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Fiora Build Guide by rximv

Top (9.21) Fiora, The Grand Duelist

Top (9.21) Fiora, The Grand Duelist

Updated on November 5, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rximv Build Guide By rximv 3,830 Views 0 Comments
3,830 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rximv Fiora Build Guide By rximv Updated on November 5, 2019
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Runes: 1

1 2 3
Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Nimbus Cloak

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

(9.21) Fiora, The Grand Duelist

By rximv
Fiora Pros

Absolutely destroys tanks
Really good at 1v1's
Great outplay potential
Scales well
Fiora Cons

Grievous Wounds is a hard counter
Fiora isn't good at teamfights
High skill ceiling
Fiora is amazing at 1v1's. Her kit is built around dueling, and is perfect for 1v1's on sidelanes. Her splitpush is insane. You can literally 1v1 anyone who tries to defend the enemy team objective. After the buffs in patch 9.19, Fiora absolutely obliterates towers with her e crit and q. (Deals even more with Trinity Force).
Your mission after laning phase is to pressure sidelanes and try to take objectives, with your high 1v1 power.
Best Runes at the moment are Conqueror and Grasp of the Undying. Grasp is absolutely the best rune for crushing your lane/helping you in the laning phase, which is good if you want to snowball and play lane well. Conqueror on the other hand, isn't very good in the laning phase, but scales really well and gets you even more true damage in your kit.

Kleptomancy is a rune i dont see very often. It gets you a lot of gold when harassing with q in the laning phase, But it is kind of only good against really easy matchups, and matchups you can q free against.
Best Runes

Nimbus Cloak is my favourite secondary rune from the Sorcery tree.
It's really good in 1v1's because you can chase and dance around your opponent with the bonus movement speed.

Manaflow Band is also a good option. Even though it isnt good in the early game, it really helps you in the mid game when you take down turrets and you abilites start to have higher mana costs.

Nullifying Orb is really good against AP heavy team comps and against AP laners.
I dont really have anything else to say about it. I usually take it against AP laners.


Demolish is really good for split pushing and is pretty much better than anything from the top row.

Bone Plating is good against some matchups like Riven, Renekton and Jayce.

Second Wind is amazing against heavy poke matchups.

Overgrowth is the best rune from the bottom row. I dont really have anything to say about this rune, gives you more max HP.


Legend: Alacrity is the best rune from the middle row. Attack speed is really good on fiora and makes last hitting easier.

Triumph and Overheal are tied in the top row IMO. Both are really good on Fiora.
Fiora's core item is Ravenous Hydra. It gives decent AD, good waveclear for splitting, and lifesteal. Rush this item.

Trinity Force is a huge item on Fiora. The Sheen procs, CDR, and attack speed are perfect on her.

I havent personally used Black Cleaver many times, but its good against tanks, its cheaper than Trinity Force, and gives more health.

Spear of Shojin is amazing on Fiora. The amount of Q's you get in a fight is awful. Also the attack speed from the ult cast is really good for 1v1's. I personally build this before Death's Dance.

Speaking of which, is an amazing item. It heals you 15% from all damage, which is better than Bloodthister, because it heals you from your vitals/true damage.

Sterak's Cage is my favorite defensive item on her. The health and ad are great and i like Sterak's more than Guardian Angel because of the lower cooldown.

Guardian Angel is a good item on basically any bruiser, so i don't really have to explain it for you.
Thank you for reading my guide. This is a basic guide on Fiora's build.
If you want to learn how to play her, i suggest reading other guides, or watching youtube videos.

GL in soloQ!!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rximv
rximv Fiora Guide
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(9.21) Fiora, The Grand Duelist

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