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Xerath Build Guide by EoyPT

[7.15] Xerath support all the way up!

[7.15] Xerath support all the way up!

Updated on July 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EoyPT Build Guide By EoyPT 6,490 Views 0 Comments
6,490 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EoyPT Xerath Build Guide By EoyPT Updated on July 29, 2017
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Hello guys, I'm GoogleIsYourFrie also know as Eoy. I'm currently playing on EU WEST server.
I did the best I could to make this guide so you guys could understand that xerath can be a very good support although he is not often very much played which might even help since people aren't used to play against him. You will get more and more used to xerath as much as you try it.

NOTE: This guide was previously published in my old account rawrpt but since I had to change accounts i transfered to this one

You can eventually watch me play at:
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Summoner Spells

is probably the best option taken in xerath support so that you can make the play with your E. Also it is very good to help you run or even to catch the kill . However I often prefeer to take since it can help you save your adc and or even let him chase for a kill. It's a matter of taste but ye, pick the one you feel more confortable with
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Magic penetration marks

They are needed to help you amplify your damage.

Seals - 8 Health

Since you will be focused a lot, it's very good to have your stats maximized in early game so it will help you sustain when trading. The more health you have, better are the chances of surviving and avoiding to get bursted by the adc or other agressive support.

Glyphs - Ability Power

As refered before, xerath is a very agressive support so you will need the max AP you can get to damage your oponents.

Quintessences - 1x Ability Power , 2x Armor

Having 2x insted of going full AP will increase your chances of survival and allow you to be more agressive and sustain some trades.
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You want to go for thunderlords to get a very good burst damage. Also the fresh blood will give you an additional 10+1 damage which will work with your poke auto-attacks to get gold and replenish your mana (xerath's passive). Thunderlords will work with your E (stun) - W (slow) and Q combo. Precision will also increase your Magic Penetration.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EoyPT
EoyPT Xerath Guide
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[7.15] Xerath support all the way up!

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