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Jinx Build Guide by SnowWan

Jungle [6.17] Jinx Jungle Hidden OP

Jungle [6.17] Jinx Jungle Hidden OP

Updated on September 13, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowWan Build Guide By SnowWan 32,981 Views 1 Comments
32,981 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowWan Jinx Build Guide By SnowWan Updated on September 13, 2016
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Smite Buffs


Gromp is a large toad monster present on the visually upgraded version of Summoner's Rift. It is nearly identical to the now removed Wight.

Using Smite upon Gromp will grant Gift of the Gift of the Toadstool for 90 seconds, which poisons any units (including champions) that attack you: dealing 10 + (5% of bonus health) magic damage over 3 seconds. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

Gromp gives off purple bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until Gromp respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.

The duration of this bonus is unaffected by Runic Affinity.

Greater Murk Wolf

The Greater Murk Wolf is large monster on Summoner's Rift found with two Murk Wolves.

Using Smite on the Greater Murk Wolf will summon a nature spirit that grants sight over the nearby crossroads for 95 seconds. Whenever an enemy champion comes in range of the nature spirit, it will chase them for a short duration. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Greater Murk Wolf gives off cyan bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Greater Murk Wolf respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.

The duration of the spirit is unaffected by Runic Affinity masteryRunic Affinity.

Crimson Raptor

The Crimson Raptor is a large monster found on the Summoner's Rift, along with three Raptors.

Using Smite upon the Crimson Raptor will grant ] Razor Sharp for 90 seconds, which will grant you true sight for 10 seconds the next time you are spotted by an enemy ward. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Crimson Raptor gives off purple bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Crimson Raptor respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.

The duration of this bonus is unaffected by Runic Affinity.

The detection also works on Teemo's Noxious Trap.

Ancient Krug

Using Smite upon Ancient Krug will grant you Gift of Heavy Gift of Heavy Hands for 90 seconds, causing every 6th basic attack to stun minions and monsters. Additionally, you can attack a tower to expend the buff early - dealing 80 - 325 (based on level) bonus true damage. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn, and only by smiting the Ancient Krug - Smite cannot be used on the small Krug.


* The stun is primed on your first attack after obtaining the buff.
* Attacks against champions will not increase the stacks.
* Attacks against champions while the stun is primed will not reset the counter.

The Ancient Krug gives off blue bubbles if the smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Ancient Krug respawns. This is only visible to champions withSmite.

The duration of this bonus is unaffected by Runic Affinity mastery Runic Affinity.

Rift Scuttler

Rift Scuttler is a large neutral monster found on Summoner's Rift. There are two Rift Scuttlers on the map, with one found in each half of the river spanning the middle of the terrain.

Rift Scuttler is unique amongst all monsters in the game for two reasons: she will not retaliate against an attacker, instead attempting to flee directly away from them, and she moves along a fixed path in the river on the part of the map where she spawns. This makes Rift Scuttler the only non-hostile and autonomously moving monster on the map.

When Rift Scuttler receives damage from any source, she gains +100 movement speed and attempts to run from the source. She will not attempt to flee from any second sources of damage that appear. If she is forced to the very end of the river, she will perform a dash similar in appearance to Shen's Shadow Dash back down the center and resume fleeing.

Rift Scuttler has several unique interactions with crowd control:

* Crowd control effects against her last twice as long.

* When affected by crowd control that prevents her movement, Rift Scuttler permanently loses 50 armor and magic resist. This can only occur one time after each spawn.

* While Rift Scuttler is under the effect of crowd control that prevents her movement, she receives 25% extra damage from all sources, including true damage.

When Rift Scuttler is killed, she will head towards the entrance to the pit of Baron Nashor or Dragon (depending on the part of the map) and will burrow into the ground, spawning an untargetable 500-radius Speed Shrine above her location that grants a 525-radius area of sight to the killer's team and a brief movement speed boost to champions that cross it for 75 seconds. After the 75 seconds, the shrine will vanish and Rift Scuttler will respawn at her location after her respawn timer has elapsed.

