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Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Lee Sin
The only one i hate in the enemy jungle is Lee so he counters you hard if he hits his Q on you
If you are here for a Shaco 1 v 5 or somthing build it's wrong with this build you'r job is to kill the enemy squishy backlane then jump out with the 40% CD you have after trinity. But in the early game you are kinda weak but after you get Warrior and Duskblade you got a big powerstrike.
I'd say if you want to try playing Shaco go for this build at least it is kinda op in mid/late game you can 1-2 shoot almost every adc or support, just jump behind them with Q then go for backstab and Hydra or E then they should be dead because of DH and duskblade.
I'd say if you want to try playing Shaco go for this build at least it is kinda op in mid/late game you can 1-2 shoot almost every adc or support, just jump behind them with Q then go for backstab and Hydra or E then they should be dead because of DH and duskblade.
Well i play Shaco because i like his unique kind of playstyle like you jump in then fake with you'r R so you can jump out again to kill someone.
Shaco is not a carry champion he is most played to eliminate the enemy squishy, he can be a good bruiser champ to with Press the attack with bloodrazor.
Shaco is not a carry champion he is most played to eliminate the enemy squishy, he can be a good bruiser champ to with Press the attack with bloodrazor.
Yes i would say that just becuase of his good early ganks with his W and Q, with getting 3 points in Q first is very good because of the ganking potential.
Shaco is tho very hard to master as a champ i've played like 700 games with him on all my accs, so i say when you have masterd him you will go up rank to rank all the way from my opinion.
So i'll say go for it at least try it Good luck <3
Shaco is tho very hard to master as a champ i've played like 700 games with him on all my accs, so i say when you have masterd him you will go up rank to rank all the way from my opinion.
So i'll say go for it at least try it Good luck <3
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