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Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
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Switch lane. Nothing you can do about this match up unless that akali is terrible.
I have been playing League since the beginning of season 5. Started playing Kayle mid-late season 5 in the jungle when devourer jungle was a thing and never stopped playing her! I am current Platinum IV with almost 60% winrate on Kayle throughout 400+ games only in this season.
Everything I post on this guide is my own EXPERIENCE, so not from a very high elo perspective theory as I lived through everything I wrote here thus these cases is more likely to happen to YOU!
+ Ranged poke + Low CD Slow + AoE Damage + Free Armor/Magic Resist Reduction + Attack speed steroid + Quick movement speed (W) Kayle is a great pick in solo queue. While she doesn't have an in-built escape, Divine Blessing allows her to make quick get-aways if ganked. Her duelling potential is huge due to Intervention. Most important when considering Kayle, is her team fighting ability and splitting. |
- Hard early-game - Susceptible to CC - Vulnurable to Ganks Early - Might cast ult on wrong person oops! - Can get cc'ed during ult - Low W heal at early levels As per all champions, Kayle has her strengths, and her weaknesses. Compared to other top laners, Kayle's late game can be considered subpar due to her build path and the way she works. She outscales majority of the champions and has one of the highest hybrid AP/AD DPS. However, she can be stopped with CC really bad(just like Master Yi). |
Holy Fervor (Passive): Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions reduces their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times). That's 15% armor and magic resistance reduction which is CRAZY! Little fun fact, check if there are any items that reduces armor / magic reduction! None!. Especially with our core build we got so much attack speed to stack that extremely fast which stacking goes well with Fervor of Battle and Guinsoo's Rageblade |
Reckoning (Q): Blasts a target, dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+60% of ability power)(+1.0 per bonus attack damage) magic damage, applying a stack of Holy Fervor and slowing its Movement Speed by 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% for 3 seconds. This spell is your bread and butter. Kayle may not have any CC but this spell alone is enough to make up for it. You may think 'it's just slow' but it really isn't. The cooldown as you can see is extremely low and with the 40% CDR build it's crazy. If you read some of my match up tips i keep telling to kite and this Q is the main reason why we are able to kite with Kayle. |
Divine Blessing (W): Blesses a target allied champion, healing them for 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 205 (+45% of ability power) health and increasing their movement speed by 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 (+7% per 100 ability power) % for 3 seconds. At early levels it may seem like it doesn't heal enough but we mainly use it for the speed bonus, of course later on the heal becomes very significant. This is your tool to help you kite along side with your Reckoning |
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