Red Brambleback

The Red Brambleback is a neutral monster on Summoner's Rift. It is accompanied by two Cinderlings.

Kill the Red Brambleback to receive the Crest of Cinders, a buff which causes your basic attacks to slow the enemy while also dealing damage over time.

Using Smite upon the Red Brambleback will restore a 20% of your maximum health. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Red Brambleback gives off green bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Red Brambleback respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.

Blue Sentinel

The Blue Sentinel is a neutral monster on Summoner's Rift. It is accompanied by two Sentries.

Kill the Blue Sentinel to receive the Crest of Insight, a buff which grants increased mana and energy regeneration, cooldown reduction and ability power.

Using Smite upon the Blue Sentinel will restore 25% of your maximum mana. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Blue Sentinel gives off light blue bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Blue Sentinel respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.
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Dragon Buff

Dragon is the second most powerful neutral monster on Summoner's Rift in League of Legends. Slaying Dragon grants the team one ofDragon Slayer buffs. Dragon's level ranges from 6 to 18.

Cloud Drake

Cloud Drake is a variation of the Dragon monster on Summoner's Rift. Slaying Cloud Drake grants the killing team a "Cloud Drake" buff, stacking up to three times.

Slaying Cloud Drake grants experience to the killer and nearby allies. After Cloud Drake is slain, it will respawn at random.

* "Stratus Walk" grants + 25 / 50 / 75 (+50% if they have Mark of the Elder Dragon) bonus movement speed while out of combat.

Cloud Drake has the fastest movement and attack speed out of all of the five dragons. Therefore, it also deals the highest single target damage and chases better than other dragons.

Infernal Drake

nfernal Drake is a variation of the Dragon monster on Summoner's Rift. Slaying Infernal Drake grants the killing team an "Infernal Drake" buff, stacking up to three times.

Slaying Infernal Drake grants experience to the killer and nearby allies. After Infernal Drake is slain, it will respawn at random.

* "Infernal Tribute" grants 8 / 16 / 24% (+50% if they have Mark of the Elder Dragon) increased attack damage and ability power.

Infernal Drake's attacks deal AOE damage, but can otherwise be considered as the most generic of the elemental dragons.

Mountain Drake

Mountain Drake is a variation of the Dragon monster on Summoner's Rift. Slaying Mountain Drake grants the killing team a "Mountain Drake" buff, stacking up to three times.

Slaying Mountain Drake grants experience to the killer and nearby allies. After Mountain Drake is slain, it will respawn at random.

* "Earthen Arms" grants 10 / 20 / 30% additional damage (+50% if they have Mark of the Elder Dragon) as true damage to Epic Monsters and turrets.

Mountain Drake has slow, AOE, hard hitting auto attacks. It has more health, armor and magic resist than the other elemental dragons. Due to this, it is generally slower to take down than most of the other elemental dragons, giving teams longer opportunities for a team to slay and contest it. However, it has lower DPS than the other elemental dragons.

Ocean Drake

Ocean Drake is a variation of the Dragon monster on Summoner's Rift. Slaying Ocean Drake grants the killing team an "Ocean Drake" buff, stacking up to three times.

Slaying Ocean Drake grants experience to killer and nearby allies. After Ocean Drake is slain, it will respawn at random.

* "Heart of Oceans" restores 4 / 8 / 12% of missing health and missing mana over 5 seconds every 8 seconds while out of combat (based on stacks; +50% if they have Mark of the Elder Dragon).

Ocean Drake's auto attacks slow their target's movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. This limits its target's ability to disengage quickly, making it easier to contest. Getting it to attack an enemy for the slow can be potentially useful during teamfights near this dragon.

Elder Dragon

Slaying Elder Dragon grants the killing team Aspect of the Dragon for 120 seconds, or until death.

Aspect of the Dragon grants (45 Ă— Elder Dragons slain) (+ 45 for every elemental dragon stack) true damage on all spells and basic attacks against non-turrets over 3 seconds.
The strength of all elemental dragon buffs is increased by 50% for the duration.

