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This is a lovely matchup for Sejuani. You should invade and bully her too because she deals absolutely no damage in the early game and you will beat her easily
Rammus also has no that much damage. Although I wouldn't recommend to invade him at all, because since you are mostly fighting with auto attacks he will reflect a lot of damage back onto you. Your ganks and engages are more powerful than his ones. In the late game, he seems to be tankier than you.
Again, no way to 1v1 this guy. His E completely counters you, his damage is too high to handle it and if he gets in danger he will jump away with his Q. Hard matchup, try to track him and then kill him with a laner by your side.
Jarvan IV
With his Q, E and R he will get a lot of good ganks in. Try to gank as much as he does so your laners won't fall behind. Also, you can interrupt his E Q combo with your Q. If he builds full damage he falls pretty fast, so you can just ult him and your team will follow up to take the kill. If he is building more defensive, try to stay nearby your carries so they aren't trapped in his ultimate alone with him.
Pretty high damage output overall. Don't fight her. Her ganks are pretty powerful and if one of your allies is once trapped in her ultimate, there is no way out. Try to bully her by counterganking.
Pretty strong jungler right now. Not sure what to do against him. Warn your teammates, 2v1 him and just wait for late game where you are tanky enough to compensate his damage. If this guy gets ahead, your game could be over!
Udyr is a pretty powerful On-Hit champion and these are the ones, you don't wanna fight. His ganks are powerful too, so try to be at the lane where he is. He may invade you but that is ok. Just try to farm equally to him. Keep him away from your carries and NEVER chase him.
Her damage is just too high to handle. Her main weakness is the fact, that she has to farm up until she reaches 2-3 items where she starts to kill everybody. Luckily games are shorter than the used to be so you can use the fact that she is just farming up and make a lot of ganks. If all your laners are ahead, you have a chance to tame that beast.
Lee Sin
This guy will make your game really hard. Your only chance to beat him is to get into late game. Play safe, don't fight him. Through his high early game pressure, he will gank probably twice as much as you will. Tracking him down to warn your allies is really important here. In the late game, he falls apart, but until then he will make a lot of trouble.
Nocturne is in a loved state right now for a good reason: He just shreds. With Duskblade on him, his powerspike starts and he will just R onto you and your allies and destroy them. Not much you can, because he can even block one of your stuns with his spellshield. Try to wait with your stun until he used it.
Your worst nightmare. You cant duel him, his ganks are really solid, he is somehow pretty tanky but deals tons of damage to all of us. Try to CC him if he jumps onto one of your carries.
I don't think Sejuani is always a good pick here. If you are in low elo I don't think that Sejuani is always a good pick but It's good a lot times. If you play well and for example have a teammate who is good in earlygame it is good to give him feed and help him or you can gank botlane.
Creeping / Jungling
Creeping / Jungling
You start, with Red and then take Raptors. After this, if you are against a good matchup you go for the Scuttlecrab on the side where you started. If you are against a hard matchup you go for your Wolves and then take that side's Scuttlecrab. Then you take blue and frog, then back. After this, you can go ganking and go for the stuff that is respawning or against a good matchup counterjungle.
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