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Tristana Build Guide by DxOxCx

AD Carry [6.5]Fast Trist.broken ADC]

AD Carry [6.5]Fast Trist.broken ADC]

Updated on March 10, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DxOxCx Build Guide By DxOxCx 5,943 Views 0 Comments
5,943 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DxOxCx Tristana Build Guide By DxOxCx Updated on March 10, 2016
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Hi, this is my first guide about my favorite champion I hope you like it.
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Pros / Cons

  • Good late game
  • Easy framing with the pasive of the E
  • W can reset and get out the team fight
  • Long attack distance
  • Good early, mid and late game

  • Weak champion (stun and dead)
  • E to kill or nothing
  • One objetive for E
  • Must buy Quicksilver sash if the enemy team has a lot of AP cc
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Team Work

  • Stay always behind your tank, support or in the middle of them but never in front
  • Try to ward every single part of the zone that you will do the teamfight so you don't get deleted by the assasins
  • Don't use E to kill the tank
  • Focus on the ADC or MID using your E-W(3crit.hits)-R combo
  • Tristana can destroy turrets easily
  • Objetives better than kills
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Well that's all I hope you win atleast with this build or try to win.
Thanks for reading and good luck in the Summoner's Rift!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DxOxCx
DxOxCx Tristana Guide
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[6.5]Fast Trist.broken ADC]

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