* Infernal Drake: + 12 / 24 / 36% attack damage and ability power.
* Mountain Drake: + 15 / 30 / 45% bonus true damage to epic monsters and towers.
* Cloud Drake: + 37.5 / 75 / 112.5 bonus movement speed while out of combat.
* Ocean Drake: Restores 6 / 12 / 18% of missing health and missing mana every 5 seconds while out of combat.

Elder Dragon has far more health, magic resistance, and armor than its elemental brethren. Combined with the fact that its auto attacks are much more punishing than that of the other dragons, Elder Dragon must usually be taken down by the majority, if not the entirety, of a team. Due to its tankiness and buff strength, Elder Dragon is almost always contested by the enemy team when a team attempts to slay it. Therefore, teams wishing to slay it must take great caution when doing so while the majority of the enemy team is alive, much likeBaron Nashor.
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Rift herald / Baron Nashor Buff's

Rift Herald

The Rift Herald is a powerful neutral monster on Summoner's Rift in League of Legends. Slaying the Rift Herald summons a shrine in the pit for some time that can be picked up by the member of the slayer's team, granting the Glimpse of the Void buff.

* The Rift Herald takes 35% reduced damage from ranged autoattacks.

* After three seconds into combat, the eye on it's back will open. Champion Attacks against the eye deal 12% of Herald's maximum health as bonus true damage, causing the eye to close for ~3 seconds.

* The Rift Herald will de-spawn permanently at 19:45, or 19:55 if in combat, withBaron Nashor spawning in the same position at 20:00.

* The Rift Herald's minimum level is 6.

* The Rift Herald's basic attacks deal additional physical damage equal to 4% of the target's current health.


* HEALTH: 10000 - 16000 (based on level)
* ATTACK DAMAGE: 147 - 368 (based on level)

Baron Nashor

* Health
6400 (+180 per minute when the match starts)

* Attack damage
240 (+8 per minute when the match starts, capped +310)

Baron Nashor is the most powerful neutral monster on Summoner's Rift in League of Legends.

It is described in-game as follows: "This is a very powerful hostile monster, approach with caution! Killing this monster will yield great monetary and magical rewards to the team, but it should not be confronted alone".

Killing Baron Nashor grants Hand of Baron to all living teammates for 210 seconds (242 with Runic Affinity). The buff gives bonus attack damage and ability power, as well as an aura that greatly increases the power of nearby minions and a massively-empowered Recall. When Baron Nashor is killed, each living player on the killer's team is also granted the following:

* 600 global experience awarded to each team member
* 800 local experience (shared between nearby allies)
* 300to each team member (+25to the slayer of Baron Nashor)


The following list displays the known set of abilities that Baron Nashor may perform. While not revealed in a player's death recap, their debuffs and animations are visible and distinctive, allowing players to work around them.

Basic Attacks

* MELEE ATTACKS: Baron Nashor deals 100% AD to all enemies within a 175-unit radius.

* SINGLE-TARGET REAR ATTACK: Baron Nashor summons a spike from the ground that deals 100% AD damage andstuns his target for 1 second.

* AREA-OF-EFFECT REAR ATTACK: Baron Nashor summons a cluster of spikes from the ground, dealing 50% AD damage andstunning enemies hit for 1 second.


* PRESENCE OF THE BARON: When Baron Nashor spawns, he will knock away all units, wards, and targetable traps to the edge of his pit. While Baron Nashor is still alive, he will continue to knock these back if more are placed.

* CROWD CONTROL IMMUNITY: Baron Nashor is immune to all forms of crowd control exceptstasis. Additionally, his stats cannot be reduced by any means.

* BARON'S GAZE: Baron Nashor takes 50% reduced damage from the champion that he has most recently auto-attacked for 15 seconds.

* VORACIOUS CORROSION: Baron Nashor's basic attacks apply a debuff that reduces the target's armor and magic resistance by 0.5, stacking up to 100 times for a total of 50 maximum reduction.

* VOID CORRUPTION: Baron Nashor periodically deals 30 (+ 5% AD) magic damage and applies a stack of Voracious Corrosion to the nearest champion with the lowest number of Voracious Corrosion stacks.


