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This lil fella strong. Against a Malph mid you are pretty much screwed early/mid game as he will kill you with no problem going AP build. DON'T stay near him at any moment bc he will R you/flash and R you many times. He looks at you like a juicy meal, so stay away from him and wait for an opening when he presses R on one of your teammates. As soon as he does that, have your traps prepared for him and go hard!, you WILL kill him fast and easily after that.
Don't ever get stunned by Anivia, try to play near her Ultimate but never too close from her. She does heavy AP dmg and will kill you fast. Wait for the openings and wait for opportunities just like Azir. I will try to upload some strategies for these types of champs.
Master Yi
This guy... Just ban this guy, like seriously, how is it that he hasn't get a rework yet. Anyways, have your traps prepared for his Q and flash away as soon as he reappears in your position. Pray that your team has CC, otherwise...just dodge. Like for real.
Dodge her E. If you get hit by that you are pretty much screwed. Try to place your traps when she Rappel (E), as you can zone her and reduce her running away chances while on the air.
The standard mid counter of Jinx. She pretty much just flashes near you and you are dead!. Annie is pretty annoying most of the times, so pray that your team attacks her first or wait for an opening after a good CC or something like that. DO NOT play near her, unless you are pretty fed or if she has her guard down (1 or 2 stacks of passive).
I'm showing mostly AP mids here first. Diana is a bit like Annie. She's a pretty tryhard champion and will screw you up very fast if fed. Go the defensive route, buy BT and MR boots and try to poke her from far as much as you can. If your team doesn't have CC champs then go RFC as second item and poke as much as you can.
The bird is always a sketchy midlaner. If the Azir's good, then try to play safe and poke him with RFC when his guards are dying. Most of the times, in this matchup, you will have to enter the teamfights from a safe and 'ninja' point. Try to play with map awareness and fight for those wards. If you go straight into him you WILL die pretty easily.
If she's fed, don't ever go near her and buy a RFC asap. Try to bait her Shunpo with your traps so you can catch her. If you do catch her, just AA and time your W correctly. You will outdamage her. MR boots ofc and MR resistance in runes.
This pretty much depends on the Akali's abililty. You should just play safe and try to hit your W's into her invisible cloud. If you have sustain and she isn't that fed, then just AA her and she will die easily. If she hits her E into you, then have your traps ready into her way, as she will get stuck in your E if you put them before she goes right into you.
This depends on Ekko pretty much. If he places his W well, then you don't have much to do, so mantain a safe distance and try to place your Chompers (E) very well as soon as he goes in for the stun!
Go Tabis and sustain. Try to hit your Q (a rocket AA) or your W as soon as he has his shield active. You will, probably, have to flash most of his Ultis, so try to stay near your support so you don't die as easily.
Dr. Mundo
If Mundo is fed and you are behind my friend, like, for a lot... then you are screwed.
If that's not the case at all, go BORK 3rd item and Mortal Remined 4th and you will kite this guy very easily!
I've not seen many Evelynns lately (and thanks for that!), but if you have her on the other side you WILL have to go Merc treads and a Phantom Dancer as a second item, Bloodthirster as a third. Play near your support and you should be good. NEVER go alone.
This is a pretty favorable matchup for Jinx, and you can screw him over very fast if you rotate to Toplane on early/mid game. Poke him as much as you can and trap him (E) if he gets any close.
Hecarim is a very annoying champion, but if you ward your bot river fairly well and don't push too much you should be good. Try to trap him if he gets near you before lvl 6. If he gets to you with ultimate, you will have to flash away and, even then, it probably won't be enough to be safe. You will need CC for this match up.
You should be able to kill Camille easily if she's not monster Fed. Wait for your good placed traps and kite her as much as you can. If you have a support like Lulu or Braum, she is pretty much screwed.
Heavy dependant on Ez's skills. If you trade him well with your Q and kite him well (AAs and one or two AAs cancel every now and then) and you should be fine really. He is supposed to be the major counter for Jinx, but that's because many players don't know how to poke him fairly well on early game. Don't be afraid of this match up.
