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Recommended Items
Runes: Law Abiding / Upstanding Citizen Viego
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Full Clear
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Every part of their kit cooks you, their ult makes you a non-champion, also big invaders are generally good picks into viego. Ban this nightmare if you're not in lower elos.
Really any high burst mage is at least a decent pair to you, Syndra has amazing gank setup and hilarious single target damage.
Really any high burst mage is at least a decent pair to you, Syndra has amazing gank setup and hilarious single target damage.
Champion Build Guide
Pre 6 you want to farm your camps on/very close to spawn. Exp and steady progress to first item is king on Viego
Regardless of clearing direction, Viego should take a guranteed gold approach to lane ganks, and should usually wait until 6 before contesting objectives and counterganking (unless guranteed gold obv). Contesting objectives post 6 in an even fight will usually favor a Viego, ping your team well before objectives, reset for items + a pink ward, take safe short trades, and survive until an enemy is executable
Despite becoming more skirmish oriented post 6, League of Legends is a race to full build, not first item. Don't show if you have resources in your jungle that can be taken advantage of, if you do, you need to be certain the trade is worth it or the enemy jungler can't get to it
However, a VERY COMMON MISTAKE many to most junglers make under a farm responsible mindset is not recognizing when and how they can pressure the map, particularly when ahead. Slinking back to your camps after a successful play just because there isn't a neutral objective up isn't really earning you as much as you would think, as Viego, you want to cut short the enemy teams time to breathe as much as possible
In advantagous situations (being a man up for example) this means shoving waves and pressuring turrets solo if your team is neglectful of doing so themselves, and if they are presssuring turrets with you, you can easily steal camps while shadowing their push for potential picks, further snowballing you

The time to alleviate this turret pressure comes when the advantage ends, such as the dead enemy champion(s) coming off death timers, Or a neutral objective you want to play for is about to come up. In which case you'll want to reset about 1 minute - 45 seconds before spawn to get as many items as possible and a pink ward
Of course in disadvantagous situations such as your team gigagriefing or being unable to contest an objective while having no neutral to trade for, the same strategy applies, albeit much shorter most of the time. Playing to push waves/pressure turrets on the other side of the map, there are few times to have passive mid games on Viego, don't let your bad gamestates blind you to the free gold and infintely powerful map pressure
One thing that persists in every game you'll play from behind is that one of your teammates will be stronger than the other three, even if all 3 lanes are being stomped you will be able to reasonably play around 1 teammate, be it they have more items than your other teammates or their kit still works while 0/20. When faced with choices to go fight or contest 4v4 or 5v5 while behind, simply look to trade anything on the other side. Try to create number advantages in the small spaces you can. To visuallize:

But most people already know that. Hanging behind frontliners looking for that perfect moment... that doesn't come, all too often many Viego players watch in horror as the enemy team maintains a good position and runs over your team without giving you a chance. So how does a Viego maximize their effect in fights without offering themselves up to be killed early?
The answer lies in using E oppressively to chunk out the enemy, typically using Q + auto and getting away with W, the camoflauge from E making it nearly impossible to catch you

This way you can keep taking chunks out of the enemy or force them to reposition, both of which will have a significant effect on your teams ability to fight
Always play fights slowly with an in and out pattern, never press your luck greeding for more, be ready to ult out if you make a mistake
In an even fight, executing those strategies well should enable your team to help get the action started and burst down that first kill
When it comes to performing after getting that first kill, try to do all the damage you safely can as base Viego if your spells are up before possesion. After that it's all about understanding your defensive abilities, always keep track of cc spells the enemy has access too and use your unstoppable ult to bypass them, not letting the chaos die down.
Once the fight is won Viego has a plethera of tools to chase down the stragglers. For example, Viego has a lesser known passive effect of gaining 10% MS toward enemy champions during possesion. At this stage of the fight you'll also more often use the ult as a gap closer near the end of your possesion into your W and/or E to close the most distance as possible
Long range Q
Ranged E Animation Cancels
Clearing Trick with W
Optimal Ruinous Atakhan Take
Optimal Voracious Atakhan Take
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