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Jax Build Guide by TopDiffed

Top [14.3] TopDiffed's Jax Guide | Carry as Jax! ✅✅

Top [14.3] TopDiffed's Jax Guide | Carry as Jax! ✅✅

Updated on February 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed Build Guide By TopDiffed 9 0 13,666 Views 0 Comments
9 0 13,666 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed Jax Build Guide By TopDiffed Updated on February 18, 2024
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Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Standard Summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[14.3] TopDiffed's Jax Guide | Carry as Jax! ✅✅

By TopDiffed
Hi guys. I'm TopDiffed, a top laner who has been playing since S6 and I have climbed all the way to master tier in Solo Queue. I wanted to make some guides to show you tips and tricks for my favorite champions before getting into streaming. I hope my guides are helpful to let you hone your skills and give you some tips you have not seen elsewhere before. I have played a ton of Jax, and he remains one of the strongest top laners in the game right now.

Pretty strong blind pick
Very good 2v1 potential
Great powerspikes on items
Good side lane pressure
Great carry potential late game
Nice build paths, useful with a variety of items/mythics
Good mobility with Q


Malphite exists, ban it
Otherwise Jax is one of the most complete champions in the entire game imo

Relentless Assault(Passive)

INNATE: Jax's basic attacks generate a stack of Relentless Assault on-attack for 2.5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and stacking up to 8 times. Stacks expire by one every 0.25 seconds when the duration ends.

RELENTLESS ASSAULT: For each stack, Jax gains 3.5% − 11% (based on level) Attack speed icon bonus attack speed, up to a maximum of 28% − 88% (based on level).

Grandmaster at Angling
GRANDMASTER AT ANGLING: While out-of-combat and idle in the river for 10 seconds, Jax will occasionally catch a fish, granting him 1 Gold 1. He catches a fish at an average rate of one every 15 seconds.

Jax's passive is what makes him such a threat in the splitpush and very strong in lane with lethal tempo. This gives us an enormous amount of attack speed and improves our overall DPS by a ton.

Leap Strike

ACTIVE: Jax Dash dashes to the target unit's location.

If the target is an enemy and they are in range upon arrival, Jax deals them physical damage.

Q is our mobility and engage move. Don't forget you can use this on wards to close the gap on an enemy or escape a gank. We can also use W during the animation to apply the extra damage to our Q!


ACTIVE: Jax empowers his next basic attack or Leap Strike Leap Strike against an enemy within 10 seconds to deal bonus magic damage. If Empower is used on a basic attack, it will gain Range icon 50 bonus range.

Jax W is where most of our damage comes from. We max this first to trade in lane and make us a bigger splitpush threat. Do not forget this is an autoattack reset! In practice tool you should practice using auto-W as fast as you can because it matters a lot. Use that autoattack reset to its fullest extent to get the most damage you can.

Counter Strike

ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to Jax Counter Strike old dodge all incoming non-Turret icon turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities from Champion icon champions.

Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration.

RECAST: Jax deals magic damage to nearby enemies, with the total damage increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase, and Stun icon stuns them for 1 second.

Counter Strike is arguably one of the best basic abilities in the entire game. Not only do we get 2 seconds of dodge with it, we get 25% AOE damage reduction from enemy champions and a 1 second stun for anyone inside at the end. In lane, use this to bully the opponent by walking into melee range and trading and activating it when they trade back. If they try to jump away we can gap close with our Q. This ability is great for zoning enemies off the wave.


PASSIVE: Jax's basic attacks generate a stack of Grandmaster-At-Arms On-hit icon on-hit for 2.5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, his next basic attack is empowered to consume them all to deal bonus magic damage. While Grandmaster-At-Arms is active, the empowered attack triggers at 1 stack instead.

60 / 110 / 160 (+ 60% AP)
Jax Grandmaster-At-Arms
ACTIVE: Jax swings his lantern around, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits a champion, he gains Armor icon bonus armor, increased for each champion hit beyond the first, and Magic resistance icon bonus magic resistance equal to 60% of that amount as well as 10% increased size for 8 seconds.

I really like the new Jax ult. This ability is best used in the middle of as many enemy champs as you can find as we get bonus armor and MR based on enemies hit with it. We also get our "3rd shot" passive with it where we can do incredible damage. In lane or the split, try timing your 3rd proc of passive with your W for a quick 1 auto trade that does a ton of damage.
Lethal Tempo

We actually don't build that much attack speed on Jax outside of BOTRK occasionally so lethal tempo is amazing for our trades. Take this over Conqueror every time.


Extra HP, self explanatory for Jax. We have no real mana issues so presence is useless and overheal just isn't that good compared to Triumph.

Legend: Alacrity

Extra attack speed to get our autos in more often, very good for Jax. This is stronger in lane than tenacity and my favorite to take for snowballing.

Last Stand

Jax is very good at staying low HP in team fights and healing back up with sunderer. Last Stand is the best choice for this reason, we're going to be low HP pretty often when going in and engaging fights.

Bone Plating

I find resolve secondary too good not to take on Jax. We are going to be trading A LOT in lane and bone plating reduces a lot of damage from this.


Gives us some much needed tenacity when we engage fights and pop our summoners. We're building a lot of health already so we don't particularly need overgrowth.

Best summoner on Jax. Great for splitting, getting back to lane if you get camped pre-6, and getting to team fights later.


Nice option for Jax if you want to play aggressively in lane and push a lead. He has surprising burst damage and if you're playing to win lane this is not a bad choice. I prefer TP for the utility though.
Trinity Force

Best Jax item right now. Great stats that we use, can proc the spellblade on W with ease. Overall the best option every game.

Sundered Sky

Actually a great item on Jax because of the stats alone. The healing is very underrated as well. This item is overtuned right now so try to abuse it while you can.

Titanic Hydra

Best hydra item on Jax. We make great use of the HP bonus with our resistances on ult and the auto reset is also very helpful for our combo.
Level 1, zone them off the wave with E and auto them when they are close. Jax's level 1 is super strong.

Your primary combos will be this:

Early game (pre-6)

Auto-W, E when they trade back and commit, or Q away after your trade.

Post-6 same thing but make sure you time your 3rd proc of R with your W on the trade.

Late game engaging you want to E>Q>R (in as many champs as possible) and weave in autos and W's to kill them.

Will add more details with indepth videos on my guides soon! Stay tuned
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed
TopDiffed Jax Guide
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[14.3] TopDiffed's Jax Guide | Carry as Jax! ✅✅

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