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Kindred Build Guide by AeonVoid

Top [7.23] Kindred Top/ADC Tank Killer

Top [7.23] Kindred Top/ADC Tank Killer

Updated on November 30, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AeonVoid Build Guide By AeonVoid 18,419 Views 0 Comments
18,419 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AeonVoid Kindred Build Guide By AeonVoid Updated on November 30, 2017
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The hell are you thinking man?

Look, I know how this looks, AP runes, a LICH BANE? You must be out of your mind! Hear me out. Your E scales of AP as well as AD, so a little magic damage will make landing that E so much more satisfying, and, with that on-hit passive, every time you press Q or W and hit an auto, your autos do 75% more damage.
The attack speed you will have by the end of the game will make it all worth it.

With this build, even a Yi (one of Kindred's biggest counters) can't take you on if you can time your Q right. He will probably go for a Q on you right off the bat, so take the first hit and Q away, then just lay into him with your massive attack speed!

As I play more games with this build, I'll be sure to add to this, as well as some links to any videos I make, and any champ match ups to look out for. If you have any comments, or find anything playing with it yourself, let me know!

Try to work on getting your Blade of the Ruined King as soon as possible, if you can, grab your Recurve on first back.

Items: Lich bane/Dominik's can be in any order depending on how you want to play it. (Remember! Static Shiv and RFC Stack now (more or less))
ALSO: Both IE and Black Cleaver will work if you need some extra damage or cooldown, but likely you won't. That said, the extra crit with IE can only stack well with Kindred. You can also grab a Runaan's for even faster lane clearing/attack speed.
**My recommendation would be to swap our your Dominik's for one of these three items if you choose to.

Abilities: You can max either Q or your W first depending on your playstyle, W will give more lane control, while Q will give you better last hit chance.

General: As for summoners, you could go with Ignite or TP, honestly that's just up to preference.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AeonVoid
AeonVoid Kindred Guide
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