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Rakan Build Guide by zLuna

Support [7.22] The Charmer [Overview]

Support [7.22] The Charmer [Overview]

Updated on November 13, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuna Build Guide By zLuna 2,970 Views 0 Comments
2,970 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuna Rakan Build Guide By zLuna Updated on November 13, 2017
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Hi, my name is Førgotten, and I am a relatively new player that started towards the end of season 5. For my first 'full' ranked season, I managed to hit gold as a support/jungle main. I'm currently sitting in Diamond, and Rakan was one of the few champions that helped me get here. This is my first guide, so feel free to leave feedback.

Note: This was not intended to be super in-depth, just an overview <3
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Rakan is a fun, high mobility support that provides a TON of crowd control to engage and to peel for your team. He works especially well with Xayah with the 'empowered' recall and 'E' ability.


Very high mobility

Very reliable engage and peel

Built-in heal for team and passive shield


Easily poked

Very little damage

If CC'd, he's useless

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Runes and Masteries

Run whatever runes you want, 'tis Preseason after all. Find whatever works for you. What I use is listed above :)
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Summoner Spells

Flash is love, flash is life. This increases your 'range' and makes your engage 100% stronger.

Exhaust is a standard pick, good for lanes where you get stomped and bent over. Especially good against high DPS ADCs in the late game, and for assassins such as Zed and Talon.

Also a standard pick, good for more aggressive lanes and against stupid healing supports T_T.
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Play Rakan if you have a Xayah, the combo is actually busted :P

On a more serious note, Rakan is a high mobility CC support that excels at engaging and locking down enemies, as well as providing small sustain for his team. He's a fun-to-play ardent support, so you aren't considered 'trolling' for not picking one. But, even with the ardent nerfs coming soon, Rakan should remain as one of the best supports just because of his amazing lockdown and peel for his team!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuna
zLuna Rakan Guide
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