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Veigar Build Guide by Hua Yin

Middle AA split-push Predator Veigar build

Middle AA split-push Predator Veigar build

Updated on January 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hua Yin Build Guide By Hua Yin 3,801 Views 0 Comments
3,801 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hua Yin Veigar Build Guide By Hua Yin Updated on January 5, 2024
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Runes: Default

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter


+10% Attack Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+6 Armor


1 2
Normative option
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

AA split-push Predator Veigar build

By Hua Yin
The schtick
From the first time I started to play Veigar back in Season 6, I didn't play him conventionally. The "funny one shot haha" was never my thing, and other than Veigar I only liked (and still like) AA based champs like hard AA ADCs and fighters like Yi, so I always cooked something AA based on everyone.

Nowadays I don't play Veigar much, so I decided to share this with the world. This Veigar build focuses on complete and utter autonomity for Veigar on midlane, disregarding everything and everyone else in the game, to win in the end.

This is not an easy build, as you are somewhat more vulnerable and less strong in the Early and Mid games, therefore you need to take care.

The main idea behind the game plan is using Predator early to get to lane - you start with boots, and then after recall/death acticate it within the range of the enemy so you would get movement speed burst towards them.

This is an even more late game build for Veigar due to the irregular utilitarian and AA focused itemization and runes, however a true 1v9 in the late with almost unstopable split push power.
Early game
The early game is not that hard, however you must start with either Boots or Tear of the Goddess. If you fear you may die quickly or have to recall too soon, go with Boots.

To do with this build early:
- You just do your Veigar things whilst in early game. Play safer, poke, fish for kills.
- Do not ignore your jungler, and help with objectives.
- Do not roam. Losing out on stack, EXP and G is just not worth it for potential kills, UNLESS YOU HAVE PREDATOR UP FOR CATCH/RETURN.
Mid game
Unless you had perfect Early, Mid game is perhaps when this build is weakest the most. Unlike with normal Veigar builds, where for the mid game you kinda start doing something, here you will not. Due to the nature of the itemization and reliance on passive and Rabadon to have real damage.

Before you can be usefull, you have to be useless.

For the mid game to do list:
- Avoid fights alltogether, prioritize safe splitting, passive stacking and farming in general.
- Avoid risky objective calls even at the cost of your teammates mental health.
- If you must, in a teamfight try to look as unimportant as possible and use E and Everfrost to help out teammates, maybe steal some kills for $.
Late game: Unleashed
By late you should have atleast these items:

[Sorc Shoes + Archangel + Everfrost + Nashor]

Focus on getting Rabadon too, but with these items and decent passive count no Turret should stand a chance against you. You go in, AA few times and boom, Turret gone. Same with champions, they don't expect you to AA them to death.

From there just focus on winning.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hua Yin
Hua Yin Veigar Guide
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AA split-push Predator Veigar build

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