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Recommended Items
Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Default, safe
Threats & Synergies
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV
Champion Build Guide
Laning phase & Tips
Until you have your Hexcore upgrade for your E, you don't push backline minions in one ability cast, therefore, you don't want to get yourself in a situation where you have a very few seconds to clear the wave and not quite make it, so intead try to freeze the lane whenever you can, using your Q shield to not get any damage from minions, deny enemy cs, and/or go for recall. You should only start pushing when you know you are safe doing so, or when you have cover from your jungler/team...
Since lost chapter is cheaper, you won't ever need tear for mana, and LC is a huge legendary item spike for Viktor which pretty much unlocks his ability to trade effeciently, and win even hard matchups through poke.
During lane phase you are trying to poke your opponent with E, as long as there is some objective to be reached, such as making the opponent recall before getting a certain item power spike, getting them on low hp so that they have to be afraid of jungler, poking them before taking major objective (tower/dragon/void krugs...) etc.
However, your E mana cost is pretty high, so unless you have blue buff, you have to be very careful with how you use your mana.
Viktor is hyper-scaling carry, which means he is an insanely powerful late-game pick. Therefore, if you just get out of the lane phase even, you are always winning.
Enemy objective should be to either shut you down in early game or outroam you and win other lanes, until you to about level 11 / 2 items power spike.
Viktor's Q2 also works on towers which makes him decent at plate-taking & mid-game pushing.
If you play Viktor against smh like Qiyana, she might win the game until you get to your first item power spike, thats just something that happens in soloq once in a while, but you can try to avoid that by always pinging your opponent missing etc. And freezing cs away from her while she roams
Since lost chapter is cheaper, you won't ever need tear for mana, and LC is a huge legendary item spike for Viktor which pretty much unlocks his ability to trade effeciently, and win even hard matchups through poke.
During lane phase you are trying to poke your opponent with E, as long as there is some objective to be reached, such as making the opponent recall before getting a certain item power spike, getting them on low hp so that they have to be afraid of jungler, poking them before taking major objective (tower/dragon/void krugs...) etc.
However, your E mana cost is pretty high, so unless you have blue buff, you have to be very careful with how you use your mana.
Viktor is hyper-scaling carry, which means he is an insanely powerful late-game pick. Therefore, if you just get out of the lane phase even, you are always winning.
Enemy objective should be to either shut you down in early game or outroam you and win other lanes, until you to about level 11 / 2 items power spike.
Viktor's Q2 also works on towers which makes him decent at plate-taking & mid-game pushing.
If you play Viktor against smh like Qiyana, she might win the game until you get to your first item power spike, thats just something that happens in soloq once in a while, but you can try to avoid that by always pinging your opponent missing etc. And freezing cs away from her while she roams
Glorious Evolution
You collect stacks for last-hitting, one for each minion & 10 for a Cannon, as well as 20 for kill participations. 400 stacks in total. With each Glorious Evolution (Viktor's passive) upgrade you get an ability improvement. At 3 upgrades, you have upgraded all of your non-ultimate abilities and therefore you are allowed to upgrade your ultimate, which is a super-late-game monster upgrade for your ult.
![]() | Perfect item for Viktor, super-boosts ultimate, you also get 20 Ultimate Ability Haste, which makes you able to also wave-clear waves whilst, mostly, still having your ult for fights. |
![]() | This new version of luden, the companion, is just the old classic, makes you push wave a big faster and gives you annoying poke with your laser. |
![]() | If no one on your team is building this and you have lots of magic damage, decent option to go, otherwise, not optimal in it's current state. |
![]() | Similar to lich bane, as it also gives MS and you want to build it at similar points of game, amplifies your bursts and can earn tiny bit of gold. |
![]() | Since Viktor is immobile, the MS which cosmic gives can come in handy. Nice item if you don't have to build anything else. |
![]() | This item amplifies your damage like crazy, if you are solo ap and enemy won't build MR |
![]() | This is a very niche item. Good for games with a lot of jungle fighting where the extra vision is helpful, keep in mind this doesn't reveal Akali/Twitch etc. :( |
![]() | Useless since Viktor's abilities rework, and the slow you get in your kit (W upgrade). |
Boots |
![]() | Good buy if you have 950 base, will always bring it's value. Especially good if enemy build MR (No Sorcerers angle) and you don't need Mercs either. |
![]() | Solid boots choice especially with team that you need to kite and/or have ton of slows but not much hard CC. |
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