Now here it is what I consider to be the major threat for Jinx. Twitch can pretty much outscale your damage in every single stage of the game, be it early, mid or late game. He can position himself very well and easily on most teamfights. Don't let him get the early advantage, otherwise it will be very hard to win against him.
In late game, try to place some wards near (but not inside!) the river bushes, so you can see whenever he goes invisible with his Q. TRY to place as many traps as you can think of a place where he could be. If he's trapped, he's doomed. Otherwhise mantain safe distance and don't get cheesed on by his Q ability.
Draven is quite a tricky bot champion, and does heavy dmg early and mid game. You should outscale his dmg and be able to 1v1 him easily on Late game.
Early game, try to poke him with your Q whenever he tries to last hit minions and DO poke and trade when he only has 1 axe active. Don't be afraid of him early game, poke as much as you can and zone his support if it's a Thresh or a Blitzcrank (relay on your support help a lot early stage).
My second favourite bot matchup. Q her (with rockets) whenever whe trades you. Try to push the lane as much as you can on early game, as she will struggle quite a lot near her tower. A sustain support here goes very good.
On mid/late game you should be able to kill her easily only with AAs, but you HAVE to, at least, dodge her E and 1 or 2 traps. Buy RFC 2nd item if necessary. Good luck.
My absolute favourite botlane matchup against Jinx.
Early game, poke her as much as you can with your Q! (Rockets) and you should be able to get her 1/3 of her max HP easily. If you get an advantage in early game, it's fairly easy to win against her if you just poke her and AA her whenever he goes full Vayne mode. Don't stay near walls ofc and try to hit her with your W when she's close as you will do 'tons' of dmg to her.
Buying RFC for mid game in this matchup it pretty much mandatory I'd say.
DON'T get near her if she's as fed as you on mid/late game because she WILL screw you up easily. You don't have a chance in that situation, like never, and that's FINE because you shouldn't be fighting her 1v1 anyways. If you do, then consider yourself trolling.
Sorry..., but yeah, good luck and have fun because it's one of the most skill dependant matchups on botlane!
Pretty awesome synergy with Jinx. He can give you that lil speed boost that every Jinx player loves!, and if he hits his stun (Q), then you place your traps and the enemy supp/adc is pretty much dead. The same applies to his R.
This pretty much depends on the matchup really. If the enemy goes ranged AP/CC, then try to avoid having him as a Sup. Otherwise, try to play a bit aggresive in early game, as they will probably screw your lane phase. Try to set your traps before he does his combo, because if you set them after he does W-Q, the traps won't root the enemies.
Pretty good synergy. The only thing here is that, most of the times, you tend to attack whatever champ Leona stunts. And yeah that's cool and all, but if the matchup is a Draven, and she is focusing the support, you will be probably dead by the time you try to go full on their support. Wait for the opportunity to set your traps right and then go full JINX CARRY MODE!
Just like Leona, don't let your guard down just because he hits his abilities. Try to set your traps right and this should be an easy kill.
Depends on the Blitz player you know. It's just not the best support for Jinx really. Try to set your traps before he hits his E into the enemy.
This is all on you really. You have to play this one aggresive on your Rockets (Q), or wait for her lvl 6, her R, and place your traps after some AA's into the enemy (while they are on her ultimate). It's amazing though when she goes for the Q right with ya.
One of the best IF not the best support for Jinx. She can give you everything you need in order to catch you enemy with your traps and her W (Whimsy). Her R is one of the most OP abilities ever, so It's pretty much and awesome support for a Jinx late game. Show Lulu some love!
The moustache is an awesome support for Jinx. He probably has the 4rd or 3rd place on this. It's great to have a Braum support (most of the times) and you have an awesome early game if you guys can use his passive well. If he does, then just place your traps right and it should be an easy kill!
Only for early game really, but if she hits her Qs and you place your traps well, it could be an easy early game kill or FB for you guys. It's really not the best support for Jinx, but it has a great potential for it.
This is not an easy synergy, but goes awesome if you guys can place your skills correctly. I personally don't like it very much bc he can't do much peel on mid/late game, and that's the phase where Jinx shines the most!. It's a fun support though.