Baron Nashor will activate an ability once every 6 auto attacks. Baron's first spell will be random. However, all spells after the first may be predicted; Baron Nashor's ability rotation is cyclical (ex. Acid Pool > Acid Shot > Tentacle Knockup > Acid Pool).

* ACID POOL: Baron Nashor spits out 3 pools of acid in a cone in front of him, dealing 10% AD magic damage to all champions hit and creating a field thatslows targets' movement speed within the pool's radius.

* ACID SHOT: Baron Nashor spits acid in a straight line, dealing 20% AD magic damage to all enemies it hits.

* TENTACLE KNOCKUP: After a brief delay, Baron Nashor knocks up all enemies at the target location dealing 25% AD magic damage to all enemies hit. Tremors will indicate the targeted location.


* Baron Nashor applies a debuff that greatly reduces a target's armor and magic resistance. This can potentially reduce a champion's armor/magic resistance to below zero, making them highly vulnerable to both types of damage lest a teamfight break out within the pit.

* Targeted dashes such asDiana's Lunar Rush,Jax's Leap Strike, and Master Yi's Alpha Strike initially move the Champion inside of Baron Nashor's model before being placed inside of his attack range.

* Baron Nashor is often a key objective in many games due to its massive gold bonus (+300g/player) and global buff.

* Due to Baron Nashor's immense fighting power, slaying him should generally not be attempted until later into the game, and only with multiple teammates around to aid you.

* Soloing Baron Nashor is usually impossible. It is generally only feasible very late into the game with a champion who has immense sustainability, DPS, and tankiness; and even then it is not guaranteed. Most champions who are capable of soloing the Baron are bruisers or tanks such as Udyr, Warwick, Xin Zhao, or Nasus. However, there are some exceptions; a skilled Malzahar or Yorickplayer, for instance, has the ability to solo Baron with relative ease.

* Killing Baron Nashor with a team is fairly simple. Baron primarily attacks the target closest to him, so with proper positioning, a tank or bruiser can be made to take the brunt of the damage.

* The enemy team often has one or more wards placed inside of the Baron pit. If you do not clear these wards with the use of a Vision Ward or Sweeping Lens, they may attempt to contest Baron Nashor, which can be extremely dangerous for your team, as most of your teammates will likely be trapped inside of the Baron pit and/or weakened by the Baron's armor/magic resistance shred. Because of this, it is generally extremely risky to attempt to slay Baron Nashor while the majority of the enemy team is alive.

* Baron Nashor's Hand of Baron buff is given to the team that deals the killing blow on Baron. This means that even if one team is incapable of directly contesting the Baron head-on, a player can possibly swoop in and steal the Baron kill with a well-timed Smite, Cho'Gath's Feast, Nunu Nunu's Consume, or similar high-damage execute. This is almost definitely a suicide mission and is an extremely high-risk maneuver. However, successfully stealing Baron can turn the tide of a game dramatically. Some Champion's abilities, such as Kalista's Rend, however, can out-damage Smite if she has enough stacks or even a well-timed fourth shot of Jhin's Curtain Call.

* In the same vein, Champions possessing abilities (usually their ultimate) with a considerable range can attempt to do the same with less risk by dealing the killing blow from a distance. However, this is very difficult to properly execute, due to the near-perfect timing required upon the player's part and a usual requirement of vision inside of the Baron pit. While "blind" Baron steals are feasible, they are extremely rare and unreliable. Some examples of abilities that can potentially steal the Baron from range include: Draven's Whirling Death, Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket!, Jhin's Curtain Call, Jayce's Shock Blast, Kog'Maw's Living Artillery, Lux's Final Spark, Nidalee's Javelin Toss, Varus's Piercing Arrow, Xerath's Arcanopulse and Rite of the Arcane, and Ziggs's Mega Inferno Bomb.


