Take Shield bash. Jax is a good ban, he has become harder again with LT back. always try to use E + W to counter his E, and never fight or all in when he has or uses R unless you can burst him. respect him like you respect a darius.
take ignite and try to bully him as much as possible early. Try to bait out his wither before you all in, first buy BORK as he is really tanky, if you dont get him behind enough he wins post 6, you have a kill window again once you get strikebreaker, but only if you're even. play for team fights and beg your AP teammates to help kill him if you fall behind
take fleet, ghost and first buy tier 2 boots. generally hard matchup as he has a lot of kite and speed, try to bait out his cleanse before ulting him. wait for ganks don't try solo him without stridebreaker.
take fleet, ghost and first buy swiftness boots. highly mobile and a massive team fight ult, you cant force trades with Kennen so just try farm as best you can.
The most hated "top laner" take fleet and ghost, and first buy swiftness boots, let her push you under tower and try farm. if you're lucky you'll get a gank. this goes for all ranged top laners
Very scary matchup, take ignite + shield bash and don't fight past 6. First buy BORK as he will be very tanky and try to play for team fights.
take grasp and ghost. never walk up to him if he has e up and wait for a gank. you have a kill window post 6 if you can deny his cc.
Take ignite. One of Sett's more annoying matchups, into a good Aatrox you will get punished constantly for trying to CS, let him push you in to tower and try look for trades with e if he goes for poke. you can look for trades early but you don't win the all in post 6 without denying his q3 dmg, while also hitting true damage. dont fight post 6 if you dont have ignite up/grievous wounds.
Take bork, shield bash and ignite. He has shield breaker on his W and armour shred on his E. Play around his rage as its the source of the shield breaker and armour shred and try to avoid fighting him while he's in ult. ghost is viable into renekton but it means you have to build grievous early
take ignite and shield bash. 50/50 complete skill matchup. wait till lane to skill an ability, take W lvl 1 if he takes W, Take E if he takes Q. you win the all in if you land W but its a coinflip, ideally wait for level 2 and all in him, you win if you land E + W combo. darius will kill you at any point if you make a mistake.
Take conq, ghost and rush swiftness boots. Gnar has a lot of harass in lane meaning you wont be getting the best of cs. in his mega form you can actually win trades by playing smart by avoiding his W stun mainly, but care this form when you're low as its easy to dive you with the amount of cc he has.
Take shield bash. play around her passive shield, try to avoid her E when possible and use E + W stun otherwise she she can dodge W with R. you can look for trades with E early if she goes to W you.
you can try to kill him with ignite early but generally a hard matchup, if he can land his e's, you never win a 1v1 if he has maiden.
take ignite. you beat her pre lvl 3, but once 3 she wins trades IF she lands E. try not to fight her when she has a hp advantage. post 6, save you R till after she uses hers, to get her away from her e.
Take ignite and shield bash. Take W lvl 1 same deal as darius, look for the lvl 2 all in. you cant really force trades on her as all her cd's are alot shorter than yours. look to land e to trade early. post 6 you need e + w to win
fleet with ghost, and first buy swiftness boots. along with Jayce and teemo she is one of the easier ranged matchups, care her vault and play around bushes. once she uses W to show you in bush, play back before going back into bush, that ability has like a 20 second cd. if timed right you can use E or R to grab her out of vault
take shield bash and rush bork. try not to demount him, instead look to get him low, back off, then all him in once you have all your cd's back. always save E for E + W combo
go cleaver 2nd item. she does alot of damage and tanks alot, play around her Q and passive ranged auto, if she hits her E stun she wins so avoid walls.
Take ignite and shield bash. look to fight him super early, avoid his E and try not to trade dmg (especially w) into his e shield.
Take Grasp and tp. you’re just playing to get grasp stacks and survive lane, stack hp items early and if they're majority ap rush mercs, wait for ganks/team fights
take ignite and shield bash. The only way wukong beats you is if he tricks you with his clone, play mindful and you win. if you're even he wins the post 6 all in.
first buy bork but only if he is not stacking armour early. look for early trades and try to save E for W so you cant shield you W. You can kill him post 6 if you cancel his R with you R, but if you're not confident in that then don't fight
take shield bash. Shen is a matchup Sett wins but not by brute force, play around Shen's W. care if he has ignite if he takes it. take TP
take shield bash. Sylas loses trades with Sett but don't be fooled into thinking this matchup is easy, Sylas even if barely will have lower cool downs than you, don't fight him if you don't have W or you will lose and try to save E for E + W combo.
