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Rengar Build Guide by MhmYepSope

Jungle [25.S1.3] Rengar Guide| In-depth Items, Runes & Pathing | Master Rengar

Jungle [25.S1.3] Rengar Guide| In-depth Items, Runes & Pathing | Master Rengar

Updated on February 14, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MhmYepSope Build Guide By MhmYepSope 168 13 419,059 Views 4 Comments
168 13 419,059 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MhmYepSope Rengar Build Guide By MhmYepSope Updated on February 14, 2025
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Runes: Assassin Conq [READ NOTES]

1 2 3 4
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
+Extremely fun champ
+Mechanically Intensive and flashy
+Unique Playstyle
+Very Rewarding when mastered
Rengar is one of the highest skill ceiling champions in the game. The mechanical skill expression is almost unmatched. Rengar is very versatile and when in the right hands, consistently one of the strongest champions in the game.
-Hard to master
-Hard to play from behind
-Difficult to gank before level 6
-Bad into tanky comps with alot of CC
-Very mechanically demanding
Rengar takes alot of practice and dedication to pull off. Playing from behind is almost impossible and small mistakes can cost you the game. You need a good understanding of wavestates to succesfully gank before level 6.
To start off, there is no universally correct clear. You have to adapt to the information the game gives you constantly. I recommend you start at Red Buff almost every game, regardless of who you want to strongside. This will provide you with alot more options early game like ganking mid with 4 stacks and invading. Exceptions to this are if you're scared of getting late invaded, or if you have really good gank setup botlane early game, with a really ungankable Toplane. Make sure to check your lanes while clearing so you don't miss out on possible ganks or counterganks. The more info you gather, the better.
Full Clear
The Full Clear is the most consistent clear in the game. It provides you with the safest early game, because you aren't at risk of losing Tempo on low percentage plays. You will path in a straight line towards Blue Buff. This will give you an advantage over the enemy jungler in the majority of your games.

I recommend learning to clear leashless. Getting a leash can instantly disadvantage your sidelane and result in you giving info to the enemy team for no reason. You should aim to always complete your full clear before scuttle spawns, the faster the better.

After you're done with your Full Clear, you can either look for a gank on mid or sidelane. If no gank is possible, you can take the scuttle crab at 3:30 and drop a ward in enemy jungle for future information (I recommend warding their Krugs or Raptors).
- Doing Gromp before Blue is alot better for Camp sequencing, but takes a little bit longer.
- I recommend not warding Krugs and saving it for future vision.
- Leaping repeatedly after using Q on Red extends the duration of the attack speed buff.
- Make sure to use your Q as an auto reset.
- Stay in combat with Blue until 3:20 so you have stacks for Crab.


Invading is a useful way of quickly getting a lead early game, especially in lower elos where people don't expect it. The goal is to kill the enemy Jungler at their Buff, and taking the Buff after, if possible.
To succesfully invade an enemy, you will have to start at your Red Buff and clear your botside for level 3 (Red, Krugs, Raptors).

You will need to know where the enemy Jungler started. You do this by either getting a ward on the enemy Junglers Raptors, or looking at which lane leashed. If the enemy Jungler isnt at his Raptors while you are clearing yours, they most likely started at their Blue buff. If they are, then they started at their Red Buff.

After acquiring this information, you are free to invade them at the Buff opposite of where they started. So if they started Red - invade their Blue, if they started Blue - invade their Red.
- Some Champions are impossible to invade if they beat you 1v1.
- Take Lane prio into account before invading. If the enemy laners can move before yours, you can't invade.
- It's useful to save your ward to put it over enemy Blue or Krug wall when invading.
- The higher the elo, the more risky invading is.
- If the enemy doesn't spot you waiting in the bush, let them take damage from their Buff before killing them. The more the better.

My name is MhmYepSope or Leon, I started playing Rengar at the end of S11 and have been OTPing him ever since.

I have about 2 Million Mastery Points on him spread over all my accounts. I climbed from Platinum 2 in S12 to Master 344LP with a 70% Rengar Winrate in S13.

If you have any questions you can join my Discord or ask me when I'm live on Twitch! :)

86% Master EUW
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MhmYepSope
MhmYepSope Rengar Guide
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[25.S1.3] Rengar Guide| In-depth Items, Runes & Pathing | Master Rengar

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