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Ahri Build Guide by Mattheos

Middle [8.18] Ahri Mid Guide Season 8 Runes and Item Build

Middle [8.18] Ahri Mid Guide Season 8 Runes and Item Build

Updated on September 24, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mattheos Build Guide By Mattheos 34 4 136,344 Views 7 Comments
34 4 136,344 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mattheos Ahri Build Guide By Mattheos Updated on September 24, 2018
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Hi everyone, welcome to my Mid Lane Ahri Guide! This guide is intended to be a useful guide for beginners to League of Legends and low elo players looking to pick up Ahri to play for fun, win games and climbed ranked - I hope people find it useful!

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Pros and Cons

First off she has huge presence once hitting level 6 so her early through to late game is strong full of poke damage. Her W creates pressure in lane and can be used to secure CS while not being a skill shot. She is incredibly mobile and fun to play largely due to her Ult dashes. She has incredibly high burst damage, chase potential, escape, and map coverage as well as good wave clear.

Not too long ago Ahri lost her movement speed boost from her Q meaning she can get jumped on in the early levels of the game and trades will be harder to get going in your favour. Sadly in this rework Riot did not make Ahri tanky too so she is still squishy as hell and can be jumped on so you need to make sure your map awareness and health awareness is high.
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Ahri’s abilities focus on chasing and picking out a target before decimating them completely. Having a main source of damage/poke, a charm that captures opponents drawing them towards you leaving them helpless to fight back, a untargeted poke ability used to boost the amount of damage you serve up in your combo and your ult used for escaping, engaging, hunting, running, bouncing, prancing, weaving- you get the idea. Below are her abilities with the changes that are live within PBE.

• Orb of Deception (Q) 
[/list][Removed] no longer grants movement speed 

This is your main poke tool but should be used sparingly. Take this at level 1 always and use it to wave clear efficiently and push your enemy under tower. Bare in mind you no longer will gain a movement speed buff so take care when duelling in lane. Also remember this ability deals true damage on the way back so similar to Ekko’s Q try to hit both procs.

• Fox-Fire (W) 
o Cooldown increased from 9/8/7/6/5 to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
o initial Delay increased from 0.25 to 0.4
o [Changed Effect] Cooldown begins on cast instead of after the last fox-fire attacks/expires 
o Damage changed from 40/65/90/115/140 (30% AP) to 40/65/90/115/140 (40% AP) 

Ahri’s W plays like a fox; the first 3 foxfires will hit the nearest enemy towards them however prioritizing champions. You usually use this in conjunction with you Q as a combo however due to the cooldown being changed you can now use this as another poke tool to pressure your opponents especially given its mana usage sometimes this may be more effective then a Q. I personally use it whilst claiming territory. For example, if you go to ward a bush or roam and your laner decides to follow you, activate your W to ward him off and make him think twice about approaching you. If he approaches, free damage and follow up with a Q, if he backs off continue with your vision setting/roam.

• Charm (E) 
o Damage changed from 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP) to 60/90/120/150/180 (+40% AP)
o [New Effect] When Charm deals damage to an champion, Ahri's abilities deal 20% more damage to them for 5 seconds 

Charm is the most potent part of Ahri’s kit, pre 6 this is the ability that starts off your combo and engage. Whilst in lane, use this ability just after your opponent has wasted a vital ability to catch them off guard. Due to your damage from you other abilities being increased by 20 percent after landing this hit make sure to follow up with a Q Then W leaving your Q to hit them again on the way back as you leave. You can also use this ability to interrupt pretty much anything, ganks, Junglers trying to take objectives or to reposition enemies where you want them, you can bring them into your team or away from their own team.

