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Greater mark of alacrity
Great early for farming minons and this build is not based on AS so get this runes.
Greater glyph of focus
CDR - you need it early and late game so I got this one 2
Greater seal of evasion
With your cougar - ninja tabi - masteries - this runes you have got 17% dodge chance so because of it you will be rarely targeted by AD champs.
Greater quintessenc of desolation
All AD champs need it. Goes very well with Youmus. You have got 30 armor penetration!
Great early for farming minons and this build is not based on AS so get this runes.
Greater glyph of focus
CDR - you need it early and late game so I got this one 2
Greater seal of evasion
With your cougar - ninja tabi - masteries - this runes you have got 17% dodge chance so because of it you will be rarely targeted by AD champs.
Greater quintessenc of desolation
All AD champs need it. Goes very well with Youmus. You have got 30 armor penetration!
Doran*s blade
Great starting item for easy last hitting... For start you can also get3 hp potions and 1 mana potion.
Ninja tabi
Dodge ? Why not... It goes very well withand+ you won*t have problems with AD champs .
Infinity edge
Great item for all AD champs, but there is catch. If your team is full AP go for, but if there is 3 AP it will be better to buy
Banshee*s vail
If you gonna play AD instead of long range spear shots you gonna need some defense. So this is great option W.S. casters and guarantees more security.
Youmuu*s Ghostblade
Another great item for AD champion... with great passiv that will make you impossible to catch ! :)
Guardian angel
It is situational item... If you are targeted and if you are dieing all the time buy it, but if you just think that you need some more health buyand if you are not targeted at all buy
The Bloodthirster
Lifesteal... all AD champs need it so what is better for lifesteal than this ? Just one item :) and that iswhich is great for Nidalee and it really doesn*t make any difference if you buy Hextech or Bloodthirster.
Great starting item for easy last hitting... For start you can also get3 hp potions and 1 mana potion.
Ninja tabi
Dodge ? Why not... It goes very well withand+ you won*t have problems with AD champs .
Infinity edge
Great item for all AD champs, but there is catch. If your team is full AP go for, but if there is 3 AP it will be better to buy
Banshee*s vail
If you gonna play AD instead of long range spear shots you gonna need some defense. So this is great option W.S. casters and guarantees more security.
Youmuu*s Ghostblade
Another great item for AD champion... with great passiv that will make you impossible to catch ! :)
Guardian angel
It is situational item... If you are targeted and if you are dieing all the time buy it, but if you just think that you need some more health buyand if you are not targeted at all buy
The Bloodthirster
Lifesteal... all AD champs need it so what is better for lifesteal than this ? Just one item :) and that iswhich is great for Nidalee and it really doesn*t make any difference if you buy Hextech or Bloodthirster.
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