolol.
Good in lower ELO. Harder to pull off in high MMR lobbies. Very good mid game. Pretty bad very early and very late.
Strong poke in lane. Okay peel with q stun. and easy to hit his W on slowed enemies.
All engage supports are pretty good with Ashe. All skillshots are 2x easier to hit and she has the early damage and attack speed to melt through anyone with her q at level 2.
Shindeiru here from EUW. This is the first of many guides to come showcasing the most meta current build for different league champions. Ashe is a versatile and fun champ that I love playing because I can just spam click A to attack move click and go afk. She can be played in tons of roles including bot, support and even toplane in some matchups due to her slow in the long lane being able to kite anyone level 1 - Future guide ideas perhaps.
My discord .shindeiru. is open to dms regarding this guide and any future additions. Please send recommendations, complaints, questions, and answers there or in the comments of this quide. If you like the concepts, gained new knowledge or want more in the future feel free to leave a like on the guide C:
Tips and Tricks
Attacking minions or towers keeps your Q activatable - Attack minions 3 times before leading with aa q aa...
Ult combo for close range with w followed by r. The slow will make it much easier to hit and it will be more unexpected, deal more burst damage and it will animation cancel the w.
In early lane you can abuse last hitting a minion and following up with w through the gap that is made for poke behind the wave.
You will scale as an ADC really well and can carry late game team fights. Dont worry about 50/50 flipping the game level 1-3. Sometimes in bad matchups you can just play safe and farm under tower last hitting.
In a late game team fight, try to play distance and kite behind your carry or tank supp/top if you are the carry.
If you are very advanced (high elo) make sure to also track enemy jungle around map and listen to pings from your jungler asking for objective vision from your E.
Late game you can scout with E for enemy flank TPs, solo dragon takes, assassin flanks, etc...
Pros and Cons of Ashe ADC
+Tons of slows with passive and crit passive double slow.
+Hard CC global ult.
+Vision on E for objective control.
+Amazing two item powerspike.
+Speed diff over enemy bot.
-R is low damage.
-Takes a few extra autos to become activated in team fights.
-No one item powerspike.
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