• Spirit Rush (R) 
o Cooldown increased from 110/95/80 to 120/105/90 
o Damage changed from 70/110/150 (+25% AP) to 70/100/130 (35% AP) 
o [New Effect] Each cast of Spirit Rush reduces the remaining cooldown of Ahri's other spells by 1.5 seconds

Once you gain 6 if the situation is right immediately go in for the kill. This is Ahri’s first power spike and you should aim to be as aggressive as possible whilst you have the upper hand. If your enemy gains 6 before you do not worry as with most matchups and with how the ability works you still have the advantage. Two ways to this are: Ult towards the enemy, watch their reaction, follow their movements with a Charm, if it hits activate Foxfire and follow in with your Orb of Deconstruction and then Ult again to block off their escape routes, they should be at kill point by this moment and you have one more dash left. If they receive help anyhow use the final dash to escape, if no one comes then use the final dash to chase them and secure the kill. The other way is very similar however you start of with charm instead if you can guarantee a hit. This just opens up chase potential in late game and damage and gives you more options to this combo. ON TOP OF ALL THIS YOU GAIN REDUCED COOLDOWN ON ALL YOUR ABILITIES AFTER EACH CAST!!
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Electrocute: It is very obvious why you take electrocute, Predator and Dark Harvest doesn’t really benefit you and Electrocute is the old Thunderlords providing you with that extra damage when you land both parts of your Q and an auto attack.

Sudden Impact/Cheap Shot: The big comparison here on what to take is Sudden impact becomes effective as of level 6 onwards and gains even more synergy and power as you level up your ult due to the extra dashes. Cheap Shot however becomes effective as of whenever you take your Charm whether that be Level 1,2 or 3. This is also a good choice as it can give you that early level cheese and upper hand over your enemies as they would not expect to receive more damage then the usual Ahri charm combo. Use this to take your enemies by surprise and give yourself even more of a lead in the early game to then take on to late game.

Eyeball Collection: Really the only valid choice to take on Ahri, helping her into the late game damage wise through stacking AD/AP dependent on her kills. Really pushes her snowball potential. When looking at vampire ward and ghost poro, the latter would be better as it would give you some vision/information. on your laner or junglers when you go to roam.

Relentless Hunter/Ravenous Hunter: Both are really good in my opinion, whichever one you take is down to preference. Ravenous Hunter is good as the only bit of sustain Ahri has is her passive, so taking this will increase her sustain even more allowing you to have more lane presence over your enemy. Use this to gain a farm advantage and more gold and also be healthy for when you get ganked or go to gank/ flank. Relentless Hunter on the other hand increases you chase and escape potential by a mile allowing you to be faster then your enemies and also get back to lane quicker, you can use this to gain the slip on your opponents or to chase down stragglers and secure your team some kills.

Transcendence: This is taken for that extra CDR mainly and being able to stay in lane longer and out-damage or out-skill your opponent due to being able to harass them more because of your abilities having shorter cooldowns.

Mana-flow band: Periodically your next ability used has its mana or energy cost refunded and restores some of your missing mana or energy. This gives Ahri the ability to use her strong poke combo at will!
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Summoner Spells

When it comes to summoner spells there really isn’t any explanation that needs to be given. I don’t think with any champ there needs to be this section because it’s so staple and game orientated but alas here we are. So, instead of droning on I’m gonna give a simple summary. Flash you always take for its perks of chasing, duking, trolling, escaping, flash is just flash, always needed, always useful, unless it’s not.

Ignite you take for lane pressure, if you wanna play aggressive then take this, especially if you know you can use it to get a first blood or advantage over your laner, staple on mid laners.

Cleanse you take if the enemy has a very CC orientated champion for example, Cassiopeia or Ryze or Lissandra. Use it to get away from stuns if they are life threating but this is very situational so take very rarely.

Teleport is for getting back to lane faster or getting to other areas of the map instantly to gain the advantage or have presence in that area; join that team fight or turn that 2v1 into a 2v2. However, due to Ahris’ mobility Teleport is very rarely needed too and is a situational summoner spell.

Exhaust you take if you end up facing a very damage orientated enemy or a powerful assassin. Think Zed or Talon. Use this when they dive you to reduce their damage and survive or to give yourself the upper hand when going in for a dive yourself to slow them and reduce their trade potential leaving them with the short stick.

