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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello! My name is Phayilkid and welcome to my Jhin guide. I am only a Silver player, but I much prefer playing casually with my five man rather than playing ranked.
Jhin is a really fun ADC who does a ton of damage. Some of his abilities are seriously under used, so I decided to make a guide on how I play Jhin.
Jhin is a really fun ADC who does a ton of damage. Some of his abilities are seriously under used, so I decided to make a guide on how I play Jhin.
Jhin's passive is what helps him deal a lot of damage. Every 4th auto attack is a guaranteed crit strike. |
Jhin throws a grenade which bounces up to 4 times. It does more damage each hit if it kills its target. It is useful for farming when you are reloading. |
This ability is so underrated. Stack as many of them as you can in a bush. Once they are stepped on, hit them with your Deadly Flourish to root them, and watch their health bar disappear. See the video below as an example! |
Most ADC would go Berserker's Greaves, but as Jhin does not gain attack speed, they are pointless on him. Swiftness boots give him some nice speed, and also reduces slows. |
If you want 100% crit strike, grab a Statikk Shiv. With Rapid Firecannon and Infinity Edge, this will give you that 100%. |
2.2k Captive Audience
So this is probably the reason why you clicked on this guide. For me Captive Audience is so underrated and misused. Most Jhin players I see just throw them about randomly, maybe in bushes for a small amount of vision. However, one thing I don't think I have ever seen another Jhin player do is stack the traps. Just drop as many of them as you can on top of each other. Then, just wait for them to step on it, hit them with your Deadly Flourish to root them, and you get results something like this:
Removed Stormrazor as it has been nerf'd. Bloodthirster works better now.
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