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Zed will most likely try and all in you level 3, you have to bait out his shadow then wait for a JG gank. Maybe rush a stopwatch to face him properly, when he ults you, you wanna shoot your combo behind you so you can deal damage to him.
I put Yasuo as extreme because low elo players tend to somehow block abilities with wind walls, I will never understand how actually. You want to bait his wall out then go for an all in, if he all ins you first, you want to use a stopwatch or something (that you bought earlier) to face him, when he ults you, ult him and use your stopwatch. If you don't have your ult, then you're gonna have to use flash to live.
I hate fighting Akali, she has kill pressure at level 6 but pre - 6 you can harrass her, however you will need a JG gank to kill her.
Ahri is a major threat to me, if you're fighting a good Ahri, she will dash all over and make you miss your combo. She can just dash in, wait for your ult then dash back out and all in you with a kill. You need to bait out her R and charm before you attempt to kill her.
Yone has kill pressure, I don't like fighting him as if you stun him, you can't really do much to him if he has E'd you and you can't really get close to him because his W can give him a shield that will block a lot of your damage sadly.
She has damage output, but keep in mind she has barely any mobility without flash. You can all in her level 6 and because of her 0 mobility, you can possibly kill her.
I don't even want to talk about him.
You just need ganks, he will oustcale you and outdamage you possibly. And his R is just annoying.
You can't roam, you can't kill her.
You can't do much to Anivia because she has push potential and her CC is really good, you need ganks to kill her.
He will just outplay you.
It really depends on how you fight her, she has low cooldowns and she can easily fight you and execute combo and bait your abilities out. But in reality, if you get loads of ganks there's not much she can do.
After nerfs, she has such a weak laning phase and can not outdamage you. She has annoying poke, but her mana costs will run her mana down very quickly. She will most likely win trades because of her abilities that go through minions, and if she ults you it will be sad if the JG ganks at that time.
If she 'pretends' to be Faker, you will probably just kill her. If she's fast, she'll E you as you spellshield and just dive you as soon as she thinks it's stunned. If she's smart, she'll wait.
Annoying Poke, but her cooldowns can win you trades.
Zoe's waveclear is really bad unless she starts wasting mana with Q, she will most likely try all in you when she's level 6 but her abilities can't go through minions! Just stay behind your minions and wait for JG ganks or bait her sleep.
You need your exhaust, and if he ults you. It's likely he won't have a stopwatch with your ult, but you will. You can beat Sylas with a stopwatch and your R easily. Also wait for JG ganks, that way he's a free kill because he can only W one of you.
I can't talk about this, she's such a broken and easy champion. Her combo is practically one shot with electrocute, just use stopwatch and R.
Movement speed, loves it.
Annie will most likely win trades because of her passive and mana refund with Q, her full combo will most likely kill you or get you really low to the point you can't fight.
Camille JG, I personally like this pick because Camille JG is good with reliable CC which Morgana can give. Not many people play Camille JG in low elo but I did have a friend who did and this worked out really well for us with the ult combo as well.
Jarvan IV
High damage output and reliable CC
Roaming support, he'll just stomp on the other mid laner with your CC.
Read Thresh's.
Both of you have good damage together late game and the CC is good, but early game it's not very well.
Chain CC!
Camille JG, I personally like this pick because Camille JG is good with reliable CC which Morgana can give. Not many people play Camille JG in low elo but I did have a friend who did and this worked out really well for us with the ult combo as well.
Jarvan IV
High damage output and reliable CC
Roaming support, he'll just stomp on the other mid laner with your CC.
Read Thresh's.
Both of you have good damage together late game and the CC is good, but early game it's not very well.
I'm just your casual Morgana mid player, I am not that new to the game, but I'm only about level 70. I don't have much experience so I'm very bad, but I hope this guide helps to the people who need it.
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