take shield bash. Malphite is one of the more annoying champions to play against, not saying he's hard just dont lose your patients or play hyper aggressive as his E deletes your attack speed, for this reason you want to take Grasp as you wont be getting long trades in, and if possible try to save your E for E + W if he engages you. play for teamfights
take shield bash and ghost so he cant run you down and take second wind otherwise he will auto once then dash away. Take W lvl 1, and look for an all in with E + W lvl 2. play around you W/E cool down and he cant win an all in. save you R till his R is almost over to guarantee the kill
Take fleet, ghost and rush swiftness boots. try to bully her pre 6 with fleet. post 6 save your W to block her R dmg and play for ganks
take shield bash.1/2 ranged champs you dont take fleet into, urgot is a general menace as his level 1 is one of the best in the game. take W lvl 1 and care his E. lvl 2 look to all in with E + W. post 6 care his R, if you can predict it, using you R while ontop of urgot will put you inside/behind his hitbox, dodging his r in the process
Dr. Mundo
Rush bork. look to land E when you can and stomp his passive vial. from there wait for him to waste q and force trades. if you can ever land a e on him go for it, worst case you get his passive out, best case you auto win the trade with stun.
you don't win trades without landing E, you don't win post 6 without a lead or grievous so ignite is optional.
take shield bash, ignite. always watch your vitals, position yourself with minions to where if she hits a vital you can stun her with E or she is forced to use W, if this tactic try to stay unpredictable and she might waste w from there you can trade pretty easily, just back off once you use W. if get ontop of her try not to be predictable with it but always use E + W combo otherwise she will just block w dmg
take conq, ghost and rush swiftness boots. if he tries to melee you without a lead you win the trade, dont get greedy in terms of grit because he can just knock you away.
Tahm Kench
take shield bash. He's just really tanky, dont let him hit Q poke and be mindful of him using r to throw you under tower.
Take shield bash. Not a very notable matchup, try to land your E when he charges his Q then you can force a trade, dont get cocky as like many champs he has alot lower cool downs than Sett
Take cleaver 2nd. Ornn is great ult target in team fights just care that he's unstoppable during his W cast and care his E knock up and you win trades
take shield bash. Try not to fight her in her W, bait her Q and care ult damage not a very hard matchup. Use E + W combo to finish a trade.
Bork rush or don't, both work. Sett's dream matchup, just dodge his Q knock up and try to land E before he uses silence. Care you don't get greedy post 6.
you auto win trades if you finish them with E + W combo, just try to get it off before he uses his silence. post 6 Save W to block his R. if he's good he wont use silence till he wants to R, in that case use W to deny him the dmg to drop you below execute range
take fleet, ghost and first buy swiftness boots. donger is really only good in lane phase, don't give him an advantage and play for team fights.
Not a notable matchup, his ult is the only scary part about him, care his poke and your fine. take shield bash
First buy boots and singed can never really do anything about you, if forced to farm under tower just do it, sett has the sustain and damage.
take ignite and shield bash. Off meta lane that doesn't work out for rengar, let him shove you in or more ideally shove him in. as long as he's not near a bush he cant do anything. do care his damage when leaping though.
take shield bash. Easy matchup, play around his Q3 and you win trades with E + W combo. beware him dodging your E with his E
take shield bash. Just auto him he is significantly more mobile than his brother so don't go chasing him around, focus on dodging q knock ups and just save E for E + W
take shield bash. By far one of the simplest matchups, care her passive stacks and fight her when she has low/none, save E for E + W
Not actually a hard matchup at all, care early levels as teemo will win, but once you buy swiftness boots you will be fine, don't try to force a kill on teemo unless you're confident. keep conq or fleet its your choice, take ghost and he's easy pickings once you get stride. also post 6 if he blinds you while you're ontop of him just use R as it lasts about the blind duration
take shield bash. you can go ghost stride or bork with ignite into olaf, it is dependent on your confidence and the enemy comp. if you want to abuse your stronger early and look for a pick, then stat check him with ignite post 6, go bork. if you want to play with your brain you can use ghost to out space his ult and look for kills when his R is down. generally he plays like Warwick in lane with his sustain at low hp so dont get baited into trading without W, dont get hit by his Q's and you win.
take shield bash. snooze fest lane, he will attempt to poke you down with his disgusting low cool downs but you wont let him. stay in your wave or behind it when he has Q active. fight in your wave and avoid pathing towards walls, it is better to use E + W with a lower grit than to let him stun you, out trade you then deny you the dmg anyway. His R is NOT unstoppable so save yours for his, but care the range on his R as you might not be close enough if you're already disengaging.
take shield bash. k'sante matchup is a punish one, you don't E unless he uses dash and you don't E+W if has W up. you have prio just dont get hit by his Q poke and walk up to him, bait out his abilities then punish. post 6 you basically just save W for after he has used R and W. main thing is to try and not be predictable with your cc.