Barrier is simple, if your enemy can one shot then take barrier and time it well. Your enemies 90 percent of the time never take into account that shield and the other 10 percent of the time you just shouldn’t get caught.

Ghost you take so you can out speed Singed and Skarner. Just kidding. You should never really take ghost however, I would take ghost for getting to lane faster but also getting to other lanes faster, this is very effective as your enemies don’t take into account the ghost and your accumulative speed when they notice you are missing from your lane. I do this with Taliyah a lot too but that’s for another guide.
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Start of with your Doran’s ring and Health Potion! On your first back, only if you’re comfortable with your mana regen and pool, build a Blasting Wand as this sets in stone the foundations into many of your items such as Deathcap, Luden’s and Morellos.

Build a Luden’s Echo first. This is the AP version of Stattik Shiv in my opinion and builds charges as you move. This greatly synergizes with Ahri as she is a champion all about the movement and especially with your ult and all that chasing you’ll be building up charges quick time.

Next up get your Sorcerer’s Shoes as its around this time your enemies will be building Magic Resist. This will counter that and at the right time too.

Next go for a Morellonomicon. This will increase your survivability by giving you that nice chunk of health (300) as well as a truckload of AP (80) and allows you to inflict grievous wounds on enemies. This is especially good if there is a Vladimir or ADC with life steal on the enemy team.

To make up for the movement speed removed from Ahris’ Q, build a Spellbinder this provides you with a flat 10 percent movement speed plus a maximum of 30% decaying movement speed and 100 ability power for 4 seconds! Ouch! This is the item that packs a punch and use this when diving to get the most out of Ahris’ damage. The movement speed also makes her very hard to lockdown meaning you survive for longer.

Don't forget to build the granddaddy of everything AP, Rabadon’s Deathcap. Prepare yourself for fun times and one shot burst on enemy squishes. Remember save this for last.

Lastly, to Increase your Magic Penetration, build a Void Staff. This will render any MR item that the enemy team may be packing allowing you more damage to shred through your foes.
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This is the important part hahahaahah. In all seriousness though, before you played to win your early and mid game, hoping to snowball and win the game by then because if not, you’d be outscaled hard and become irrelevant. Now however, due to the changes, she is now fully equipped for late game so I advise not to be as stressed to get kills early game. Focus on your gold income and ganking other lanes. Everything else will follow.

You start either your Q or your E in lane depending on how comfortable you feel and on the matchup. If you are playing with more immobile champions on the enemy team then start E for that oh so sexy free damage and easy pressure. If the champion is more mobile and good at wave clearing, then start with your Q to match their clear speed and catch them with your poke.

Your biggest power spike now is when you hit level 11 because you also gain that extra dash/charge which means an extra bolt of damage whilst the others are stuck with their same ability. Also after you get your first item your poke and burst damage starts to become more apparent, use this to abuse your laner. Once you do get your ultimate start to play more aggressively, roam, scout out the enemy jungler, you can engage him because now you have a means out. When it comes to late game you’re alright because now you have 5 dashes on your ult and you should be weaving in and out of a team fight, picking out the squishes and causing massive disarray and its cool because if you make a mistake, just dash out and dash back in because you now have 5 DASHES. So what if you waste two, at least you have three left [what you are used to] then having only one left. Use them to win the fight and carry your team to that spicy victory!
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Final Verdict

Ahri is an easy mid laner to pick up but a hard one to master,she requires you to learn her combos and understand assasin and control mage mechanics for teamfights. I advise taking her into normals and gaining experiencing laning, team fighting and assassinating as well as roaming to gank. A players’ skill on Ahri shows as you play her through your builds and play style.

Thanks for reading my guide, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment or upvote if you did :)

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Mattheos Ahri Guide
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[8.18] Ahri Mid Guide Season 8 Runes and Item Build

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