The Journal of Justice clarifies this about Baron Nashor:

The many neutral monsters on the Fields of Justice are constructs inspired by real creatures from Runeterra. The Baron Nashor you see on the map is actually an incomplete facsimile of the true Baron Nashor, who is now the subject of myth and legend. The story goes that Baron Nashor was a ferocious worm that ruled the Serpentine River, which flows through Summoner’s Rift. He was such a fearsome and powerful beast that even the armies of Demacia and Noxus steered clear of the river, unwilling to chance an encounter with the Baron.

When Summoner’s Rift was constructed, the Baron vanished, leaving no conclusive evidence as to where he went or why he left in the first place. Obviously the rumor-mill has churned out many explanations, but all we know for sure is that the Senior Arcane Architect for the Summoner’s Rift arena was said to have crafted the version you see today from no more than a molted scale and interviews with those who had seen the beast and lived.
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Starting Items

Hunter's Machete

Total Price: 350
Recipe Price: 350

Passive: Grants 8% Lifesteal vs monsters.

UNIQUE Passive: Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage on-hit vs monsters. Killing large monsters grants 15 bonus experience.

This item can only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell.

Health Potion

Total Price: 50
Recipe Price: 50

Click: Restores 150 Health over 15 seconds. Limited to 5 at one time. Limited to one type of Healing Potion.

Jungle Items

Tracker's Knife

Total Price: 1000
Recipe Price: 300

Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

Passive: 150% Mana Regeneration while in the jungle. UNIQUE Passive: Warding (Minor): Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 Health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience.

Skirmisher's Sabre

Total Price: 1000
Recipe Price: 300

Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

Passive: 150% Mana Regeneration while in the jungle. UNIQUE Passive: Challenging Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for 4 seconds. While marked, you deal 60-162 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds, have vision of them, and reduce their damage to you by 20%.

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 Health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience.

Stalker's Blade

Total Price: 1000
Recipe Price: 300

Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

Passive: 150% Mana Regeneration while in the jungle. UNIQUE Passive: Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28-164 true damage and stealing 20% of the target's movement speed for 2 seconds.

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 Health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience.

Upgraded Jungle Items

Tracker's Knife - Bloodrazor

Total Price: 2625
Recipe Price: 625

50% Attack Speed. Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

Passive: 150% Mana Regeneration while in the jungle. UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 4% of the target's maximum Health as bonus physical damage (maximum 75 damage vs minions and monsters).

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 Health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience.

UNIQUE Passive: Warding (Minor): Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

Tracker's Knife - Warrior

Total Price: 2625
Recipe Price: 525

60 Attack Damage, 10% Cooldown Reduction. Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

Passive: 150% Mana Regeneration while in the jungle. UNIQUE Passive: Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience.

UNIQUE Passive: Warding (Minor): Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

Core Items

Runaan's Hurricane

Total Price: 2600
Recipe Price: 300

40% Attack Speed, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 7% Movement Speed. UNIQUE Passive: Deals 15 physical damage on hit.

UNIQUE Passive: Wind's Fury: Your basic attacks fire bolts at 2 targets near your primary target (375 range), each dealing 25% of your attack damage as physical damage and applying on-hit effects (ranged only). These bolts can critically strike.

Infinity Edge

Total Price: 3600
Recipe Price: 625

70 Attack Damage, 20% Critical Strike Chance. UNIQUE Passive: Critical hits deal 250% damage instead of 200%.

Good Items

The Bloodthirster

Total Price: 3700
Recipe Price: 1150

75 Attack Damage. UNIQUE Passive: Lifesteal can now overheal, granting a bloody shield that absorbs 50-350 damage (based on champion level). This shield decays when out of combat for 25 seconds.

UNIQUE Passive: +20% Lifesteal.

Mercurial Scimitar

Total Price: 3600
Recipe Price: 525

65 Attack Damage, 10% Life Steal, 35 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Active: Remove all crowd control debuffs from your champion and grants 50% movement speed for 1 second (90 second cooldown).

Wit's End

Total Price: 2500
Recipe Price: 480

40% Attack Speed, 40 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks steal 5 Magic Resist from the target (stacks up to 5 times). Basic attacks deal 40 bonus magic damage on hit.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowWan
SnowWan Jinx Guide
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[6.17] Jinx Jungle Hidden OP

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Teamfight Tactics Guide