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Just avoid her Q and then it is all fine. Her E isn't usefull against you.
Just to squishy. Her poke can hurt tho.
She can't interrupt your ultimate and she's very squishy. Only her damage is something to look out for, just avoid it and you are all fine.
Just to squishy. Her heals can be very annoying so with her poke. Carefull that her E can cancel your ultimate, just go full in and all is fine.
Just to squishy. Care that she deals a lot of damage, try to Q her plants for maximum damage.
Bards ultimate and Q can cancel your ultimate. Besides of this, he is just annoying. Remind yourself that he is squishy, avond his pokes and all is gg.
Janna is just hard to catch, her slows, speed and knock-ups make it hard to reach. Her Q and Ultimate can cancel your Ultimate. She is very squishy so when she get's catched is RIP Janna.
Nami is annoying because of her Q and E poke. Try to avoid the Q and poke hard back when she tries to. Her Ultimate can cancel yours.
Lulu is indeed squishy, but her slow and pokes make it hard. Her ultimate is good versus yours. Still she can't cancel it. She can shield often to cancel your poke.
Brand has a hard time to cancel your ult Brand is squishy and he will have a hard time interrupting your ult (he needs to hit you twice before he can stun you), but outside of that is very hard to deal with because he does major damage.
Rakan can be tough because he's super slippery and he can interrupt your ultimate easily with his W or R. He's squishy but hard to pin down.
Blitz is super annoying to deal with because 1) you're immobile (bar Flash), meaning hooks are deadly to you and 2) His Q, E and ult all interrupt your ult. He is squishy-ish though which is nice.
Really annoying to deal with because he's very tanky and can't be poked or bursted down easily. His Headbutt>Pulverize combo is not only deadly to you but it can also interrupt your ultimate really easily.
Leona's one of your toughest match-ups because she's incredibly hard to kill due to her W, and it's really hard to get away from her because of her E and long ranged stun (on her ult). She can interrupt your ult with either Q or R (pretty effortlessly) and she can bop you really fast with all her CC.
Hard to deal with since he has two interrupts for your ultimate, is fairly tanky and can lantern people out of your ultimate.
Braum's also tough to deal with because he grants all his allies the ability to stun you. Which is really lovely. Aside from that he's very tanky and his E can entirely nullify your ultimate and make it useless.
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