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Runes: Fleet Footwork
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Try to use range as possible. Try not to make a single mistake against Draven. Doesn't matter you are leading with kills at first DO NOT GO 1vs1
Best part about playing with Taric he can save you with his stuns and his solid ult can let you engage and blast the enemy with your Crit ez
Best part about playing with Taric he can save you with his stuns and his solid ult can let you engage and blast the enemy with your Crit ez
Champion Build Guide
Hello Guys My name is Jay and I'm a Jhin main and Recently got a Largest Critical Strike Record on jhin you can check it out on
Best part about jhin is that sometimes we can ONE SHOT the enemy with weird builds xD. he was my main since he was out. His design, voice lines, and play style are all super fun.
every single day i'm trying for new builds which can be most effective on him, so here i'm sharing my knowledge that can help someone else become more comfortable playing Jhin.
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