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Shen Build Guide by pistoria

Jungle AD Shen Jungle

Jungle AD Shen Jungle

Updated on April 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pistoria Build Guide By pistoria 34,100 Views 0 Comments
34,100 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pistoria Shen Build Guide By pistoria Updated on April 5, 2018
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With this build level 2 ganks are the easiest thing ever, this isn't like your typical Shen build.Just have a typical jungle clear you would usually have, Shen has a very easy and forgiving jungle clear. He has good DPS in the jungle and he has tankiness from his Passive and W. Let's jump in!
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Only level E up second if you can LVL 2 gank.

Time your W right before the jungle camp hits you so you can tank 2 hits without taking any damage.

Shen can counter jungle easily, he's a very strong duelist throughout the game.

He does a lot of damage to the Scuttle Crab because his Q does percent max health damage be sure to try to get them/

You can do dragon very easily.

You can block the attacks Baron does.

You can get vision and do things away from your team and ult in.
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Late Game

You can one shot carries with this build its ridiculous.

You don't fall off at all.

Your taunt will be under 10 seconds long at max rank.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pistoria
pistoria Shen Guide
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AD Shen Jungle

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