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Janna Build Guide by AresGod

AD Janna is OP

AD Janna is OP

Updated on May 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AresGod Build Guide By AresGod 8 1 59,986 Views 18 Comments
8 1 59,986 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AresGod Janna Build Guide By AresGod Updated on May 11, 2012
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This is my fourth guide, and I will be showing you my build for Janna the Storm's Fury, who has earned me a huge amount of kills, assists and few deaths over the time I have played her.

Please try the build before commenting or voting.THIS IS NOT A TROLL!
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Dorans Blade
I start with dorans blade because I find that in early game, Janna needs the health and attack damage from this item, since her next few items won't give her any attack damage, and not much health.

I then move on to the Thornmail because it gives Janna that extra durability against the AD enemies throughout the whole game, which is very important.

Banshee's Veil
This I build up to the Banshee's Veil, because it gives Janna that extra durability against the AP enemies throughout the whole game, which is very important.

Infinity Edge
I then start building the Infinity Edge, which depends on the game, to which items you buy 1st to build it. This item is very useful because of the critical damage becoming 250%, and also the attack damage and critical chance.

The Bloodthirster
I like to get Bloodthirster by this stage, as Shaco has become less squishy, and also Shaco needs lifesteal to be able to become a better champion in this stage of the game.

Frozen Mallet
At this point the game should be well evolved, and Frozen Mallet comes in handy to slow down any champions you hit, so that Shaco can easily chase them down or run away if needed, and finish them off in a few simple hits.

Madred's Bloodrazor
Usually the game would end soon after buying frozen mallet, however if the game is one of the rare epicly long ones, then it's always best to sell your Meki Pendant and then buy a better item. I suggest buying Madred's Bloodrazor once you have enough gold to sell the Meki Pendant and buy the Madred's Bloodrazor at the same time. This item will help Shaco to deal alot more damage to enemies, thus helping you to get more kills.
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For my runes, I always like a fast champion, because this allows me to catch enemys faster and also get back into battle quicker after having needed to recall, or run away. This is why i have a combination of quints: desolation and swiftness.

Armour penetration is important for AD Janna, because when playing her AD, her hits will deal fast & strong blows to the enemy. This therefore means you don't want them defending against her, and making your hits useless.

The greater your critcal chance, the better. This is because you will have a reasonably fast attack in late game, and you want to make the most of this by having a high critical chance aswell, so that you critical hit the enemy many times in a short space of time.

Reducing cool downs is also important for Janna, as Eye of the Storm is often needed regularly to defend against things such as Ignite or just as an extra shield whilst fighting. Therefore reducing the cool downs helps to make Janna a much better champion, as often having an ability on cool down is what will cost you that death which could have easily been avoided.
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Summoner Spells

This a very useful summoner spell for slowing down enemies either to run away, or to catch them.

This summoner spell if useful especially when it adds on to your super fast champion anyway. It's very useful when running on low health or running to defend a turret or catch a champion.

Other Summoner Spells That Are Useful
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Skill Sequence

I like to get my Eye of the Storm to lev 5 as quick as possible. This is because it is very useful especially in early game during the laning phase.

My next priority is to get the Zephyr, as this is very useful in chasing down an enemy or running away, since it slows the champion it hits. It also deals a good amount of damage.

Howling Gale I always get at level 3, but after that I make it my last priority as the other abilities are better to level. Howling Gale is a very useful ability as it helps you to escape ganks, chase enemy champions, and also run away.

As usual, you must always level your ultimate whenever you get the chance - level 6, level 11, and level 16.

Janna's ultimate is very useful to cast during a team fight, as it heals your allies and knocks back all enemy champions. It is also very good at helping you and your team run away (if necessary).

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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I know this guide doesn't contain as much information as other guides you may read, but the important information is here, and I hope that you enjoy playing Janna as much as I do.
Please use this guide to learn and improve your gameplay and I hope this was useful to you.

Any comments are welcome, also critics.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AresGod
AresGod Janna Guide
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AD Janna is OP

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