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Nidalee General Guide by Stoffel277

AD Offtank AD Nidalee Top

AD Offtank AD Nidalee Top

Updated on July 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stoffel277 Build Guide By Stoffel277 1,483 Views 0 Comments
1,483 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Stoffel277 Nidalee Build Guide By Stoffel277 Updated on July 23, 2013
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AD Nidalee Toplane

The following chapters will show why the runes and items I chose fit very well for Nida. As well I will explain how to play Nidalee in early, mid and late game.
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Why I chose this runes?

Armor Seals: More sustain against counter poke and minion damage.

MR Glyphs: Better Resistance against abilities in the early game.

Attack Damage Quints: For higher damage while you are poking.

Attack Damage Marks: For higher damage while you are poking.

Armor Penetration Marks Needed penetration against Top Bruisers.
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Early Game

Flask, ward and 1 pot are the standart items. Flask for higher sustain and more mana, which you need 'cause your heal is taking a lot of mana same as the warding with traps.

If you are playing against champion who have a higher poke than you early game eg. Kha Zix, Pantheon or Yorick, etc, you will have to start Cloth 5 pots.

Mid Game

Your play style with Nidalee is based on poke [view chapter "Playstyle"]. Because of that you need Stinger in your inventory. Glacial Shroud is also very important 'cause it gives you more mana and armor as well as cdr. Eighter it's needed for Iceborn Gauntlet which is a core item for Nidalee. To not lack of damage Sheen is also doing well. With your ultimate you are a melee and because of that you need some more health which Giant's Belt gives you.

If you are playing against sustained, high mobility champions such as Udyr and Singed you will need to buy Phage and Bilgewater Cutlass and later on Frozen Mallet and Blade of the Ruined King. Why? Frozen Mallet is holding those champions in place and Blade of the Ruined King is needed to poke down tanks as well.

Late Game

Like I said Iceborn Gauntlet is a core item in the late game. Also transform your Giant's Belt into Warmog's Armor and your Stinger into Zephyr.

Against tanks you take Blade of the Ruined King.

Against high damage ap champions you take Maw of Malmortius.

The choice of your boots depence, wether you play against a cc based team and an ap top lane or against a poke top lane. In the first case you pick Mercury's Treads and in the second Ninja Tabi.
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Overall Playstyle

Your goal is to poke down your opponent and farm at the same time.

Early Game

Skill your Traps and place 1 in the middle of the tri bush and 1 in the river bush. Playing against your opponent you want to hit as many auto attacks as possible. If he also pokes you stay in the bushes and just come out if you want to attack. Your passive is helping you while you do this. Don't forget to replace some traps over and over again.

Mid Game

As you reach level 6 you start doing some combos on your opponent. Stay in the bush then jump in cougar form with your w on him, do your e afterwards q. Then go quickly back into the bush and heal yourself. When he is still in range to get attacked, use your bonus attack speed of your heal to go on attacking him. When you are doing all correctly you will have more health than him in the end and are able to do this combo some more times.

Late Game

Taking teleport really benefits in the end. You can splitpush minion waves in cougar form and as you reach the tower you change into human form and heal yourself to get the bonus attack speed. Doing that you can take down tower pretty quickly. When you are needed somewhere else you can teleport to the location.
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Pros / Cons


    Great Poke
    High mobility


    High Mana Use
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stoffel277
Stoffel277 Nidalee Guide
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