take shield bash. Pantheon's q poke is the bread and butter of his laning, if you can space around it and avoid getting low he can never kill you, Never use W and Never use E. care his very strong lvls 1/2 but post 3 if he's too close to the minion wave you can walk him down granted you dont eat and empowered Q. alot of pantheons dont know that they cant just E your W if you stun them and you NEED to stun him for W or you lose.
take shield bash, ignite and W lvl 1. he cant stat check you, and his only counter play is to fear you. Dont trade without W and its a free lane. use E+W as he can just dash through you with Q, and dont get barrier baited
take shield bash. Generally when junglers make their way into toplane, sett is a comfortable pick to bully them. you land your E to start a trade and they cant stat check you, you dont trade without W and they cant win a trade. udyr specifically is only a problem cause of his shield and slow, if you get ontop of him and hit E+W you win the trade, but NEVER fight without W
If I dont clarify in the matchup on what runes, summs or items. its always ghost with conquerer, building Stride into cleaver
Your E counts as a knock up making you one of the best set ups for his R.
Using an R into E combo can set Diana up for an easy 5 man ult
Pretty self explanatory, the funny cat champ sits on you and gives you 900 ms
step 1: You press R
Step 2: Rumble presses R where you land
Step 3: Win teamfight
Amumu is just a weaker Diana as he doesn't do as much damage and is slower, still strong.
Seraphine is just another rumble
swapping things around this time, Vi ult can set up Sett's ult, holding them in place so you can R them into the enemy
Yuumi 2 electric boogaloo
Jarvan IV
Jarvan can force the enemy team in a spot with his R so you can get a nice engage
If I dont clarify in the matchup on what runes, summs or items. its always ghost with conquerer, building Stride into cleaver
Your E counts as a knock up making you one of the best set ups for his R.
Using an R into E combo can set Diana up for an easy 5 man ult
Pretty self explanatory, the funny cat champ sits on you and gives you 900 ms
step 1: You press R
Step 2: Rumble presses R where you land
Step 3: Win teamfight
Amumu is just a weaker Diana as he doesn't do as much damage and is slower, still strong.
Seraphine is just another rumble
swapping things around this time, Vi ult can set up Sett's ult, holding them in place so you can R them into the enemy
Yuumi 2 electric boogaloo
Jarvan IV
Jarvan can force the enemy team in a spot with his R so you can get a nice engage
I've been a Sett otp for about 3-4 years now, sitting at 2M+ mastery I've learned everything i know about league on this champ. I hope with everything in this guide you can have the same success as me and climb the ranks with The Boss.
Sett has a very strong level 1/2, so most of the time you're looking to gain an advantage with what i like to call "The level 1 walk down". it's simple, take E level 1, let the minions get to lane and once the enemy walks into your range you just follow them and auto them. wait to use your E till 1. you get full (12) conquerer stacks or 2. they are at max e range. the 2 catagories of champs you cant do this to are
1 not a push over lvl 1
2 ranged champs:
now this does still work into ranged champs on the condition they walk up and let you, otherwise play safe.
Lane Phase
"E + W combo" is a term i used alot in the matchup sheet, if you E then immedietly press W you will buffer the cast of W causing it to cast immeditly after E animation. this causes any champion that is hit with the stun variantion of you E to be forced to take your W dmg, this does work without then stun but i wouldnt try it against a champion with a dash
Sett is a lane bully, and if allowed to you will always win by sitting ontop of the enemy and auto attacking them into E+W. Idealy you will always save E for E+W but dont be put off using your E to stun the enemy on their minion wave and force a trade just using auto's and Q. From there if the enemy try's to trade with you, kite them out with auto's and walk away, when they start to back off cast W and wait out the cooldown. if the enemy decideds to back off, walk away and wait out E cd.
Sett W
Your W is a large amount of your pressure, so missusing it can cause you lose alot of lane pressure or just die for your mistake. it is ok to use a lowgrit W, or not hit your W at all if you are in a safe position or under your own tower, but be mindful that it wont get you tower dove.
W is also a offensive spell, not a defensive one. it's main utlity is the damage, that doesnt mean dont use it for the shield if you need to but idealy you wont have to.
Late Game
Sett is a great side laner and team fighter, which one you decide to lean into is your choice but it's import you do both.
he is one of the best tower takers in the game with double aa passive + Q auto reset. ontop of that using stride you can catch out enemies on the sidelane or use the active to give an escape.
Teamfights are a whole skill on its own with sett, you need to constantly be thinking about R angles, you need to know when you use ghost/stride (or both) to catch out a valuable pick instead of full engaging. and you need to be aware of your cooldowns. Sett plays teamfights like an assassin, go in with R land E+W and get out, rarely you can continue to fight instead look for a low target that might be seperated from the team and try chase or zone.
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