A monster for late game.
If you manage to get to late game with a Taric support you should be winning the game fairly easy. Realy on his sustain, poke as much as you can and place your traps whenever he stuns the enemies!
Morgana is a very good support for Jinx. It's pretty much the same thing that happens with Lux. If she places her Q, and then you place your E, the enemy should be dead. The difference is that she will give you good peel in mid/late game, so prefer this champion over Lux if you wanna fight a strong early game!
Pretty awesome synergy with Jinx. He can give you that lil speed boost that every Jinx player loves!, and if he hits his stun (Q), then you place your traps and the enemy supp/adc is pretty much dead. The same applies to his R.
This pretty much depends on the matchup really. If the enemy goes ranged AP/CC, then try to avoid having him as a Sup. Otherwise, try to play a bit aggresive in early game, as they will probably screw your lane phase. Try to set your traps before he does his combo, because if you set them after he does W-Q, the traps won't root the enemies.
Pretty good synergy. The only thing here is that, most of the times, you tend to attack whatever champ Leona stunts. And yeah that's cool and all, but if the matchup is a Draven, and she is focusing the support, you will be probably dead by the time you try to go full on their support. Wait for the opportunity to set your traps right and then go full JINX CARRY MODE!
Just like Leona, don't let your guard down just because he hits his abilities. Try to set your traps right and this should be an easy kill.
Depends on the Blitz player you know. It's just not the best support for Jinx really. Try to set your traps before he hits his E into the enemy.
This is all on you really. You have to play this one aggresive on your Rockets (Q), or wait for her lvl 6, her R, and place your traps after some AA's into the enemy (while they are on her ultimate). It's amazing though when she goes for the Q right with ya.
One of the best IF not the best support for Jinx. She can give you everything you need in order to catch you enemy with your traps and her W (Whimsy). Her R is one of the most OP abilities ever, so It's pretty much and awesome support for a Jinx late game. Show Lulu some love!
The moustache is an awesome support for Jinx. He probably has the 4rd or 3rd place on this. It's great to have a Braum support (most of the times) and you have an awesome early game if you guys can use his passive well. If he does, then just place your traps right and it should be an easy kill!
Only for early game really, but if she hits her Qs and you place your traps well, it could be an easy early game kill or FB for you guys. It's really not the best support for Jinx, but it has a great potential for it.
This is not an easy synergy, but goes awesome if you guys can place your skills correctly. I personally don't like it very much bc he can't do much peel on mid/late game, and that's the phase where Jinx shines the most!. It's a fun support though.
A monster for late game.
If you manage to get to late game with a Taric support you should be winning the game fairly easy. Realy on his sustain, poke as much as you can and place your traps whenever he stuns the enemies!
Morgana is a very good support for Jinx. It's pretty much the same thing that happens with Lux. If she places her Q, and then you place your E, the enemy should be dead. The difference is that she will give you good peel in mid/late game, so prefer this champion over Lux if you wanna fight a strong early game!
Hey there!,
My name is Phantom R, and I'm here to teach you some of the basics to achieve that awesome Jinx carry potential that my favourite champion is known for!
I will do some minor english mistakes...don't worry, I'll try to fix them as soon as I catch them :).
I consider myself an ADC main, and I also play Top fairly good but just not as good as I play adc.
I consistently play Jinx since S4 or so and I've played her at least 10 games a week with her ever since. That should tell you enough about me I think haha.
Jinx was my main since I was in gold back in 2014. Once I learned her well, I carried myself out of gold up to Plat in '16 or so. After a while, I peaked D2 in 19' with her as my main champion. I could've probably gone a bit highier, but the season reset came and I lost that chance, but don't worry I'm trying harder than ever to get there again!
As for the experience of playing, many minor errors are still done (as everyone does), but I've learned the carry potential of this hypercarry pretty well, so it's my time to give you guys a bit of advice so you can play her at a fairly good level as well.
It won't be easy, not that much, but oh god are you gonna have a good time!,
So, without further ado, let's get into it!
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