Man, this champ pisses me off. Pre 6
Poke him down with Q, if he uses his Q combo, you can go in and do some damage. Always bring ignite. YOU CAN DESTROY HIM PRE ^ DONT BE AN IDIOT. Bring presence/coup if you want to go full Q poke. But you can completely dominate
He can clear your dogs with e, he can silence you in close range, and he can R you. Pre 6 you need to freeze wave, or punish him if he decides to back or stay with low hp, just poke him, wait for ganks, or be different and just shit on him. But this matchup is skill based. genuinely.
Man... this guy is hard to deal with no matter what, he beats you pre six, and after. Play for teamfights, or if he messes up. poke him down, don't get pulled in. Pray for a good jg, or he's just bad.
this is skill based, I really don't have any tips other than when he uses e to get to you, use your e to run, then poke him down and just pray. You can impact more in late game, much more useful in teamfights, he just beats you with ult, or if he's fed. other than that you're chillin
you win lane, but he's better late game since he can just split or run down your main damages. You need to end fast, break their mental.
Ok this match up his pretty easy, dodge her e and you win, or just freeze and punish her by spamming Q on her.
you just win, you dont really auto since your q does bleed making your pets jump him, your R reveals him, you can use w on him if he runs, Q if he blinds, its just easy, though its teemo. HE IS ANNOYING.
pre 6 you win, late game its either he ults you and wins, or you buy qss and give him hell. 50/50 matchup.
this is on par with irelia. BAN HIM IF IRELIA IS BANNED. if he isn't banned you just q poke, and that's it. He has better roam power with ult, he is actual hell to fight, I ban him over irelia since a good jg can make irelia useless.
you win pre 6, and depending on if you dodge her e, you beat her late game with Q poke. She has a better teamfight tho since her ult is damn annoying.
From personal opinion you beat him, you can use e to jump out of his e, you poke him down, also edge of night is pretty nice in this matchup.
FREEZE WAVE PLEASE. wait for jungle to ganks, don't let him get cs no matter what. If he farms or freezes on you, its over.
you just destroy this guy, but his Maiden heals now, so poke his r if you need to, save e to jump out of his wall. Poke him and force ganks.
A god riven is unbeatable unless you get a good ganks or dodge her whole Q combo. But most rivens are bad, you beat her with poke, use e to dodge and just beat her down.
easy lane, he can do dmge to you if you play like an idiot. don't treat him like he does the dmge of a toddler hitting your leg.
free lane. she cant reach you since you use e to dodge her r, or q.
yone is really hard to fight. genuinely, wait for a gank, or punish him if he uses e and fails to hurt/kill you. Dodge his R and you can just go for a fight. (pre 6 he's hard to fight.)
she just loses no matter what. Lvl 16 is scary, so snowball her and win.
pre 6 you and her poke each other. When she's level 6 force her R, escae then punish her. she isn't hard to beat since you can poke her, and punish her for missing her Q.
you lose when she gets 2 items, maybe even 1 item. DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO MAKE PRE 6 AS MUCH HELL FOR HER AS YOU CAN.
he beats you. just poke him down as much as you can and punish him if he goes in on a big wave, or wait for gank.
don't play like you're gonna beat him in a melee fight. you win as long as you freeze or poke him down.
Lane is kinda iffy with this guy, you can poke him down, or bring tp and follow him with his R, you make more impact in late game than him. You might be able to use w on him while he ults like akali e.
you don't win with his e up, but if you're damn cracked, you dodge his e, then kill him.
you win, but when he gets items you lose if you play like an idiot.
he cant beat you (from personal experience and friends/masters vods.)
you win pre 6, but if he's smart he just uses silence on you if you go in, cancels your w/e. If he's tank you don't win 1v1.
you win, she cant catch you. but like always DONT BE AN IDIOT AND YOU WIN
Dr. Mundo
you win, but when he gets heartsteel and stacks. it becomes a team based fight, you need to kill back line while your team helps. or fight mundo head on withem
Aurelion Sol
you win, you cant lose.
you win
another win
you can just poke him, dodge his ability's since they're slow
Jarvan IV
you win, but if he gets a gank and he ults you and you don't have e, you're dead.
man oh man, this matchup sucks, freeze wave and wait for ganks.
ban her, if she gets picked dodge.
you dodge his E/Q, punish him, don't get poked down.
dude I haven't fought a ksante since release. I don't know. He's probably good against you since his Q/W, can stop your push.
he heals, wait for a gank and poke him and freeze.
its pretty easy, but him blue form can be bad to fight. red form is easy to beat.
poke, dodge his r, if you cant use E or miss the dodge, double Q cast on him to regen and run while doing Q poke.
fight him when you get out of his w, you win.
Your poke is better since it goes through minions. you can dodge his q, and you stand a good chance beating him when the stun on you from his r is over.
its miserable, if you w he uses e to go near tower, he pokes you much more, he can go invis and jump you. it sucks. wait for late game, or a gank when his e isnt up.
you win
you can just kill him easily, his poisin is bad if you trail him like and idiot.
you lose if you don't dodge her ability's
rengar top is just annoying, I don't have any tips to help for this matchup
I haven't faced a trynd in over a year, I don't know how this matchup goes, look up a vod.
you win
its quinn but worse, just wait for late game and use ult when she does, your whole team will cry at how good you are.
he is toxic, wait for him to use invis them punish him hard, then run. ty to go for trades.
same as yone, but his tornado is easy to dodge
Tahm Kench
you cant beat him, wait for ganks, you win late game teamfights
YOU LOSE LATE GAME HE FARMS AND YOU LOSE, HE FREEZES YOU LOSE, YOU DONT GET GANKS YOU LOSE. you need to keep up in farm, win teamfights, and murder the whole team.
your dogs just cuck his stun, pretty easy matchup, but late game with trinity he can destroy you.
I love this champ, its so much fun to play her. But im no good at detailing her whole character. Please use naafeari's guide, it goes very heavily in depth on the champ. Yes its a guide for mid/jg, but its very useful, and i love it, even if i hate the fact naaf is played mid.
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