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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Has quite high base stats
Very high sustain with Blood Thirst
Has a gap closer with a knockup built in to it
Gets a ton of free Attack Speed with his passive and Ult
Gets an extra chance at living through his passive every 225 seconds
Does tons of % max health damage, especially with Blade of the Ruined King
He has only one gap closer
Has relatively low CC
He's immensely useless without items
Has very low ranges and very little answer to ranged harassment
He is very reliant on Attack Speed, so is countered by Attack Speed slows like Wardens Mail
Has quite high base stats
Very high sustain with Blood Thirst
Has a gap closer with a knockup built in to it
Gets a ton of free Attack Speed with his passive and Ult
Gets an extra chance at living through his passive every 225 seconds
Does tons of % max health damage, especially with Blade of the Ruined King
He has only one gap closer
Has relatively low CC
He's immensely useless without items
Has very low ranges and very little answer to ranged harassment
He is very reliant on Attack Speed, so is countered by Attack Speed slows like Wardens Mail
Flash: An obvious spell to get for gap closing and escaping.
Ignite: For when you can't reach them although they have very low health. With many other top lane champions I take Heal because of my bad habit of being VERY aggressive but with Aatrox and his Blood Thirst, you don't really need this.
Heal: As I explained before, you don't really need this because of your Blood Thirst, but you can take it for those last minute teamfight heals.
Teleport: Offers you more mobility around the map and getting back to lane after a back or death. You can also use it to quickly get to a teamfight location.
Ghost: I almost NEVER take this. But some people are under level 12 and don't have Flash yet. It could also be useful for chasing because if you use Ghost and they use their Flash, you can catch up to them after the Flash.
Flash: An obvious spell to get for gap closing and escaping.
Ignite: For when you can't reach them although they have very low health. With many other top lane champions I take Heal because of my bad habit of being VERY aggressive but with Aatrox and his Blood Thirst, you don't really need this.
Heal: As I explained before, you don't really need this because of your Blood Thirst, but you can take it for those last minute teamfight heals.
Teleport: Offers you more mobility around the map and getting back to lane after a back or death. You can also use it to quickly get to a teamfight location.
Ghost: I almost NEVER take this. But some people are under level 12 and don't have Flash yet. It could also be useful for chasing because if you use Ghost and they use their Flash, you can catch up to them after the Flash.
I take Blades of Torment(E) as it gives me early range against my opponent and can slow them possibly getting me first blood. I then take Dark Flight(Q) as this gives me an escape from ganks or anything else, my single CC ability, and a gap closer, all at just level 2. After that, I'll take a point in Blood Thirst/Blood Price(W) so that I can get my sustain and have all abilities (except the ult.) Put a point into your Massacre(R) whenever you can.
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